Which of the following statements best reflects the james-lange theory of emotion?

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Which of the following best represents the James-Lange theory of emotion?

Possible Answers:

An external stimulus engages the thalamus, which results in simultaneous physiological arousal and emotional sensation

Physiological arousal will result in different emotional sensations depending on available environmental cues

An external stimulus causes physiological arousal, which causes emotional sensation

The purpose of emotional sensation adapted as a learning mechanism

An external stimulus will be carried to the brain through afferent neurons, processed in the thalamus, and a response will be sent via efferent neurons

Correct answer:

An external stimulus causes physiological arousal, which causes emotional sensation


Three of these answer choices represent key theories on the ways that emotional sensation is processed and perceived.

The James-Lange theory is represented by the answer choice that states "an external stimulus causes physiological arousal, which causes emotional sensation."

The Cannon-Bard theory is represented by the answer choice that states "an external stimulus engages the thalamus, which results in simultaneous physiological arousal and emotional sensation."

The Schachter-Singer theory is represented by the answer choice that states "physiological arousal will result in different emotional sensations depending on available environmental cues."

The answer choice regarding neurons is accurate for the processing of stimuli, but is not discussed in emotional theories with the minor exception of the role of thalamic processing in the Cannon-Bard theory. The answer choice regarding the evolutionary and adaptive role of emotion is not related to any of these theories.

Emotion plays a critical role in attitude change. A great deal of attitude research notes the importance of affective/emotional components. Important factors to consider in emotion’s impact on attitude are: self-efficacy, attitude accessibility, issue involvement, and message/source features. Of these factors, which has the greatest potential to change the individual’s emotional self-perception—the way they feel about themselves?

Possible Answers:

Attitude accessibility

None of these

Message source/features

Issue involvement


Correct answer:



Self-efficacy is a perception of human agency, the perception of one’s ability to face a situation. It dictates one’s ability to deal with emotion brought up by a situation, and to process it via perception.

While intriguing, the other choices are incorrect. Attitude accessibility refers to the activation of an attitude from memory. Studies have shown that accessible attitudes are change-resistant. Issue involvement is the relevance and salience of an issue or situation to an individual; it is correlated with attitude access and attitude strength—both of which are distinct from perception. Message source and features of the message being sent are on an object-subject correlative; they are not directly relevant to perception.

All MCAT Social and Behavioral Sciences Resources

Which of the following is not one of the four core components of emotion?

bodily arousal
sense of purpose
significant life event

In considering how motivation and emotion relate to one another, which of the following statements is most accurate?

Emotions function as one type of motive.

Which of the following group of theorists would be most likely to agree with this statement: "Emotions emanate from subcortical processing and may or may not include cortical involvement."

biological emotion researchers only

Which of the following is not taken as evidence that emotions are biologically generated events?

Emotions often arise from social interaction opportunities.

In the discussion on the cognition versus biology debate on emotion, the textbook concludes that:

both views are correct, but they emphasize different aspects of the emotion process.

Which of the following is not a criterion researchers use to identify an emotion as a basic emotion?
-It evokes a distinctive physiological patterned response.
-It is expressed more frequently by adults than by infants and children.
It is expressed uniquely and distinctively, as through a facial expression.
It is innate rather than acquired through experience

It is innate rather than acquired through experience.

_____is the most negative, aversive emotion. It motivates the person to do whatever it takes to get rid of some troubling set of circumstances.

______is the most prevalent emotion in day-to-day functioning.

The emotion of _____ facilitates cohesiveness in social groups.

function mostly to bias cognitions and what the person thinks about.

The most frequent source of a person’s day-to-day emotion is:

Which of the following sequence of events best reflects the James–Lange theory of emotion?

I see a dog, my heart races, I feel fear.

Learning to manage one’s private, spontaneous emotions and feelings in a situationally adaptive, publicly scripted, and socially desirable way is referred to as:

The purpose of the cross-cultural investigations that tested whether human beings display similar facial expressions of emotion regardless of cultural/national differences was to demonstrate that:

facial behavior has an innate, unlearned component.

According to the text, _____ affords people the ability to appraise situations with high discrimination and to respond with a vast array of situationally appropriate emotional reactions.

According to the facial feedback hypothesis, facial feedback does one thing, namely:

Which of the following events prompts the individual to make a secondary appraisal of a potentially stressful event?

sympathetic nervous system activation

All cognitive emotion theorists endorse the position that:

the appraisal, not the stimulus event itself, causes emotion.

According to Lazarus, a(n) _____ appraisal, which occurs after some reflection, involves an estimate of whether one can do anything to cope with a potential stressor.

Which one of the following best represents Lazarus’s concept of primary appraisal?

Is this event a personal threat?

Internalization of parental conditions of worth:

moves the person away from the organismic valuation process

Victor Frankl’s logotherapy addresses the pursuit of which virtue central to positive psychology?

Humanistic psychology is about:

discovering human potential and encouraging its development.

The fundamental assertion of positive psychology therapy can be summarized as:

Good mental health requires more than the absence of mental illness.

In the humanistic tradition, the two fundamental directions for healthy development are:

To the extent that people rely on external guides (e.g., social cues, incentives) to initiate and regulate their behavior in a habitual or personality-like way, they have a(n):

control causality orientation

Humanistic theorists emphasize that human beings are motivated to:

develop their full potential

Which motivational phenomenon addresses the following concern?: Some people adopt a general orientation that their behavior is caused primarily by inner guides and self-determined forces; others adopt a general orientation that their behavior is caused primarily by social guides and environmental incentives.

Which of the following is not one of the themes proposed by Maslow’s need hierarchy?

Needs vary in how innate they are, as some are innate and others are learned.

The ________ is an innate capacity to judge for oneself whether a specific experience is growth-promoting or growth-debilitating.

organismic valuation process

Which statement best reflects James

Correct answer: The James-Lange theory is represented by the answer choice that states "an external stimulus causes physiological arousal, which causes emotional sensation."

Which of the following best reflects the James

Which statement best reflects the James-Lange theory of emotion? We see a monster, our hearts race, we feel fear. Which theory of emotion states that your body reacts before you experience an emotion?

How does James

James-Lange theory of emotion (1880s) proposed that bodily changes come first and form the basis of an emotional experience. Thus, emotions are caused by bodily sensations (you become happier when you smile, you are afraid because you run).

Which of the following is an example of the James

The James-Lange theory states that stimulating events trigger a physical reaction. The physical reaction is then labeled with a corresponding emotion. For example, if you run into a snake, your heart rate increases. James-Lange theory suggests that the increase in heart rate is what makes us realize we're afraid.