Top managers tend to rely more on their _________________skills than do first-line managers.


Chapter 1 

[d] 1. The process of management involves the functions of 

planning, ______ lending, and 


(a) accounting 

(b) creating 

(c) innovating 

(d) organizing 














_______ among people doing the required work. 

(a) turnover 

(b) effectiveness 

(c) satisfaction

(d) stress 














(a) resource costs

(b) goal specificity 

(c) product quality 

(d) product quantity 

[b] 4. The requirement that a manager answer to a higher-level boss for results achieved by a 

work team is called _______. 

(a) dependency 

(b) accountability

(c) authority 

(d) empowerment 

[a] 5. Productivity is a measure of the quantity and _______ of work produced, with resource 

utilization into account. 

(a) quality

(b) cost 

(c) timeliness 

(d) value 














problems and opportunities and finding ways to deal with them, 

(a) T


(b) Middle 

(c) Lower 

(d) First-line 













manager, whereas the editorial manager would be considered a ________ manager. 

(a) general, functional 

(b) middle, top 

(c) staff, line 

(d) senior, junior 

[a] 8. When a team leader clarifies desired work targets and deadlines for a work team, he or 

she is fulfilling the management function of ________. 

(a) planning

(b) delegating 

(c) controlling 

(d) supervising 









good working 



others who 

may help implement a manager

s work agendas is called ________. 

(a) governance 

(b) networking

(c) authority 

(d) entrepreneurship 

[b] 10. In Katz

s framework top managers tend to rely more on their _______ skills than do 

first-line managers. 

(a) human 

(b) conceptual

(c) decision 

(d) technical 

[c] 11. The research of Mintzberg and others concludes that managers ________. 

(a) work at a leisurely pace 

(b) have blocks of private time for 


(c) always live 


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The nature of management is to cope with ____ and far-reaching challenges. a.simple b.planned c.diverse d. organized e. controlled C. Diverse
Managers, in today's work environment, rely less on_and more on_ coord&commun; control&command command&control; coord&comm empowerment and innovation; product&efficiency effectiveness&efficiency; quality&profit e.ethics&social respons; profit b. command and control; coordination and communication
1 of the important ideas in the text's def of management is a.the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. b.the attainment of societal goals c.effectiveness is more impt than efficiency d.mang is unique to for-profit or A the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
When senior managers at Gap, Inc. decided to become the number one service-quality clothing company in the world, they were engaging in the management function of a.planning. b.organizing. c.leading. d.controlling. e.dreaming. Planning
7 . Selecting goals and ways to attain them refers to A. Controlling B. Planning C. Organizing D. Staffing Leading B. Planning
8. Which of these can best describe organizing? A. Assigning responsibility for task accomplishment B. Using influence to motivate employees. Ç. Monitoring activities and making corrections. D. Selecting goals and ways to attain them. E. None A. Assigning responsibility for task accomplishment
9. Which of the following is not a function of management? A. Plan B. Control C. Organize D. Lead E. Performance E. Performance
How an organization goes about accomplishing a plan is a key part of the management function of a.planning b.organizing c.leading d.controlling e.motivating. B. Organizing
When Terry Doyle of CommuniCom, Inc. created smaller, more independent maintenance units, he was performing the function of a.controlling. b.human relations skills. c.leading. d.organizing. e.resourcing. D. Organizing
Using influence to motivate employees describes which of these functions? a.Controlling b.Planning c.Leading d.Monitoring e.Organizing C. Lead
Which of these is the use of influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals? a.Leading b.Controlling c.Organizing d.Planning e.Staffing A. Leading
Nicollette, Prez of AUR, recognizes the factry emplys 4 their outstanding performance @monthly awards banquet on the shop floor by presenting a plaque and$100. She is engaging in the mngmnt funct of a. bribery b.organizing c.technical skills d.leading e. D. Leading
Monitoring activities and making corrections refer to a.organizing. b.planning. c.leading. d.staffing. e.controlling. E. CONTROLLING
Basket Makers uses phone surveys of customers to gather information about service and quality. This is an example of the management function of a.planning. b.technical skills. c.organizing. d.controlling. e.conceptual skills D. Controlling
____ is the management function concerned with monitoring employees' activities, keeping the organization on track toward its goals, and making corrections as needed. a.Planning b.Resource allocation c.Controlling d.Organizing e.Efficiency C. Controlling
When Troy measures his employees' performance and compares their performance against the goals he set for them, he is performing which of these functions? a.Staffing b.Leading c.Organizing d.Controlling e.Planning D. Controlling
A social entity that is goal directed and deliberately structured is referred to as a(n) a.organization. c.employee. d.student. e.task. A. organization
The degree to which an organization achieves a stated goal refers to a.effectiveness. b.synergy. c.conceptual skill. d.efficiency. e.human skill. A. Effectiveness
Which of the following refers to the amount of resources used to achieve an organization's goal? a. Effectiveness b. Synergy c. Performance d. Efficiency e. Management D. Effieciency
For a widget manufacturing company, worker-hours per widget is a measure of a. organizational effectiveness. b. organizational performance. c. organizational efficiency. d. organizational structure. e. none of these. C. Organizational Efficiency
Conceptual, human, and technical skills are important to which managerial level? a. Top managers b. Middle managers c. First-line managers d. Non managers e. All of these E. ALL OF THE THESE
____ skills is the cognitive ability to see the organization as a whole and the relationship among its parts. a. Human b. Resource allocation c. Conceptual d. Negotiation e. Technical C. Conceptual
Juan Perez is the Prez of WV Railroad. His org faces issues related to the envnt, govt regulation, and competition. He will need to rely primarily on his a.conceptual skills b.technical skills c.human skills d.controlling skills e.interpersonal skill A. Conceptual Skills
___ are most important at the top management level. a. Conceptual skills b. Human skills c. Technical skills d. Project skills e. All of these A. Conceptual Skills
A manager's ____ skill is demonstrated in the way a manager relates to other people. a. conceptual b. human c. technical d. leading e. controlling B. Human
Which of the following skill is the manager's ability to work with and through other people and to work effectively as a group member? a. Human b. Conceptual c. Technical d. Intellectual e. Planning A. Human
As globalization, workforce diversity, uncertainty, and societal turbulence increase, ____ skills become even more crucial. a. conceptual b. human c. technical d. leading e. controlling B. Human
Which skills include specialized knowledge and analytical ability? a. Conceptual b. Human c. Technical d. Controlling e. Planning C. Technical
Which of the following are most important at lower organizational levels? a. Planning skills b. Human skills c. Conceptual skills d. Technical skills e. None of these D. Techinical
Organizations often lose good employees because front-line managers fail to ____. a. give direction b. offer challenge c. show respect d. show recognition e. listen to new ideas C. Show Respect
____ is the understanding of and proficiency in the performance of specific tasks. a. Human skill b. Conceptual skill c. Interpersonal skill d. Technical skill e. Leadership skill D. Technical Skills
The biggest mistake that many manager's make is the failure to ____. a.develop a culture of competition b.adapt to the changes in the external world c.display compassion to employees d.create employee recognition programs e.focus on productivity B. Adapt to the changes in the external world
Critical management missteps include: a. poor communication skills b. suppressing dissenting views c. inability to build a team d. treating people as instruments e. all of these E. ALL OF THESE
Totext, what are the skills used by managers when performing the 4functs of mangt? a.Concptual,interpersonal,&orgztnal b.Functional,prob-solving,&technical c.Analytical,interpersonal&financial d.Conceptual,human&technical e.Commun,strategic D. Conceptual, Human and Technical
Which of the following are responsible for the entire organization? a.Top managers b.Middle managers c.First-line managers d.Controlling managers e.Organizing managers A. Top Managers
What is the main concern of first-level managers? a.Monitoring external envirnt&determining best strat 2b competitive b.Putting top mangmt plans in actn across orgnz c.Allocating resrces&coording teams d.Linknggroupsofppl e.Facilitating indv performa E. facilitating individual performances
The most important responsibilities for ____ managers include communicating a shared vision for the organization and shaping corporate culture. b.middle c.first-line d.leading e.organizing A. TOP
Marley is the executive director of the local Community for Critters. Her level in the management hierarchy is that of a(n) a.first-line manager. b.middle manager. manager. d.consultant. e.operative. C. Top
Tiff is the prez, Tim is the dir-marketing, and Kar is a maintenance sup. Which of the following is true? a.Kar does more planning than Tiff b.Tim does more leading than Kar c.Tiff does more controlling than Tim d.Tiff does more planning than Kar e.N D.Tiff does more planning than Kar
Donna Hyde is the head of the finance department at Muumuu Manufacturing, Inc. Her level in the management hierarchy is that of a(n) a.first-line manager. b.middle manager. manager. d.chief executive officer. e.operative. B. middle management
Patty Rohrer is the director of human resources at Pet Grooming, Inc. She can be best described as a. top level manager. b. project manager. c. general manager. d. first-line manager. e. functional manager E. Functional manager
____ managers are responsible for departments that perform a single functional task and have employees with similar training and skills. a. Top b. Middle c. First-line d. Bottom e. Functional E. Functional
Today's middle manager is responsible for creating a ____ rather than managing the flow of information up and down the hierarchy. a.vertical chain b.horizontal network c.diagonal system of communication d.spiral network e.chaos-based evaluation syste B. Horizontal network
Ky, mang of jewelry div of a major deptstore, coordinated work of several ppl across sev depts to accomplish a fundraising. He can best be described in his funding acvts as mangr b.middle mangr c.prjct mangr d.first-line mangr e.operative C. Project Manager
Temp management professionals responsible for a temp work project that involves the participation of ppl from various functs & levels of the org are called _. a.middle mangs b.project managers c.interim managers d.first line managers e.functional man B. Project managers
Calvin Strine is the office manager of a local accounting firm. His level in the management hierarchy is that of a(n) a.first-line manager. b.middle manager. manager. d.consultant. e.operative. A. First line manager
which describes Kim's position as functional manager? a.responsible 4sev depts that perform diff functs ppl acrss depts2perf specf task c.responsible 4 self-contained div & all the depts w/in it d.supervises emplys w/similar training&skills e.N D. supervises employees w/similar training and skills.
Which of these managers are responsible for the manufacturing and marketing departments that make or sell the product or service? a.Top b.Line c.First-line d.Staff e.Project B. Line
Which of these managers are in charge of departments such as finance and HR that support line departments? a.Line b.Project c.Top d.Operatives e.Staff E. Staff
____ are responsible for departments that perform a single task and have employees with similar training skills. a.Top managers b.Middle managers c.General managers d.Functional managers e.First-Line managers D. Functional Managers
Tay-general manager.Which describes her position? a.responsible for several depts that perform diff functs. b.organizes ppl across depts to perform a spec task. c.responsible for one spec dept(marketing). d.supervises emplys w/sim training&skills. e a.She is responsible for several departments that perform different functions.
One of the things managers enjoy doing the most is: planning b.controlling activities c.planning for future decisions d.leading others e.hiring new employees D. Leading others
Research shows that managers enjoy all of the following except: a.networking b.innovation c.leading others d.managing time e.all of these D. managing time
Of all management duties, one of the things managers like the least is: planning b.controlling activities c.planning for future decisions d.handling paperwork e.networking D. handling paperwork
The individual performer is a(n) ____; whereas, the manager has to be a(n) ____. a.specialist; generalist b."leader"; doer c.generalist; specialist d.producer; expert e.communicator; operator A. Specialist; generalist
The individual identity includes which of the following? a.Generalist, coordinates diverse tasks b.Gets things done through others c.Works relatively independently d.A network builder e.Works in highly interdependent manner C. works relatively independently
Which of the following includes the manager identity? a.Specialist, performs specific tasks b.Gets things done through own efforts c.An individual actor d.A network builder e.Works relatively independently D. network builder
Being a successful manager means thinking in terms of all of the following, except: a.building teams. b.generating the most profit. c.becoming a motivator. d.becoming an organizer. e.establishing networks. B. generating the most profit
Shoptalk in Ch 1 outlines all of the following issues would-be managers should consider except: a.increased workload b.challenge of suping former peers c.headache of responsibility for other ppl d.Being caught in the middle e.technical aspects of man E. the technical aspects of management
Before becoming a mangr, FedEx often has would-be mangrs consider which parts of a mangr's experience: a.time 4increased workload b.unrelenting sense of obligation c.responsibility of managing others d.the post of being in the middle e.all E. all
Managers shift gears quickly and therefore, the average time spent on any one activity is less than ____. a.nine minutes hour workday d.a half hour e.a half day A. Nine minutes
Which of the following is not one of the conceptual categories of managerial roles Mintzberg defined? a.informational b.interpersonal c.decisional d.intrapersonal e.all of these are managerial roles defined by Mintzberg C. decisional
Which of the following is an informational role, according to Mintzberg? a.Entrepreneur role b.Leader role c.Monitor role d.Disturbance handler role e.Figurehead role C. monitor role
Gail, manager of the finance div, distributes relevant info everyday to all her emplys enabling them to make quality decisions. Gail is performing which roles? a.Monitor role b.Disseminator c.Spokesperson d.Disturbance handler e.Figurehead B. disseminator role
The president of Pepsi Company is the keynote speaker at a retirement dinner for a long time bottler. This is an example of which of the following roles? a.Liaison role b.Figurehead role c.Negotiator role d.Leader role e.Monitor role B. figurehead role
According to Mintzberg, when Amanda attends a subordinate's wedding she is performing which of these roles? a.Monitoring b.Figurehead c.Spokesperson d.Leader e.Liaison B. figurehead role
If Brad is responsible for maintaining info links both inside and outside organizations by using mail, phone calls, and conducting meetings as daily activities, he would be considered a a.figurehead. c.negotiator. d.monitor. e.spokesperson B. Liaison
Which of the following is not a decisional role? a.Entrepreneur b.Negotiator c.Resource allocator d.Disturbance handler e.Liaison E. liaison
The ____ role involves resolving conflicts among subordinates between the managers department and other departments. a.resource allocator b.entrepreneur c.negotiator e.disturbance handler E. Disturbance handler
According to Mintzberg, which of these is an interpersonal role? a.Monitor b.Negotiator c.Liaison d.Disturbance handler e.Spokesperson C. Liaison
Maintaining information links are the activities consistent with the ____ role. a.leader b.spokesperson c.monitor e.entrepreneur D. Liaison
Which of the following roles involve bargaining with others to meet the unit or departmental goals? a.Negotiator b.Resource allocator c.Figurehead d.Monitor e.Leader A. Negotiator
If a manager finds a severe decline in employee morale and direction, they may need to spend more time in the ____ role. a.negotiator b.resource allocator c.figurehead d.monitor e.leader E. Leader
liaison Role? a.decisions about how to allocate ppl, time, equipt,$, &other resources to get desired outcomes. of info sources both inside&outside org. d.handling ceremonial&symb activities for the dept or org. e.formal negotiations&bargaining t The liaison role pertains to the development of information sources both inside and outside the organization.
negotiator? a.formal nego&barg to get outcomes for manager's unit b.seeking current info from many sources. c.initiation of change. d.resolving conflicts among subordinates or btw the manager's dept and other depts. info sources both in&out the Negotiator role involves formal negotiations and bargaining to attain outcomes for the manager's unit of responsibility.
To meet needs of org, all managers carry out 3 major roles.They are: a.monitor,figurehead,&liaison b.leader,monitor&spokesperson c.disseminator,entrepreneurial,disturbance handler d.decisional,spokesperson&leader e.informational,interpersonal e.informational, interpersonal,& decisional
Since not-for-profit organizations do not have a conventional ____, managers may struggle with the question of what constitutes results and effectiveness. a.hierarchy b.bottom line c.information system d.decision-making process e.structure B. bottom line
A manager in for-profit focuses primarily on_, while a manager of a non-profit focuses on_. a.bottom-line, employee morale b.bottom-line, social impact c.profitability, customer satisfaction share, bottom-line e.customer satisfaction, org re share, the bottom-line
One of the roles that a non-profit manager may emphasize over their counterpart in a for-profit organization is ____. a.negotiator b.spokesperson d.resource allocator e.entrepreneur B. spokesperson
In the new workplace, work is ____, in contrast to the old workplace where work was ____. a.flexible; diverse b.mechanical; flexible c.flexible; structured d.autocratic; structured e.calm; flexible c.flexible; structured
The benefits of using interim managers include: organization's use of specialist skills long-term commitment for the organization c.the manager has some flexibility d.the manager faces new and interesting challenges e.all of these E. all of these
___ is not a force affecting organizations and management. a.Digital networking b.Insourcing c.Diversity d.Technology e.Joint ventures B. Insourcing
Today's best managers embrace ambiguity and create organizations that are all of these EXCEPT a.command-and-control directed. c.flexible. d.adaptable. e.relationship-oriented. A. command and control directed
Success in the new workplace depends on the strength and quality of ____. a.individual workers b.independent teams c.followers d.collaborative relationships e.vendors d.collaborative relationships
A(n) ____ perspective provides a broader way of thinking, a way of searching for patterns and determining whether they recur across time periods. a.analytical b.futuristic c.systematic d.methodical e.historical E. historical
____ forces refer to those aspects of a culture that guide and influence relationships among people. a.Social b.Political c.Economic d.Technological e.Legal A. Social
Which of these forces comprises unwritten, common rules and perceptions about relationships? a.Economic force b.Political force c.Social force d.Legal force e.Personal force C. Social force
Which of these forces pertain to the availability, production, and distribution of resources in a society? a.Social b.Political c.Economic d.Technological e.Legal C. economic
The stimulus for technological innovation is often found in which of these? a. Social forces b. Political forces c. Economic forces d. Competitive forces e. All of these c. economic forces
6. Strong anti-American sentiments in many parts of the world exemplify the effect of a.economic forces. b.political forces. forces. d.technological forces. e.human relations force. b. Political
Manager's Shoptalk of chapter 2, which of the following is not in the top five contemporary management tools? a.Collaborative innovation b.Mission and vision statements c.Customer segmentation d.Strategic planning e.Customer relationship management A. collaborative innovation
Manager's Shoptalk ch2,USA ex are more likely to use tools a.cust segmentation&bus process reengineering. b.consumer ethnography&corp blogs. c.strat alliances&collabo innovation. d.activity-based mangnt&virtual teams. e.scenario planning&lean operati C. strategic alliances&collaborative innovation.
____ is the most current management perspective. a.The learning organization b.Contingency views c.Systems theory d.The technology-drive workplace e.Classical perspective D. The technology-drive workplace
The nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw the development of which management perspective? a.The human relations movement b.The behavioral sciences approach c.The classical perspective d.The quantitative management approach e.The TQM approach c. The classical perspective
Which of these perspectives emphas a rational, scientific approach to the study of mangmnt&sought to make orgs efficient operating machines? a.Humanistic Persp b.Beh Sciences Approach c.Classical Perspective d.TQM approach e.Quantitative Mangmnt Appr C. Classical Perspective
Which is a subfield of the classical mangmnt perspc that emphasized scientifically determined changes in mangmnt practices as solution to improving labor productivity? a.HR movt b.behav sciences app c.TQM app d.quant mangmnt app e.scientific mangmnt e. scientific mangmnt movt
Frank Gilbreth felt that efficiency equated with ____. best way to do work b.leadership flows from the top down c.procedures and policies d.scientific management e.bureaucracy A. one best way to do work
Who is considered the "first lady of management?" a.Mary Parker Follett b.Lillian Gilbreth c.Carly Fioroni d.Maxine Weber e.Anne Adams B. Lillian Gilbreth
3 subfields of the classical perspective: a.quant mangmnt, behavioral science&admin mangmnt. b.bureaucratic org, quant mangmnt& HR movt. c.admin mangmnt, bureaucratic org& scientific mangmnt. d.scientific mangmnt, quant mangmnt& admin mangmnt. e.none c.admin mangmnt, bureaucratic org& scientific mangmnt.
___ is considered the "father of scientific management." a.Frank B. Gilbreth b.Elton Mayo c.Henry Gantt d.Douglas McGregor e.Frederick W. Taylor e.Frederick W. Taylor
Which of the following is a bar graph that measures planned and completed work along each stage of production by time elapsed? a.Time and Work chart b.Gantt chart c.Time and Motion chart d.Production and Delivery chart e.Gilbreth chart B. Gantt chart
Fredrick Taylor's contributions were in the field of a.scientific management. b.human resource management. c.human relations. d.quantitative management. quality management. A. Scientific Management
Which is not a criticism of scientific mangmnt? a.doesnot appreciate the social context of work. b.doesnot appreciate the higher needs of workers. c.doesnot appreciate the careful study of tasks&jobs. d.doesnot acknowledge variance am C. It does not appreciate the careful study of tasks and jobs.
Standardization of work and wage incentives are characteristics of a.bureaucratic organizations. b.scientific management. c.quantitative management. d.administrative management. e.behavioral science. b.scientific management.
Which is a major criticism of scientific mangmnt? a.ignored the social context of work. b.ignored the impact of compensation on perf. c.overemphasized indv differences. d.overemphasized the intelligence of workers. e.emphasized the social context of a.It ignored the social context of work.
Bureaucratic organizations approach was a subfield within the ____. a.classical perspective theory c.scientific management d.learning organization science view a.classical perspective
According to Weber's ideas on bureaucracy, organizations should be based on which of these? a.Personal loyalty b.Personal references c.Rational authority d.Family ties e.Charismatic authority C. rational authority
AA Inc, is charact by separation of mangmnt from ownership&by clearly defined lines of authority &responsibility. These characteristics are the principles of a.scientific mangmnt. b.bureaucratic org. c.admin mangmnt theory. d.human resource mangmnt. b.bureaucratic organizations.
All of the following are characteristics of Weberian bureaucracy EXCEPT: e. Management is the same as the ownership of the organization.
Max Weber felt selection of employees should be based on: b.competence c.connections skills e.efficient systems b.competence
Positions organized in a hierarchy of authority is an important characteristic of a.scientific management. b.bureaucratic organizations. c.quantitative management. d.the human relations movement. quality management. b.bureaucratic organizations.
UPS is successful in the small package delivery market. One important reason for this success is the concept of a.globalization. b.employee flexibility. c.loose standards. d.bureaucracy. e.non-bureaucratic organizational system. d.bureaucracy.
Scientific mangmnt focused on_, & admin principles focused on_. a.indv prod, total organ b.organ productivity, indv effort c.efficient procedures, mangmnt by principle d.employee ability, employee loyalty e.employee competence, work flow thro the org a.individual productivity, total organization
Mary Parker Follett contributed to which field? a.Administrative principles approach to management b.Scientific management approach c.Total quality management approach d.Quantitative approach to management e.Systems approach to management a.Administrative principles approach to management
The principle that similar activities in an organization should be grouped together under one manager is the essence of the classical perspective known as a.unity of command. b.division of work. c.unity of direction. d.scalar chain. e.quality managem c.unity of direction.
The use of specialization to produce more and better work with the same level of effort is consistent with the administrative management principle of a.unity of command. b.unity of direction. c.scalar chain. d.division of work. e.none of these d.division of work.
The ____ refers to a chain of authority extending from top to the bottom of the organization and including every employee. a.unity of command b.division of labor c.unity of direction d.scalar chain e.None of these d.scalar chain
Mary Parker Follett thought of leadership as ____, rather than techniques. managers c.people d.efficiencies e.floor managers c. people
Chester Bernard felt that ____ could help a poorly managed organization. a.bureaucracy b.line managers c.efficiencies d.informal relations flow of information d.informal relations
A social group within an organization is part of the a.formal organizational structure. b.informal organization. c.scalar chain. d.reorganization process. management level. b.informal organization.
A significant contribution of Chester Barnard was the concept of a.bureaucracy. b.the informal organization. quality management. d.scientific management. e.traditional theory of authority. b.the informal organization.
_ emphasized the importance of understanding human behs, needs& attitudes in the workplace as well as social interactions& group processes. a.humanistic perspective b.classical perspective c.scientific mangmnt d.bureaucratic orgs e.contingency perspe a.humanistic perspective
Whichre fers to the mangmnt thinking& practice that emphasizes satisfaction of employees' basic needs is key to increased worker productivity? a.Scientific mangt persp b.Human resource persp c.Mangt science persp d.Beh sciences approach e.HR movement e.Human relations movement
Most early interpretations of the Hawthorne studies argued that the factor that best explained increased output was b.days off. c.human relations. food. c.human relations.
The findings provided by the Hawthorne Studies provided the impetus for the_, despite flawed methodology or inaccurate conclusions. a.classical persp b.humanistic perspective c.scientific management d.bureaucratic organizations e.contingency perspect b.humanistic perspective
The human resources perspective of management links motivation theories with ____. management b.employee tasks c.floor managers d.efficiencies e.profit maximization b.employee tasks
A "dairy farm" view of mangt, i.e., contented cows give more milk, so satisfied workers will give more work was espoused by a.human relations management. b.human resource perspective. c.behavioral science approach. science perspective. e a.human relations management.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs started with which of these needs? a.Esteem b.Love c.Safety d.Physiological e.Belongingness d.Physiological
Tommy believes his employees are responsible, creative, and able to work with minimal direction. He is a a.Theory X manager. b.Theory Y manager. c.Theory Z manager. d.Theory A manager. e.contingency theory manager. b.Theory Y manager.
Beth, production sup at TT Mfg, Inc. believes that her employees dislike work, avoid responsibility, &therefore they need to be controlled and directed. Beth is a a.Theory X mang. b.Theory Y mang. c.realistic mang. d.Theory Z manager. e.Theory J mana a.Theory X manager.
According to Douglas McGregor, the classical perspective on management is consistent with which of the following? a.Theory X manager b.Theory Y manager c.Theory Z manager d.Theory A manager e.None of these a.Theory X manager
The behavioral sciences approach is based on which of the following disciplines? a.Anthropology b.Economics c.Sociology d.Psychology e.All of these e.All of these
Organizational development is one specific set of management techniques based in the ____ approach. science theory c.behavioral sciences d.scientific management e.quantitative c.behavioral sciences
The management science perspective emerged after World War II to treat problems associated with a.modern global warfare. b.environmental issues. c.employee involvement. d.Germany. e.improving manufacturing. a.modern global warfare.
The management science perspective applies all of the following to managerial problems EXCEPT a.statistics. b.qualitative techniques. c.mathematics. d.quantitative techniques. e.all of these are correct. b.qualitative techniques.
Operations research grew out of World War II groups and is based on ____. dynamics b.employees in crisis c.production in turbulent times d.mathematical equations e.a humanistic approach d.mathematical equations
____ would be classified as input for Coca-Cola, Inc. a.Soda b.Advertising c.Water d.Employee satisfaction e.All of these c.Water
Which of the following would be classified as an output for Coca-Cola, Inc.? a.Soda b.Profits c.Employee satisfaction d.All of these e.None of these d.All of these
According to the systems theory, a beautician at a hair salon would be a(n) a.output. b.environment. c.input. d.transformation process. e.none of these. input
For IBM, according to the systems theory, which of these would not be an input? a.Raw material b.Information c.Financial resources d.Human resources e.Employee satisfaction e.Employee satisfaction
__ is not a component of systems theory. a.Inputs b.Autonomy c.Feedback d.Environment e.Outputs b.Autonomy
The teamwork philosophy is based in part on the assumption that 5 ppl working together can produce more than five people working individually. This philosophy is consistent with the concept of a.transformation. b.entropy. c.synergy. e.qua c.synergy.
A(n) ____ must interact with the environment to survive. a.closed system b.entropy c.synergy d.universal view system system
10 + 10 = 25 reflects which of these? a.Entropy b.Synergy c.Open system d.Closed system e.Weberian math b.Synergy
In ____ every situation viewed as unique. a.a universalist view b.a contingency view c.a case view d.scientific management view e.None of these c.a case view
It is often difficult to make decisions about subsystems, because they are ____. a.interdependent b.independent c.managed differently d.filled with employees e.organizationally based a.interdependent
To determine how to deal with a prob employee, Sue evaluated the employee, the prob&the context in which the prob occurred. She is applying which perspectives? a.Participative view b.Universalist view c.Autonomy view d.Contingency view e.Humanist vie d.Contingency view
A consultant who recommends the effectiveness of sensitivity training to every org he serves is violating the basics of which perspectives? a.Efficiency persp b.Universalist persp c.Contingency persp d.Scientific management persp e.Quantitative persp c.Contingency perspective
Which of the following is often considered the "father of the quality movement?" a.Weber b.Gilbreth c.Follett d.Deming e.Gehrke d.Deming
____ focuses on managing the whole organization to deliver quality to customers. a.Bureaucracy b.Theory Z c.Management-by-objective d.Total Quality Management e.Organization-customer relationship d.Total Quality Management
Elements of TQM include a.employee detachment. b.focus on profits. c.benchmarking. d.accidental improvement. e.all of these. c.benchmarking.
____ is a process whereby companies find out how others do something better than they do and then try to imitate or improve on it. a.TQM b.Continuous improvement c.Benchmarking d.Empowerment e.MBO c.Benchmarking
The implementation of small incremental improvements in all areas of the organization on an ongoing basis is referred to as a.benchmarking. b.empowerment. theory. d.contingency perspective. e.continuous improvement. e.continuous improvement.
In a(n) ____ organization all employees look for problems. a.continuous improvement b.bureaucratic c.empowered d.learning quality management d.learning
Which refers to managing the sequence of suppliers&purchasers, covering all stages of processing from obtaining raw materials to distributing finished goods to consumers? a.E-commerce b.E-bus c.Supply chain mangt d.Knowldge mangt e.Customer relshp ma c.Supply chain management
2 recent innovations in mangt include the shift to a_& managing the_. a.learning org; tech-driven workplace b.traditional org; turbulent envmt c.customary org; info technology d.innovative org; operational efficiency e.modern org; customer relations a.learning org; tech-driven workplace
Which uses the latest info tech to keep in close touch w/customers & to collect and manage large amounts of customer data? a.Supply Chain Management b.Learning Organizations c.Scientific Management d.Customer Relationship Management e.Humanistic Appr d.Customer Relationship Management
The environments in which businesses operate are increasingly ____, requiring managers to be ready to react and respond to even subtle environmental shifts. a.static b.universal c.constant d.dynamic e.traditional d.dynamic
____ includes all elements existing outside the boundary of the organization that have the potential to affect the organization. a.Organizational environment b.Internal environment c.Task environment d.General environment e.Technological environment a.Organizational environment
____ system draws resources from the external environment and releases goods and services back to it. a.Production b.Closed c.Open d.Information e.Management c.Open
The ____ environment represents the outer layer of the environment and affects organizations ____. a.task; indirectly b.general; directly c.internal; directly d.internal; indirectly e.general; indirectly e.general; indirectly
All of these are a part of an organization's task environment EXCEPT a.Customers b.Labor markets c.Competitors d.Employers e.Suppliers d.Employers
Which of these is NOT a part of an organization's general environment? a.Technological b.Economic c.Competitors d.Legal-political e.Sociocultural c.Competitors
____ is a part of Ford's, a U.S. auto manufacturer, task environment. a.Inflation rate b.Chrysler c.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a government regulating agency, an online bookseller e.Ford's corporate culture b.Chrysler
____ is a part of an organization's internal environment. a.Its customers b.Its salespeople c.The consumer price index d.Its suppliers e.Its competitors b.Its salespeople
Molly received "The Employee of the Month" Award at Internal Workings Remodeling Service in April. Molly would be considered a part of which of these for Internal Workings? a.General envt b.Task envt c.Economic envt d.Internal envt e.Political activi d.Internal environment
The _ of the external environment represents events originating in foreign countries as well as opportunities for American companies in other countries. a.National dimension b.Global dimension c.International dimension d.Japan's dimension e.U.S. dime c.International dimension
Scientific &tech advancements in a specific industry as well as in society at large are included in which general envt dimension? a.Sociocultural dimension b.Legal-political dimension c.Economic dimension d.Technological dimension e.Corporate culture d.Technological dimension
Which dimension of the general envt represents the demographic characteristics, norms, customs, & values of the pop w/in which the org operates? a.Legal-political dim b.Economic dim c.Technological dime d.Corporate culture dim e.Sociocultural dim e.Sociocultural dimension
When Mia Herald launches a Spanish-language newspaper, El Nuevo, w/articles emphasizing Hispanic, Cuban, and Latin American news and sports, it is responding to changes in_ environment. a.sociocultural b.technological c.economic d.competitors e.suppl a.sociocultural
____ environment consists of demographic factors, such as population density. a.Technological b.Sociocultural c.Legal-political d.Internal e.Economic b.Sociocultural
Anyone considering doing business in China, according to Manager's Shoptalk Ch3, should keep in mind all except: a.Business is always personal b.Don't skip small talk c.Remb relationships are not short-term d.Be efficient w/use of time e.Make contact d.Be efficient with use of time
Which of the following rules, Manager's Shoptalk in Ch3, is about forging an emotional bond? a.Don't skip the small talk b.Business is always personal c.Remember that relationships are not short-term d.Make contact frequently e.Be efficient w/use of a.Don't skip the small talk
Lying at the heart of Chinese culture, ____ is a supportive, mutually beneficial connection between two people. a.kaizen b.ganqing c.renqing d.kansei e.guanxi e.guanxi
The general environment dimension that includes consumer purchasing power, the unemployment rate, and interest rates is called the dimension. b.sociocultural dimension. c.technological dimension. d.economic dimension. e.task dimensi d.economic dimension.
A recent significant trend in the economic environment is the frequency with which companies seem to be involved in ____. a.mergers b.bankruptcy c.reorganizations d.layoffs e.expansions outside the United States a.mergers
A govt inspection has required ur comp to upgrade the safety equipt in the manufacturing process of ice creamery. What dimension of the external environment has influenced these upgrades? a.Technological b.Legal-political c.Task d.Sociocultural e.Eco b.Legal-political
The ____ dimension of the general environment includes federal, state, and local government regulations. a.technological c.economic d.sociocultural
An interest group that works within the legal-political framework to influence companies to behave in socially responsible ways is called a(n) a.pressure group. group. c.political influence group. group. e.none of these. a.pressure group.
Which of the following dimensions of the general environment includes all elements that occur naturally on earth? a.Sociocultural dimension b.Technological dimension c.Economic dimension d.Natural dimension e.Environmental dimension d.Natural dimension
Concern for the envt has prompted compies to take all of the following actions, EXCEPT: a.Eliminating nonbiodegradable plastic bags from the envt b.Hiring an envtal specialist c.Improving efficiency of plants &factories d.Investing in cleaner techs e b.Hiring an environmental specialist
The people and organizations in the environment who acquire goods or services from the organization are a.competitors. b.suppliers. c.customers. d.employees. e.potential employees. c.customers.
Integrated Computers, Inc. wants to compile a profile of the customer it will target in its next promotional mailing. What environment would this be found in? a.Internal environment b.Task environment c.Work environment d.General environment e.None b.Task environment
For Southwest Airlines, all of the following can be suppliers EXCEPT a.Exxon (providing jet fuel). b.Citibank (providing finances). c.Delta Airlines (providing competition). d.Boeing (providing planes). e.All of these are suppliers for SwA. c.Delta Airlines (providing competition).
____ is(are) included in an organization's task environment. a.Suppliers b.Accounting procedures c.Technology d.Government e.Demographic characteristics a.Suppliers
The ____ represents people in the environment who can be hired to work for the organization. a.competitors b.labor market c.suppliers d.customers e.government b.labor market
AA is hiring 60 new workers. The personnel dept has a large pool of unskilled labor due to high unempyt rate in local area. Which dimension of external envt is involved here? a.Sociocultural b.Competitors c.Technological d.Labor market e.Legal-politi d.Labor market
The internal environment within which managers work includes all of the following except a.corporate culture b.production technology c.organization structure d.physical facilities e.labor market e.labor market
Which of the following roles are assumed by people and/or departments that link and coordinate the organization with key elements in the external environment? a.Figurehead b.Liaison c.Boundary-spanning d.Disturbance handler e.Leader c.Boundary-spanning
Which is NOT a part of adapting the org to changes in the envt for coping w/high environmental uncertainty? a.Boundary-spanning roles b.Advertising/public relations c.Mergers/joint ventures d.Interorganizational partnerships e.All b.Advertising/public relations
_is an approach to boundary spanning, results from using sophisticated sftwre to search thro large amts of inter&exter data to spot patterns, trends,&relationships that might be sig. a.Merger b.Business c.Competitive d.Partnership e.Environment b.Business intelligence
K Jewelry has just hired a comparative shopper to visit other local jewelry stores to gain product pricing info. What strategy is this? a.Boundary-spanning roles b.A flexible structure c.Unfair practice d.Increase planning and forecasting e.Joint ven a.Boundary-spanning roles
Based on the notion that orgs are dealing with a very turbulent and uncertain external environment, more organizations are requiring ____ to perform boundary-spanning activities. leaders b.middle managers c.line managers d.all employees e.Suppl d.all employees
Companies can reduce boundaries and increase collaboration with other organizations by creating a.flexible structures. b.interorganizational partnerships. company cultures. supplier connections. e.none of these. b.interorganizational partnerships.
Many organizations are adapting to the environment by developing more of a(n) __ relationship rather than a(n) __ relationship with competitors. a.adversarial, partnership b.partnership, adversarial c.strategic, competitive d.competitive, strategic e b.partnership, adversarial
When two or more organizations combine to become one, it is referred to as a a.joint venture. b.flexible structure. c.mechanistic structure. d.merger. e.inorganic venture. d.merger.
In a joint venture between large and small businesses, large businesses can provide all of the following EXCEPT a.sales staff. b.research staff. resources. d.distribution channels. level management. level management.
Culture: a.set of key values, beliefs, understandings &norms shared by members of an orga b.ability to speak diff languages c.object/act/event that conveys meaning to others d.narr based on true events that is repeated freq&shared by org employees e. a.the set of key values, beliefs, understandings, and norms shared by members of an organization
The level of corporate culture which cannot be seen but can be discerned from how people explain and justify what they do is a.Invisible artifacts b.Expressed values&beliefs c.Underlying assumptionsdeep &beliefs d.Dress&office layout e.Slogans b.Expressed values
The level of corporate culture in which values are so deeply embedded that members are no longer consciously aware of them is a.Invisible artifacts b.Expressed values&beliefs c.Underlying assumptions&deep beliefs d.Dress&office layout e.Slogans c.Underlying assumptions and deep beliefs
___ are associated with surface level of organizational culture. a.Values b.Norms c.Manners of dress d.Beliefs e.All of these c.Manners of dress
Which would be a visual rep(s) of a company's corp culture? a.All dept heads have an ex office. b.Each dept has an award plaque for empl of the month. c.All empls are dressed in prof business attire. d.Top level ex drive company owned sports car. e.A e.All
An object, act, or event that conveys meaning to others is referred to as a a.symbol. b.slogan. c.story. d.hero. e.culture. a.symbol.
Symbols/stories/heroes are important bc they a.entertain executive level management. b.address the concerns of govt. c.acquaint customers to the org. d.communicate the significant values of an organization. e.give employees something to talk about. d.communicate the significant values of an organization.
____ is a narrative based on true event that is repeated frequently and shared by organizational employees. a.Symbol b.Slogan c.Story d.Hero e.Culture c.Story
A figure who exemplifies the deeds, character, and attributes of a corporate culture is referred to as a a.symbol. b.stories. c.slogan. d.hero. e.culture. d.hero.
Heroes are important to an organization due to the fact that they a.exemplify key values of the organization. b.exemplify a strong corporate culture. c.serve as examples to other employees. d.all of these. e.none of these. d.all of these.
A ____ represents a phrase or sentence that succinctly expresses a key corporate value. a.symbol b.stories c.culture d.hero e.slogan e.slogan
McDonald's "We Love to See You Smile" represents a a.ceremony. b.symbol. c.ritual. d.slogan. e.political activity. d.slogan.
"Chiquita. Perfect for Life." was Chiquita's a.ceremony. b.slogan. c.symbol. d.ritual. e.all of these. b.slogan.
"no purchase is complete until the customer is satisfied" is a.utilizing a symbol. b.comm values to customers. c.using slogan to present values to customers&employs. d.utilizing hero for purpose of conveying values. e.using customers to harass employ c.using a slogan to present their values to customers and employees.
Culture tends to differ between ____, but appears similar within ____. a.organizations, industries b.people, organizations c.groups, industries d.organizations, groups, geographical regions a.organizations, industries
What are managers concerned with in adaptive cultures? a.Customers and processes that bring about useful change b.Themselves c. All people who have ideas on changing the company d.Their immediate work group e.All of these a.Customers and processes that bring about useful change
The adaptability culture emerges in an environment that requires ____ response and ____ decision making.; high-risk; low-risk c.slow; high-risk d.slow; low-risk e.regulated; low-risk; high-risk
Which cultures is suited to orgs that are concerned with servicing specific customers in the external envt but w/o the intense need for flexibility and rapid change? a.Adaptability culture b.Clan culture c.Achievement culture d.Consistency culture e. c.Achievement culture
The involvement culture has a(n) ____ focus on the involvement and participation of employees to rapidly meet changing needs from the environment. a.external b.internal c.structural d.competitive e.technological b.internal
The consistency culture has a(n) ____ focus and an orientation for a ____ environment. a.external; stable b.external; dynamic c.internal; stable d.internal; dynamic e.structural; dynamic c.internal; stable
Which of the following cultures values and rewards a methodical, rational, orderly way of doing things? a.Achievement culture b.Involvement culture c.Accomplishment culture d.Consistency culture e.Adaptability culture d.Consistency culture
_plays a key role in creating an org climate that enables learning& innovative responses to threats from external envt/challenging new opportunities/org crises. a.Mission statement b.Vision stat c.Competitive intel d.Employee training e.Corporate cul e.Corporate culture
In a study by Kotter and Haskett evidence is provided to support that_is impt for perf. a.managing cultural values b.leading partnerships w/in an ind c.surveying the external envt d.managing client relationships as boundary spanners e.empowering empl a.managing cultural values
___ refers to a desired future state that an organization attempts to realize? a.Plan b.Vision statement c.Goal d.Mission statement e.Idea c.Goal
____ specify future ends and ____ specify today's means. a.Goals, plans b.Plans, goals c.Planning, organizing d.Ideas, behaviors e.Mission, vision a.Goals, plans
A blueprint specifying the resource allocations schedules, and other actions necessary for attaining goals is referred to as a(n) a.goal. b.plan. c.mission. e.objective. b.plan.
____ is the act of determining the organization's goals and the means for achieving them. a.Brainstorming b.Organizing c.Planning d.Developing a mission e.A blueprint c.Planning
The planning process begins with which of these? a.The development of operational goals b.The development of a mission statement c.Communication of goals to the rest of the organization d.A company-wide meeting e.Brainstorming b.The development of a mission statement
The_is the basis for the strategic level of goals and plans which in turn shapes the_and_level. a.goal,mission,tactical b.objective,operational,mission c.operational goal,mission&tactical d.mission,tactical,operational e.tactical plan,operational,mis d.mission, tactical, operational
____ is primarily responsible for strategic goals/plans. a.Middle management b.Board of directors c.Consultants d.Top management e.Lower management d.Top management
____ is primarily responsible for operational goals/plans. a.Middle management b.Board of directors c.Consultants d.Top management e.Lower management e.Lower management
Which of these is(are) primarily concerned with tactical goals/plans? a.Middle management b.Board of directors c.Consultants d.Senior management e.Lower management a.Middle management
Sherry is a first-line supervisor at Rooftop Corporation. She is most concerned with which level of goals? a.Operational goals b.Tactical plans c.Strategic goals d.Mission statement e.Vision a.Operational goals
Which of the following symbolizes the legitimacy of the organization to external audiences? a.Operational goals b.Tactical plans c.Strategic goals d.Mission statement e.Tactical goals d.Mission statement
Rox is a manager at GG. She recently attended a seminar on goal setting. She wishes to use goals to provide a sense of dir to staff. She is using goals as a.way to legit her dept. b.source of motiv. c.standard of perf. to action. e.impress ot d.a guide to action.
Which of the following is not an internal message in goals and plans? a.Legitimacy for customers b.Rationale for decisions c.Resource allocation d.Guides to action e.Source of motivation and commitment a.Legitimacy for customers
Which of the following is not a step in the organizational planning process? a.Monitor and learn b.Plan operations c.Translate the plan d.Develop the plan e.Plan marketing tactics e.Plan marketing tactics
Which of the following is NOT a tool for executing a plan? a.Management by objectives b.Strategic map c.Performance dashboards d.Single use plans e.Decentralized responsibility b.Strategic map
A statement that identifies distinguishing characteristics of an organization is known as a.a goals statement. b.a values statement. income statement. d.a mission statement. e.a competitive-edge statement. d.a mission statement.
Which of these are described by mission statements? a.Corporate values b.Company philosophy c.Company purpose d.All of these e.Corporate values and company philosophy only d.All of these
The organization's reason for existence is known as a.the organization's value. b.the organization's vision. c.the organization's mission. d.the organization's goal. e.the organization's service. c.the organization's mission.
"We respect our employees and value their diversity" is an example of a statement you are most likely to find in the organization's a.mission. b.strategic goals. c.tactical goals. d.strategic plans. e.tactical plans. a.mission.
"We seek to become the premier business school in the west" is an example of a statement you are most likely to find in the organization's a.tactical goals. b.operational goals. c.mission. d.tactical plans. e.operational plans. c.mission.
_refers to a broadly stated definition of the org's basic business scope and operations that distinguishes it from similar types of orgs. a.Mission statement b.Goal statement c.Management by objective d.Goal setting e.Corporate competitive-value stat a.Mission statement
At the top of the goal hierarchy is the a.strategic goals. b.tactical goals. c.operational goals. d.mission. e.employee goals. d.mission.
__ are the broad statements of where the organization wants to be in the future. a.Operational goals b.Tactical goals c.Strategic goals d.Operational goals e.Tactical plans c.Strategic goals
The official goals of the organization are best represented by the ____. a.strategic goals b.tactical goals c.operational goals d.competitive goals e.none of these a.strategic goals
A long-term time frame is most closely associated with a.operational plans. b.tactical plans. c.strategic plans. d.mission plans. e.tactical goals. c.strategic plans.
___ are called the action steps by which an organization intends to attain its strategic goals. a.Tactical goals b.Operational goals c.Tactical plans d.Operational plans e.Strategic plans e.Strategic plans
The condition that exists when the org's parts interact to produce a joint effect that is greater than the sum of the parts acting alone is known as a.core competence. b.synergy. c.value creation. strategy. e.multidomestic strategy. b.synergy.
____ can be defined as the combination of benefits received and costs paid by the customer. a.Organizational benefits b.Value c.Cost-benefit diversity d.Synergy e.Core competence b.Value
When properly managed, ____ can create additional value with existing resources, providing a big boost to the bottom line. a.synergy b.competitors c.government contacts d.command structure e.cooperation among customers a.synergy
Where does the information about opportunities and threats comes from? a.An analysis of the org's internal envt b.A dept by dept study of the organization c.Scanning the external environments d.Employee grievances e.Financial ratios of the organizati c.Scanning the external environments
star has a a.large market share in a rapidly growing industry. b.large market share in a slow growth industry. c.small market share in a rapidly growing industry. d.small share of a slow growth market. e.moderate market share in a slow growth industr a.large market share in a rapidly growing industry.
Which of the following refers to the acquisition of businesses that are related to current product lines or that takes the corporation into new areas? a.retrenchment. b.diversification. c.liquidation. cow. e.internal growth. b.diversification.
Which of the following refers to the deployment of organizational resources to achieve strategic goals? a.Planning b.Controlling c.Organizing d.Leading e.Strategic management c.Organizing
Strategy defines ____ to do (it) while organizing defines ____ to do (it).; what; why c.what; how d.what; why e.when; what c.what; how
Org structure includes? a.The set of formal tasks assigned to individuals b.The set of formal tasks assigned to departments c.The design of systems to ensure effective coordination of employees across departments d.Formal reporting relationships e.Al e.All
Org structure defined a.visual rep of the org. b.framework in which the org defined how tasks are divided, resources are deployed& deps are coordinated. c.division of labor. d.unbroken line of authority that links all individuals in the org. e.none b.framework in which the organization defined how tasks are divided, resources are deployed, and departments are coordinated.
org chart a.shows charc of the org's vert structure. b.visual rep of org's structure. c.dets formal reporting relationships that exist w/in an org. d.all of these. e.both shows the charc of org's vert structure & visual rep of the org's structure. d.all of these.
When work specialization is extensive a.employees perform a single task. b.employees perform many tasks. c.employees are often highly challenged. d.employees are often inefficient. tend to be large. a.employees perform a single task.
The formal and legitimate right of a manager to make decisions is a.delegation. b.responsibility. c.authority. d.span of management. e.leadership. c.authority.

Which set of managers tend to rely on conceptual skills the most?

Of the three types, top managers rely most on conceptual skills, since they must make business decisions.

Which type of manager relies mostly on human relations skills?

Compared to other management levels, middle-level managers require the most human skills mainly because they relate with the most people at different levels.

What is a characteristic of first

A first-line manager needs excellent communication skills. They explain the company's goals in terms that their team can understand and relate to. First-line managers also break down complex schedules or detailed instructions into information that their team can apply to day-to-day operations.

Which of the following are top managers responsible for in an organization?

Top management is responsible for establishing policies, guidelines and strategic objectives, as well as for providing leadership and direction for quality management within the organization. It should also establish those responsible and hold them accountable for a wide variety of management system processes.