What are some needed skills tools that an OD practitioner should possess quizlet?

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What are some needed skills tools that an OD practitioner should possess quizlet?

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What are some needed skills tools that an OD practitioner should possess quizlet?

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What are some needed skills tools that an OD practitioner should possess quizlet?

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What are some needed skills tools that an OD practitioner should possess quizlet?

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Match the drivers of organizational change (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column).

Drivers of Organizational Change:
(3)Paying attention and updating
(4)Respectful, candid interaction
☍Whereby people stay in motion and may experiment
☍Being able to implement, in new ways directed strategies
☍Occurs when people are encouraged to speak out and engage
☍Updating knowledge of the environment and reviewing and rewriting organizational requirements

☍Whereby people stay in motion and may experiment

☍Being able to implement, in new ways directed strategies

(3)Paying attention and updating
☍Updating knowledge of the environment and reviewing and rewriting organizational requirements

(4)Respectful, candid interaction
☍Occurs when people are encouraged to speak out and engage

Identify a true statement about the classic Managerial (or Leadership) Grid framework developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton.

The grid reduces the core organization development values.
This framework has a less systematic and simpler approach to organizational change.
The grid maps seven leadership styles that differ in their emphasis on people versus results.
The framework in the grid fails in its practical application.

The grid maps seven leadership styles that differ in their emphasis on people versus results.

Identify the issues raised by Fineman (2006) about the positive organizational scholarship. (Check all that apply.)

□He questions whether one can really agree on which behaviors are termed as positive.
□He questions whether the positive can be differentiated from the negative.
□He points to how positive behaviors and emotions remained the same across different cultural environments.
□He points that there is only one side to positiveness.

■He questions whether one can really agree on which behaviors are termed as positive.
■He questions whether the positive can be differentiated from the negative.
□He points to how positive behaviors and emotions remained the same across different cultural environments.
□He points that there is only one side to positiveness.

Arrange the phases of a search conference format in order of their practice from the first to the last.

☰Evolution of issue, organization, institution
☰Future design of issue, organization, institution
☰Strategy formation
☰Identification of trends influencing specific issue, organization, institution
☰Identification of relevant world trends

↑↓Place these in the proper order.

1)Identification of relevant world trends
2)Identification of trends influencing specific issue, organization, institution
3)Evolution of issue, organization, institution
4)Future design of issue, organization, institution
5)Strategy formation

Identify the characteristics of the classic organization development approach as depicted by Beckhard (1969). (Check all that apply.)

□Changing attitudes and behavior is the goal of the change effort.
□The bottom of the organization is committed and takes the initiative to the change process.
□It is short term, typically taking two or three months to achieve effective change in the organization.
□It is planned and includes a systematic diagnosis of the whole organizational system.

■Changing attitudes and behavior is the goal of the change effort.
□The bottom of the organization is committed and takes the initiative to the change process.
□It is short term, typically taking two or three months to achieve effective in the organization.
■It is planned and includes a systematic diagnosis of the whole organizational system.

Drawing on the ______ image of managing organizational change, Karl Weick's sense-making model provides a different approach to the organization development school.



Match the stages in Lewin's change process model (in the left column) with their corresponding organization development research change processes (in the right column).
Stages in Lewin's Change Process Model:
Organization Dev. Research Change Processes:
☍Post-action data gathering and evaluation
☍Collection of data and initial diagnosis
☍Joint problem diagnosis

☍Collection of data and initial diagnosis
☍Joint problem diagnosis
☍Collection of data and initial diagnosis

Rank the four steps of the appreciative inquiry approach in the order of their practice.

☰Appreciating the best of what is presently practiced
☰Sustaining the organization's destiny or future
☰Co-constructing (through collective dialogue) what the future should be
☰Building on the current knowledge to help envision about what the future could be

↑↓Place these in the proper order.

1)Appreciating the best of what is presently practiced
2)Building on the current knowledge to help envision about what the future could be
3)Co-constructing (through collective dialogue) what the future should be
4)Sustaining the organization's destiny or future

Traditional organization development techniques focused on ______.

large-scale changes required by organizations to cope with the hypercompetitive business world
working with individuals and group dynamics by processes such as survey and team building
macro, large-system issues, aligned to the strategic needs of organizations
achieving real-time strategic changes in organizations

working with individuals and group dynamics by processes such as survey and team building

Match the value sets of the traditional organization development approach (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column).

Traditional Org. Dev. Approaches:
(1)Humanistic values
(2)Democratic values
(3)Developmental values

☍Related to honesty, openness, and integrity
☍Related to freedom of choice, social justice, and involvement
☍Related to growth, authenticity, and self-realization

(1)Humanistic values
☍Relate to honesty, openness, and integrity

(2)Democratic values
☍Related to freedom of choice, social justice, and involvement

(3)Developmental values
☍Related to growth, authenticity, and self-realization

Arrange the septs (from the first to the last) followed by an organization development (OD) practitioner to help organization members solve their own problems and learn to do that better.

☰Changing actions
☰Joint action planning
☰Diagnosing problems jointly
☰Providing feedback
☰Gathering data and diagnosing problems
☰Identify problem and consulting an OD practitioner

↑↓Place these in the proper order.

1)Identify problem and consulting an OD practitioner
2)Gathering data and diagnosing problems
3)Providing feedback
4)Diagnosing problems jointly
5)Joint action planning
6)Changing actions

______ is a feature of the sense-making framework that refers to the need that people have to make sense of their situations not just as individuals but as social individuals and is related to a range of influences on them such as supervisors, management, trading unions, and so forth.

Social sense0making
Ongoing sense-making
Identify construction

Social sense-making

Identify the benefits of appreciative inquiry as claimed by Fuller et al (2000).

It promotes practice of traditional organizational development values.
It creates a whole system approach.
It avoids the need for self-learning capacity within the organization.
It creates the conditions essential for self-organizing to flourish.

It creates the conditions essential for self-organizing to flourish.

______ is a social process of meaning construction and reconstruction through which managers understand, interpret, and create sense for themselves and others of their changing organizational context and surroundings.

Appreciative future search
Appreciative inquiry


Identify the whole system techniques used by organization development practitioners to address macro, large-system issues. (Check all that apply.)

□Future search
□Personal interviews
□Town hall meetings
□Closed-space technology
□Large-scale interactive process

■Future search
□Personal interviews
■Town hall meetings
□Closed-space technology
■Large-scale interactive process

Identify a true statement about positive organizational scholarship (POS).

The view that historically organizational development has neglected identification of instances of "negatively motivated change" promotes POS.
It provides the means for getting the message to the total system by enhancing everyone's understanding of the organization's situation.
It emerged out of the view that thinking about the positive aspects of organizational life and promoting it elsewhere has been relatively neglected.
It fails to help coaching organizations identify their best plays to understand the behaviors and dynamics underlying them.

It emerged out of the view that thinking about the positive aspects of organizational life and promoting it elsewhere has been relatively neglected.

______ is a process which is problematic in terms of its outcomes because it undermines and challenges existing schemata, which serve as the interpretive frames of reference through which to make sense of the world.

Organizational development
Organizational change
Team building

Organizational change

Match the skills required by organization development practitioners (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column).

(1)Intrapersonal skills
(2)Interpersonal skills
(3)General consultation skills

☍Refers to knowledge about intervention techniques to assist people in diagnosing problems and designing change interventions
☍Refers to a well-developed set of values and personal integrity including the ability to retain personal health in high-stress organizational situations
☍Required to work with their groups, gain their trust, and provide them with counseling and coaching

(1)Intrapersonal skills
☍Refers to a well-developed set of values and personal integrity including the ability to retain personal health in high-stress organizational situations

(2)Interpersonal skills
☍Required to work with their groups, gain their trust, and provide them with counseling and coaching

(3)General consultation skills
☍Refers to a well-developed set of values and personal integrity including the ability to retain personal health in high-stress organizational situations

According to the ______ image of managing change, the organization development approach is one where its followers present their developmental prescriptions for achieving change as being based, at least traditionally, upon a core set of values, values that emphasize that change should help not just organizations but the people who work in them.



Identify the common change assumptions against which Karl Weick's sense-making model argues. (Check all that apply.)

□Assumption of inertia
□Assumption that a standardized change is required
□Assumption that self-awareness is necessary
□Assumption that freezing and unfreezing are not required in change

■Assumption of inertia
■Assumption that a standardized change is required
□Assumption that self-awareness is necessary
□Assumption that freezing and unfreezing are not required in change

In response to the criticisms of positive organizational scholarship (POS), defenders of POS argue that their perspective ______.

replaces the perspective of those who "only wrestle with the question of what's wrong in organizations"
seeks to identify what was working best in the past and to follow it precisely
assists organizations in being responsive to their previous business conditions
complements and widens the perspective of those who only deal with the question of what's wrong in orgnaizations

complements and widens the perspective of those who only deal with the questions of what's wrong in the organizations

Identify the connotations involved in taking a positive organizational scholarship perspective. (Check all that apply.)

□Assuming an affirmative bias
□Focusing on nondeviant performance
□Adopting a neutral lens
□Examining virtuousness

■Assuming an affirmative bias
□Focusing on nondeviant performance
□Adopting a neutral lens
■Examining virtuousness

A challenge leveled at organization development is whether the approach and the values underpinning it are ______.

based on an action approach
dependent on the use of data-gathering tools
humanistic in its approach
applicable outside of the United States

applicable outside of the United States

Which of the following is true about the view of Fineman (2006) on the unarticulated dark side to positiveness?

This developed out of the view that attention had mainly been paid to identifying instances of only negatively motivated change.
This developed out of the view that positive organizational scholarship is based on theories rather than action.
This occurs in organizations with employees with the same interests.
This happens because not all people react well to so-called positive programs that impose a culture of fun in the workplace.

This happens because not all people react well to so-called positive programs that impose a culture of fun in the workplace.

Identify the criticisms of organization development (OD) as an approach given by French and Bell (1995). (Check all that apply.)

□OD is completely theory based and lacks an action-based approach.
□Establishing the relationship between OD and its ability to improve organizational effectiveness is difficult due to the lack of precise definitions.
□OD has a short-term approach, and it fails to achieve effective changes over a period of two to three years.
□Use of pre-change and then post-change surveys to measure attitudinal changes is problematic.

□OD is completely theory based and lacks an action-based approach.
■Establishing the relationship between OD and its ability to improve organizational effectiveness is difficult due to the lack of precise definitions.
□OD has a short-term approach, and it fails to achieve effective changes over a period of two to three years.
■Use of pre-change and then post-change surveys to measure attitudinal changes is problematic.

Termed as a "new movement in organizational science," ______ is an umbrella term that emerged in the early 2000s to encompass approaches such as appreciative inquiry and others, including positive psychology and community psychology.

abundance gap
positive organizational scholarship

positive organizational scholarship

True or false: It is difficult to establish whether appreciate inquiry approaches are successful in achieving their outcomes.


A typical organization development practitioner helps to ______.

raise capital for a firm by promoting new idea to venture capitalists
align company policies to the interests of the management and design ways for it implementation
increase the profitability of a firm by following practices that reduce the focus on assets
structure activities that encourage organization members to solve their own problems and learn to do that better

structure activities that encourage organization members to solve their own problems and learn to do that better

In the classic organization development approach, ______ is significant as it helps to identify current behaviors and modifications that are required.

trainer-dependent learning
experiential-based learning
organization-independent learning
theory-based learning

experiential-based learning

One of the connotations involved in taking a positive organizational scholarship perspective is ______, which means that whether one is dealing with celebrations/successes or adversity/problems, the focus is on "life-giving elements."

focusing on positively deviant performance
examining virtuousness
adopting a positive lens
assuming an affirmative bias

adopting a positive lens

The two images of managing change, caretaker and nurturer, have a common assumption that change managers ______.

have negligible influence on the way change occurs in organization
initiate change
receive change
have an active role in the outcomes of organizational change


From a(n) ______ perspective, it is up to managers of change to develop interpretations and labels that capture the patterns in adaptive choices; it is the management that sees what the front line says and tells the world what it means.

appreciative inquiry
dialogic organizational development


One of the biggest hurdles in the traditional organization development field was the criticism that it was ______.

based on theories rather than action-based results
too fast to get any results
ill suited to deal with large-scale organizational change
less participative that other approaches

ill suited to deal with large-scale organizational change

A change leveled at organization development is whether the approach and the values underpinning it are ______.

applicable outside of the United States
humanistic in its approach
dependent on the use of data-gathering tools
based on an action approach

applicable outside of the United States

The whole system techniques are united by an underlying assumption that ______.

organizing is a small-scale institutional problem
organizing is a problem to be solved
the few are no more in the position of deciding for the many
the inclusion of new and different voice cannot be a sign of change

the few are no more in the position of deciding for the many

True or false: No other approach to managing change has emerged than organization development.


Approaches to managing change other than organization development have emerged.

The ___ gives less a set of prescriptions for managers of change and more a set of understanding about how to proceed.

appreciative inquiry approach
diagnostic organization development approach
sense-making framework
self-assessment framework

sense-making framework

Central to the dialogic organizational development (OD) approach is the view that real change only occurs when ______.

shift occurs from cultivating a system capable of addressing its own challenges to fixing problems
mindsets are unaltered and that this is more likely to occur through persuasion by facts
change is viewed as a circular process that is always predictable from diagnosis to outcomes
mindsets are altered and that this is more probable to occur through generative conversations

mindsets are altered and that this is more probable to occur through generative conversations

Which of the following is an implication of projective sense-making on change mangers?

The need to understand that different groups apply their own retrospective sense-making to understand organizational events.
It requires an understanding of projective sense-making that highlights the need for them to identify the social factors that influence sense-making.
It requires them to implement legitimate power to impose sense-making on part of the organization.
They need to understand the way the context and power relations impact on their ability to provide plausible change.

It requires them to implement power to impose sense-making on parts of the organization.

A criticism of organization development as an approach to managing change is that it ______.

consist of only a single unique intervention over an extended period of time
uses a highly scientific approach
uses different approaches for different organizational settings
has internal validity problems

has internal validity problems

In response to the criticism of the organization development (OD) approach, Dave Nicholl (1999) proposed the need ______.

to view corporations primarily as institution for profit
to end the image of corporations is viewed and reconstructed
for OD practitioners to focus solely on communist philosophies

for a paradigm change in how a corporation is viewed and reconstructed

Identify the connotations involved in taking a positive organizational scholarship perspective. (Check all that apply.)

□Assuming an affirmative bias
□Focusing on nondeviant performance
□Adopting a neutral lens
□Examining virtuousness

■Assuming an affirmative bias
□Focusing on nondeviant performance
□Adopting a neutral lens
■Examining virtuousness

True or false: the sense-making approach fails to alert change managers to the different facets that influence interpretations of events.


______ is a feature of the sense-making framework that refers to sense-making changing over time with new cues being experienced and events being addressed.

Ongoing sense-making
Project sense=making

Ongoing sense-making

Unlike Confucian assumptions, Lewinian assumptions are ______.

based on maintaining equilibrium
journey oriented


Dave Nicholl agreed with Burke's (1997) criticism of the organization development (OD) approach, pointing to ______.

OD being a process based on action research
the ability of OD to engage in only small-scale change
the approach being largely descriptive and prescriptive in its character
how many values of OD are antagonistic to the values held in the organizations

how many values of OD are antagonistic to the values held in organizations

True or false: Whole system techniques fail to assist organizations in being responsive to their current business conditions.


True or false: In dialogic organizational development (OD), the role of the OD consultant has moved to being the provider of data for fact-driven decision making.


This is false. In diagnostic organizational development (OD), the role of the OD consultant has moved form being the provider of data for fact-driven decision making to being the facilitator or processes that encourage "conversations" around change issues.

The ______ image highlights the role of the change manager as "manager of meaning", that is it emphasizes that a primary skill of a change manager is the capacity to frame meaning for those involved.



In contrast to traditional organizational development (OD), dialogic OD ______.

considers reality as subjective so that that the priority in intervening in an organization is to acknowledge stakeholders' views of reality
emphasizes that any problem requiring change could be addressed by first applying an objective diagnosis of the circumstances of the situation
focuses on working with individuals and group dynamics
uses processes such as survey feedback and team building

considers reality as subjective so that that the priority in intervening in an organization is to acknowledge stakeholders' views of reality

The traditional values of the organization development approach emphasize the significance of ______.

focusing primarily on gender bias in work organizations
promoting communist psychology in workplaces
increasing profit levels
developing people in work organizations

developing people in work organizations

Identify a true statement about the traditional practice of organization development.

It is solely focused on the interests of management.
It has its primary focus on political agendas.
It is solely focused on the profitability of a firm.
It has its elementary focus on people.

It has its elementary focus on people

The task of positive organizational scholarship is to ______.

determine the extent to which virtues and goodness are culturally influenced
assume that there are no universally positive virtues
unleash a leader-dependent learning capacity within an organization
map seven leadership styles that vary in terms of their emphasis on people versus results

determine the extent to which virtues and goodness are culturally influenced

What are some needed skills tools that an OD practitioner should possess?

Skills for OD Practitioners.
Effective facilitation of large, multi-disciplinary/multi-agency groups with differing agendas..
Coaching skills..
Improving individual and group effectiveness..
Manage projects successfully..
Contracting for change..
Improvement methodology..
Key Questions that Challenge Thinking and Assumption..

Which of the following basic skills are necessary to be an effective OD practitioner?

The core skills needed in organizational development include organizational skills, people skills, direction-setting skills, and process skills, as follows: Organizational skills include the ability to redesign organizational structures to increase both productivity and accountability.

Which of the following basic skills are necessary to be an effective OD practitioner Mcq?

The most important OD skills are listening, integrity, and organizational diagnosis.

What role can OD practitioners play in developing and implementing competency approaches in organizations?

OD professionals are adept at designing and implementing employee engagement strategies; facilitating communication between employees and work groups; and articulating and codifying talent and leadership principles, values, and competencies that guide the organization's culture.