A is any hypothetical person that is using a program and providing input for it.

8. A __________ is any hypothetical person using a program and providing input for it.usera. designerb. userc. guinea pigd. test subject

9. A string literal in Python must be enclosed ineither single-quotes or double-quotes

10. Short notes placed in different parts of a program explaining how those parts of the program work are called__________.comments

11. A(n) __________ makes a variable reference a value in the computer’s memory.assignment statement

12. This symbol marks the beginning of a comment in Python.#

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A is any hypothetical person that is using a program and providing input for it.

The document you are viewing contains questions related to this textbook.

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13. Which of the following statements will cause an error?17=x

14. In the expression 12 + 7, the values on the right and left of the + symbol are called__________.operands

15. This operator performs integer division.//%/

16. This is an operator that raises a number to a power.*a.b.c.**d.%*/

17. This operator performs division, but instead of returning the quotient it returns the remainder.%%*/

18. Suppose the following statement is in a program:price = 99.0. After this statement executes, the price variablewill reference a value of this data type.float

19. This built-in function can be used to read input that has been typed on the keyboard.input()

20. This built-in function can be used to convert anintvalue to afloat.float()a.int_to_float()b.float()c.convert()d.int()1. What does a professional programmer usually do first to gain an understanding of a problem?The first thing aprofessional programmer will usually do to gain the understanding of a problem is to work directly with,and interview the customer.True or False1. Programmers must be careful not to make syntax errors when writing pseudocode programs.(F)2. In a math expression, multiplication and division takes place before addition and subtraction.(T)3. Variable names can have spaces in them.(F)4. In Python the first character of a variable name cannot be a number.(T)5. If you print a variable that has not been assigned a value, the number 0 will be displayed.(F)Short Answer

A__ error does not prevent the program from running, but causes it to produce incorrect results.

a. syntax
b. hardware
c. logic
d. fatal

A______ is a single function that the program must perform in order to satisfy the customer.

a. task
b. software requirement
c. prerequisite
d. predicate

A___ is a set of well-defined logical steps that must be taken to perform a task

a. logarithm
b. plan of action
c. logic schedule
d. algorithm

an informal language that has no syntax rules, and is not meant to be complied or executed is called

a. faux code
b. pseudocode
c. Java
d. a flow chart

A________ is a diagram that graphically depicts the steps that thake place in a program.

a. flowchart
b. step chart
c. code graph
d. program graph

A ____ is a set of statements that execute in the order that they appear.

a. serial program
b. sorted code
c. sequence structure
d. ordered structure

A__ is a sequence of characters that is used as data

a. sequence structure
b. character collection
c. string
d. text block

a_______ is a storage location in memory that is represented by a name

a. variable
b. register
c. RAM slot
d. byte

a_____ is any hypothetical person that is using a program and providing input for it

a. designer
b. user
c. guinea pig
d. test subject

a__ is a message that tells or asks the user to enter a specific value.

a. inquiry
b. input statement
c. directive
d. prompt

a\_\_\_ sets a variable  to a specific value
variable declaration
assignment statement
math expression 
sting literal

In the expression 12 + 7, the values on the right and left of the + symbol are called
math expression

A\_\_\_\_\_ operator raises a number to a power

a\_\_\_\_ operation performs division but instead of retuning the quotient it returns the remainder

A \_\_\_\_ specifies a variables name and data type
variable specification 
variable certification 
variable declaration

Assigning a value to a variable in a declaration statement is call 
programming style

A \_\_\_\_\_\_ variable is one that has been declared but has not been initialized or assigned a value

A\_\_ is a variable whose content has a value that is read only and cannot be changed during the programs execution
static variable
initialized variable 
named constant
locked variable

A debugging process in which you imagine that your are the computer executing a programming is called 
imaginative computing 
role playing
mental simulation 
hand tracing

Short notes placed n different parts of a program explaining how those parts of the program work are called
reference manuals 
external documentation

What is a hypothetical person using a program and providing input for it?

designer. any hypothetical person using a program and providing input for it.

What is a set of statements that execute in the order that they appear?

The sequence structure simply executes a sequence of statements in the order in which they occur.

What is a single function that the program must perform?

software requirement: a single task that the program must perform in order to satisfy the customer. algorithm: a set of well-defined logical steps that must be taken to perform a task.

Which operator performs division but instead of returning the quotient it returns the remainder?

Modulus arithmetic is performed using the Mod Operator. This operator returns the remainder after dividing the divisor into the dividend an integral number of times.