What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 13 years

What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 13 years

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 what rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 3 years?




What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 13 years

what rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 3 years?

Guest Apr 9, 2015

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    Best Answer 


    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 13 years


    We have

    2A  =A(1 + r)^3     divide both sides by A

    2 = (1 + r)^3         take the log of both sides

    log 2  = log(1+ r)^3    and we can write

    log 2 =3log(1 + r)    divide both sides by 3

     (log2) /3  = log ( 1 + r)    in exponential form, we have

    10 ^[log2 ]/3 = 1 +  r    subtract 1 from both sides

    10 ^[log2 ]/3 - 1 = r =  about 25.9 %

    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 13 years
    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 13 years
    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 13 years

    CPhill Apr 9, 2015

    2+0 Answers


    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 13 years


    Best Answer

    We have

    2A  =A(1 + r)^3     divide both sides by A

    2 = (1 + r)^3         take the log of both sides

    log 2  = log(1+ r)^3    and we can write

    log 2 =3log(1 + r)    divide both sides by 3

     (log2) /3  = log ( 1 + r)    in exponential form, we have

    10 ^[log2 ]/3 = 1 +  r    subtract 1 from both sides

    10 ^[log2 ]/3 - 1 = r =  about 25.9 %

    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 13 years
    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 13 years
    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 13 years

    CPhill Apr 9, 2015


    What rate of interest compounded annually is required to double an investment in 13 years


    It can be solved more easily.

    According to rule 72, the rate needed to double the investment is 72 / 3 = 24

    Guest Oct 30, 2016

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    For example, if the interest rate earned is 6%, it will take 12 years (72 divided by 6) for your money to double. If you want your money to double every 8 years, you will need to earn an interest rate of 9% (72 divided by 8).

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