Which of the following statements about the online newspaper audience is not true?

Program-length (30-minute) advertisements that take an educational approach to communication with potential customers are called

Which of the following statements about radio as an advertising medium is true?

One reason for using radio as an advertising medium is

One reason for using magazines as an advertising medium is

One reason for NOT using newspapers as an advertising medium is their

Which of the following statements about magazines as an advertising medium is true?

Which of the following statements about newspapers as an advertising medium is true?

Which of the following statements about the Internet as an advertising medium is true?

One reason for using the Internet as an advertising medium is

Called __________, these internet interactive ads have drop-down menus, built-in games, or search engines to engage viewers

Table of Contents Show

  • Program-length (30-minute) advertisements that take an educational approach to communication with potential customers are called
  • Which of the following statements about radio as an advertising medium is true?
  • One reason for using radio as an advertising medium is
  • One reason for using magazines as an advertising medium is
  • One reason for NOT using newspapers as an advertising medium is their
  • Which of the following statements about magazines as an advertising medium is true?
  • Which of the following statements about newspapers as an advertising medium is true?
  • Which of the following statements about the Internet as an advertising medium is true?
  • One reason for using the Internet as an advertising medium is
  • Called __________, these internet interactive ads have drop-down menus, built-in games, or search engines to engage viewers
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Tagged as: advertising medium, advertising medium, advertising

Feedback: The advantages of using newspapers as an advertising medium are: excellentcoverage of local markets; ads can be placed and changed quickly; ads can be saved; quickconsumer response; low cost. The disadvantages of using newspapers are ads compete forattention with other newspaper features; short life span; poor color.Page: 535, figure 19-4Learning Objective: 3120. One reason for NOT using newspapers as an advertising medium is their __________.

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Page: 535, figure 19-4Learning Objective: 3121. One reason for NOT using newspapers as an advertising medium is their __________.Page: 535, figure 19-4

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30) Which of the following statements about newspapers is true?A) The reach of a national newspaper such asUSA Todayis comparable to the reach of network television.B) The growing size of online newspaper audiences has offset the decline in newspaper readership.C) Newspaper advertisements are so inexpensive that it is cost-effective to reach a mass audience spreadthroughout the United States by purchasing advertising in multiple local newspapers.D) Newspapers and magazines have similar lead times.E) Professionally written newspaper articles lend credibility to the ads that appear within the newspaper.Answer:E

31) The number of times an individual is exposed to an advertising message by a media vehicle is known as________.C

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32) In comparison with magazines and television, out-of-home media offers a ________.E

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33) Which type of interactive media involves the placement of advertisements onto various Web sites that link tothe sponsor's Web page?B

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34) Mobile advertising refers to advertisements delivered through ________.A) magazines with strong pass-along effectsB) time-shifting devices such as DVRsC) portable communications devices such as PDAs

Marketing Chapter 12

Which of the following statements about the online newspaper audience is not true?

A. Most magazines and newspapers could survive without advertising revenue.

B. Newspapers are a primary source of shopping information for many consumers.

C. The number of daily newspapers in most cities has been increasing due to a dramatic increase in the amount of readily available advertising revenue.

D. Magazines are not really dependent on advertising revenue since they can charge higher prices for their publications.

E. In order for newspapers and magazines to be read by a large audience, the print media should include lots of advertisements.

Answer: B

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Marketing Chapter 12

A. Newspapers are exclusively a local advertising medium.

B. Newspapers are primarily a local advertising medium but are also used by national advertisers.

C. Magazines are primarily a local advertising medium.

D. Magazines are the primary advertising media in terms of ad revenue and number of advertisers.

E. Because of the difference in media format, there is no competition between broadcast and print media.

Answer: B

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Which of the following is the most common model for online newspaper access for US newspapers with circulations over 50000?

78% of U.S. newspapers with circulations over 50,000 are using a digital subscription model. More specifically, 63% of the newspapers are using a metered model, 12% are using a freemium model, and 3% are using a hard model.

Which of the following is the fastest growing media format?

Podcasts are the fastest growing media format.

Which of the following was a reason for the rise in readership in magazines in the late 1800s to early 1900s?

Magazines became less expensive, making them affordable for more people. More people were literate, allowing them to read and enjoy magazines.

Which of the following is a community of members who self identify with a demographic or geographic category quizlet?

A website designed around a community of members who self-identify with a demographic or geographic category is classified as a(n): affinity community.