According to karp, which of the following statements would be considered the stall?

  • Q22:

    The difference between tinkering and kludging is a matter of scale, with kludging being more modest.

    According to karp, which of the following statements would be considered the stall?
  • Q23:

    It is important not to assume that the only ones who may not respond positively to proposals for change are "the managed" and not the managers.

  • Q24:

    According to Mauer, the default position of _____ is the tendency to get rid of people who dare to question the wisdom of the change. A) Apply force of reason B) Kill the messenger C) Manipulate those who oppose D) Play off relationships

  • Q25:

    There are many reasons organizations may experience complacency, including a track record of success and the lack of any visible crisis.

  • Q26:

    ____ involves a refusal to recognize the situation being faced. A) Denial B) Resistance C) Exploration D) Commitment

  • Q28:

    Which of the following is NOT one of the fundamental touchstones for enhancing the power of resistance? A) Embrace resistance B) Respect those who resist C) Join with the resistance D) Fuel the resistance

  • Q29:

    ____ refers to the ability to mix major change initiatives, the ones most likely to be destabilizing and disruptive. A) Tweaking B) Tinkering C) Kludging D) Pacing

  • Q30:

    The least reliable predictor of how people will interpret the implications of an announcement of change is their experience of previous organizational changes.

  • Q31:

    People find it easier to be supportive of changes that they see as not threatening their interests and may resist those that are seen as damaging to these interests.

  • Q32:

    According to Karp, which of the following statements would be considered "the guilt trip?" A) But we've always done it the other way B) See what you're making me do C) You owe me one D) I don't want to

20.According to Jick and Peiperl, what is the second psychological stage of change?

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21.____ involves a refusal to recognize the situation being faced.

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22.In the Scott and Jaffe Model of Resistance to Change, the ____ stage is where attention isfocused on the new course of action.A.ShockB.ExplorationC.ResistanceD.Commitment

23.According to Karp, which of the following statements would be considered "the stall?"

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24.According to Karp, which of the following statements would be considered "the projected threat?"

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25.According to Karp, which of the following statements would be considered "the guilt trip?"

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Abrahamson refers to ____ organizations where change-fatigued managers react to initiative

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According to Jick and Peiperl, what is the first psychological stage of change? Shock

According to Jick and Peiperl, what is the second psychological stage of change?Defensive retreat.

According to Karp, which of the following statements would be considered "the stall?" I'll get on itfirst thing next weekAccording to Karp, which of the following statements would be considered "the projectedthreat?" X isn't going to like this

Which of the following statements is true of resistance to change quizlet?

Which of the following statements about resistance to change is true? Resistance to change will not occur when those affected by the change participate in its planning and implementation.

Which of the following is the difference between employee resistance and management resistance?

The correct option is b. Management resistance is more likely to occur at the conceptualization and planning stage, whereas employee resistance is more likely to arise at the point of implementation.

Which of the following is a power tell of submissive individuals quizlet?

Which of the following is a power tell of submissive individuals? negative emotions and to identify corrective actions where necessary.

Which of the following is a limitation of the process perspective of change?

Which of the following is a limitation of the processual perspective of change? It offers advice that covers only those issues to which change management should be sensitive.