Cpu try oder boxed was ist der unterschied

Small businesses rely on computers to do everything from accounting and invoicing to creating marketing materials. Consequently, many businesses need to purchase, repair or upgrade systems rather often. While computers and components used in them are not nearly as expensive as they used to be, computers are still a major cost of doing business for many companies. Therefore, many tech-savvy entrepreneurs save money by building their own computers or performing repairs or upgrades themselves. Whether you are building a new computer or upgrading an old one, a new processor is probably one of the first components on your shopping list. Depending on where you shop for a new CPU, you will probably see two different versions for sale: boxed and tray processors. Before you buy a processor, you should understand the differences in boxed and tray processors, as well as how those differences might affect your business and its bottom line.

Why There are Two Types

  1. Processor manufacturers like AMD and Intel sell the vast majority of CPUs they produce to Original Equipment Manufacturers, or OEMs. OEMs include companies like Acer, Dell, HP, Lenovo and others that use the processors in desktop and laptop computers they produce for sale to consumers and businesses. End-user consumers make up only a small segment of the CPU customer base for AMD and Intel. Nevertheless, the companies strive to meet the demands of consumers that build or upgrade their own computers by providing retail-boxed versions of their CPUs. As the name implies, boxed processors ship in attractive retail packaging and contain only one CPU. Tray processors ship in polystyrene trays and usually come in lots of 10. End-users usually buy boxed processors through authorized retailers. Companies that manufacture or repair computers usually purchase trays of processors from distributors or wholesalers.

Cost Differences

  1. In most cases, tray processors sell for less than their retail-boxed counterparts do. However, the actual price difference between a tray and retail-boxed processor depends on many variables. Because OEMs usually purchase tray processors in volume, they can typically buy them at a considerable discount – many times 20 percent to 30 percent below retail. Likewise, smaller companies that purchase only a few tray processors might only save a few dollars versus buying a boxed CPU. Sometimes, though, manufacturers offer consumer or end-user rebates on processors that can reduce the price of a boxed CPU to where it is actually cheaper than a tray processor. Some retailers and computer shops sell tray processors to business and consumer end users as well. Since they probably purchased the tray CPUs in bulk, the price for which they sell them is usually less than a boxed processor. Still, before you buy a processor, you should always check the manufacturer website for any rebates they might be offering on boxed CPUs.

Warranty and Support Issues

  1. As far as quality and manufacturing process goes, there is no difference in boxed and tray processors. Manufacturers produce the two types of processors in the same plants and submit them all to the same quality assurance testing. However, there are some warranty and support differences with the two types of processors that you must consider before buying. Since AMD and Intel produce tray processors with the intent of selling them to OEMs, they place strict limits on warranty periods. In most cases, tray processors come with little or no warranty – regardless of where you buy them. If you are lucky enough to get a warranty with a tray processor, the seller usually limits it to a week or two. Most sellers do test tray processors before selling them, though. After the seller test them and determines they are good, you generally assume all liability in their handling and installation. In addition, manufacturers and sellers ordinarily do not provide free tech support for tray processers. Conversely, manufacturers usually offer one- to five-year warranty periods on retail-boxed processors and offer free tech support to end users in many cases.

Don’t Forget the Fan

  1. Aside from the important cost, warranty and support differences between the two types of processors, the most obvious difference you will notice between a boxed and tray CPU is the fan. Put simply, tray processors don’t ship with a fan, while boxed CPUs include a fan made by the manufacturers. The fans that ship with boxed CPUs are generally high-quality coolers that do an adequate job of cooling the processor while it’s running at stock or recommended bus speeds. If you want to overclock a processor, though, the included cooling fan might not be sufficient. For that reason, many enthusiasts and overclockers often buy tray processors and then buy high-performance cooling fans from other manufacturers. Also, if you overclock a boxed processor, you usually void your warranty in the process. Therefore, if you want to push your processors to the limit, tray CPUs might be the better option.

Was bedeutet Tray Version bei CPU?

Als letzte Kategorie kommen noch die Tray-CPUs hinzu. Es handelt sich dabei um die gleichen Prozessoren, jedoch ohne die übliche Umverpackung. Der Name kommt von großen Plastikträgern, den sogenannten Trays, in denen größere Stückzahlen platzsparend verpackt sind. Die Händler kaufen die Prozessoren in diesen Trägern.

Was ist eine Tray Version?

Als Teil eines Systems eines Originalgeräteherstellers (OEM). Tray-Prozessoren werden an Hersteller mit großem Volumen (wie Acer, ASUS , Dell, Hewlett-Packard oder Lenovo) verkauft. Sie kaufen Prozessoren in großer Zahl und integrieren sie in PCs (Laptops, Desktops, All-in-One-PCs).