What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 2 years

What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 2 years

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 what rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 3 years?




What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 2 years

what rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 3 years?

Guest Apr 9, 2015

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    Best Answer 


    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 2 years


    We have

    2A  =A(1 + r)^3     divide both sides by A

    2 = (1 + r)^3         take the log of both sides

    log 2  = log(1+ r)^3    and we can write

    log 2 =3log(1 + r)    divide both sides by 3

     (log2) /3  = log ( 1 + r)    in exponential form, we have

    10 ^[log2 ]/3 = 1 +  r    subtract 1 from both sides

    10 ^[log2 ]/3 - 1 = r =  about 25.9 %

    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 2 years
    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 2 years
    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 2 years

    CPhill Apr 9, 2015

    2+0 Answers


    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 2 years


    Best Answer

    We have

    2A  =A(1 + r)^3     divide both sides by A

    2 = (1 + r)^3         take the log of both sides

    log 2  = log(1+ r)^3    and we can write

    log 2 =3log(1 + r)    divide both sides by 3

     (log2) /3  = log ( 1 + r)    in exponential form, we have

    10 ^[log2 ]/3 = 1 +  r    subtract 1 from both sides

    10 ^[log2 ]/3 - 1 = r =  about 25.9 %

    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 2 years
    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 2 years
    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 2 years

    CPhill Apr 9, 2015


    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 2 years


    It can be solved more easily.

    According to rule 72, the rate needed to double the investment is 72 / 3 = 24

    Guest Oct 30, 2016

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    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 2 years

    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 2 years

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    What is the annual rate of interest compounded annually doubles an investment in 2 years?

    Hence, the answer is 41. 4%.

    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double investment in 3 years?

    Answer and Explanation: The expression for the compound interest. Substitute the known values. Thus, the interest rate should be 41.42%.

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    Compound interest, or 'interest on interest', is calculated using the compound interest formula. The formula for compound interest is A = P(1 + r/n)^nt, where P is the principal balance, r is the interest rate, n is the number of times interest is compounded per time period and t is the number of time periods.

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    Calculator Use For example if you wanted to double an investment in 5 years, divide 72 by 5 to learn that you'll need to earn 14.4% interest annually on your investment for 5 years: 14.4 × 5 = 72. The Rule of 72 is a simplified version of the more involved compound interest calculation.