Why did the court rule that the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was unconstitutional quizlet?

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Why did the court rule that the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was unconstitutional quizlet?


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The lowest standard of review is the RATIONAL basis test. Under this standard, the Court presumes that the government's action is valid.The government need only prove that its action is reasonably related to a legitimate government interest, and the individual bringing suit against the government must demonstrate that the government action is irrational or arbitrarily applied. In other words, the scales are tipped in favor of the government.

The middle standard of review is heightened or INTERMEDIATE scrutiny. This standard requires that the action advances important governmental interests, and that the means used are substantially related to these governmental interests. Using the scale analogy, the Court sees both government interests and individual interests as somewhat equally weighted when applying intermediate scrutiny.

The final and highest standard of review is STRICT scrutiny. When the government discriminates against individuals based on their race, religion, or national origin or infringes on any individual's fundamental freedom, the Court uses the strictest of scrutiny to determine if the action was warranted. In such cases, three questions are asked. First, does the case involve a fundamental freedom or suspect classification? Second, does the action serve a compelling government interest? And third, is the action taken by the government narrowly tailored to achieve the compelling interest? The Court poses these questions to test whether the government has used the least restrictive means for achieving its interest; that is, the Court wants to make sure that the government does not infringe on civil liberties or civil rights any more than absolutely necessary. Under this standard, the scales are tipped in favor of the individual.

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Why did the court rule that the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was unconstitutional quizlet?

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Why did the court rule that the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was unconstitutional quizlet?

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Why did the court rule that the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was unconstitutional?

The Supreme Court struck down the 1875 Civil Rights Bill in 1883 on the grounds that the Constitution did not extend to private businesses.

Why were parts of the Civil Rights Act of 1875 declared unconstitutional in the civil rights cases quizlet?

What was the Supreme Court's response to the Civil Rights Act of 1875? It declared the act unconstitutional because the Constitution only protects against acts of private discrimination, not state discrimination.

Was the Civil Rights Act of 1875 declared unconstitutional?

The Supreme Court declared the law unconstitutional in 1883. In a consolidated case, known as the Civil Rights Cases, the court found that the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution granted Congress the right to regulate the behavior of states, not individuals.

What were two reasons for the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1875?

The Civil Rights Act of 1875 (3:58-6:43) a. Ensure people weren't discriminated against in public areas because whites still weren't accepting African Americans as equals. b. Radical Republicans blamed the South for not following through with the provisions of the 14th Amendment.