Which type of software is used to organize data into rows and columns of cells?

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Technology Now Chapter 4: Application Software

Terms in this set (83)

Absolute reference

Refers to a fixed cell location in a spreadsheet that never changes when moved or copied in the workbook.


The location of text or graphics relative to the margins on a page, in a text box, or in a cell. Alignment also determines how a line or paragraph is placed between the two margins on the page: right, center, or along both edges.


The appearance of movement or motion added to an object or text by displaying a sequence of still images, each with small changes from the previous image.


Short for application software, a program that lets you perform specific tasks, such as writing a document, analyzing a set of numbers, or preparing a presentation.

App store

An online Web site where you can buy and download apps for a computer or for mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone.

Application software program

A program you use when you listen to music, edit photos, go to Web sites, check and send email, or perform a task as you are using a computer or smartphone. Also called app or software application.


In a formula, a value or function involved in the calculation.


An image based on pixels in which a color value is assigned to each pixel to give the illusion of continuity and to create a realistic-looking image.


The character placed before a line of text to create a list.


In spreadsheet software, the intersection of a row and column in a worksheet.

Cell address

The location of a cell in a worksheet using the column header letter and row number to identify the cell in the grid, such as A12 or C75. Also called cell reference.

Cell range

A group of cells in a worksheet; the cells can be adjacent, with all cells touching, or nonadjacent, where not all cells are touching.

Cell reference

The location of a cell in a worksheet using the column header letter and row number to identify the cell in the grid, such as A12 or C75. Also called cell address.


A graphical representation of data that visually illustrates relationships and patterns.

Column chart

A type of graph that compares categories of data to one another.


The blending of technologies that blurs the distinction between categories of software and hardware.


To remove parts of an image or delete unwanted objects from a graphic or photo.

Data type

In a database, used to defined fields, such as text, date, or number.


A type of application software used to create and manage data, such as customer names and addresses. Also, a collection of data, often organized and stored electronically.

Desktop publishing (DTP) software

Application software that combines word processing with advanced graphics capabilities to create documents such as flyers and newsletters.


A file created by a word processor.

Document management tool

A program that helps protect and organize files; also used to collaborate with others.


An object that stores the smallest part of a record, such as first name or last name, in a database.

Field name

A unique description assigned to a field in a table in the database so it can be identified.


In a Web search, a way to narrow a search to include only certain types of results, such as images or news, or pages posted in a certain date range, such as within the last 24 hours. In a database, a feature that selects a subset of records containing criteria you specify.

Font color

A characteristic of text that determines the color of each character.

Font size

A characteristic of text that determines the size of a character, measured in points; each point is 1/72 of an inch.

Font style

A characteristic of text that determines the visual effects of characters such as bold or italics.

Font type

A characteristic of text that defines that shape and form of characters; examples include Arial and Times New Roman.


A database object used to enter and navigate records in a database.


To change the way an object, text, or image appears on the screen.


In a worksheet, an entry that includes data such as values, functions, and mathematical operators to perform a calculation.


In a worksheet, a predefined calculation such as SUM or AVERAGE.


A type of application software used to create, view, manipulate, and print digital images such as photos, drawings, clip art, and diagrams.


A set point to determine where paragraph text begins on a line and where the next line begins after the wrapped text.

Insertion point

The blinking vertical bar displayed onscreen to mark your place and indicate where any typing will be inserted in a document.


A key term associated with a blog post; in a worksheet, the descriptive text.

Line chart

A type of chart that uses lines to tracks trends over time.

Line spacing

A paragraph setting that determine how much white space to display between each line of text; can set before and after spacing; can be measured in points.

Local application

A software application installed on your computer's hard drive.


A mini program that performs a predefined action.


An area in a document between text and the edge of the page.

Mobile application

A program written specifically for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Also called mobile app and Web app.

Native application

A program that has been designed to run on a specific operating system such as Android, IOs, or Windows. Also called native app.


In a formula, the mathematical symbol such as "+" or "−" or "*" or "/" for addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division

Page break

To specify a specific location for a new page to begin in a document regardless of the amount of text on the page.

Page orientation

The page layout of text on the page; can be portrait or landscape, vertical or horizontal.

Paragraph spacing

A paragraph setting that determines how much white space to display between each paragraph; can set before and after spacing; measured in points; affects document length.

Pivot table

A worksheet tool used to create meaningful data summaries to analyze worksheets containing large volumes of data.


Short for picture element; a dot of light or color in an image or screen display.


Measurement used to determine the height and size of a character; a point is 1/72 of an inch.

Portable application

Software that is stored on and run from portable removable storage devices such as CDs, DVDs, or flash drives; you connect the storage device to a computer to run the application.


An electronic slide show.

Presentation software

Software used to create electronic slides for presentations and can include pictures, charts, audio, video, and animation.


A characteristic of an object.


In a database, a database object used to specify criteria that extract data based on criteria that the query creator specifies. Criteria are conditions for a field.


A database object used to organize data in a database; consists of fields and is stored in tables.

Red eye

An effect that can happen when the flash from a camera is used to take a photo and results in a person appearing to have red eyes; you can use graphics tools to remove red eye.

Relational database

A database in which two or more tables are related (connected) with linked tables with common fields so that data doesn't have to be repeated, making it more prone to error.

Relative reference

In a worksheet, identifies a cell by its location relative to other cells and changes when a formula is moved or copied.


In a database, a user-designed layout of data in a database.


On a client/server network, a computer that controls the access of client computers to hardware, software, and other resources; the clients request services from the server.

Slide master

In presentation software, a slide that determines themes or formatting for all slides in a presentation based on that master.

Software application

A program you use to listen to music, edit photos, go to Web sites, check and send email, or perform another task when you are using a computer or smartphone. Also called application software program or app.


To arrange data or records using specific criteria, such as alphabetical or numerical in ascending or descending order.

Speech recognition software

A program that analyzes speech sounds and converts them into phonemes, which are then matched to words in a digital dictionary and written as text on a computer screen or accepted as voice input and interpreted as computer commands. Also called speech-to-text.


A grid of columns and rows used to store values and labels and formulas in a workbook. Also called worksheet.


A set point in a document to determine where text begins on a line in relation to the left margin.


A database object used to organize and store data in a database; consists of fields and records organized in a grid of rows and columns, much like a worksheet.


A document that contains formatting such as margins, fonts, and page layouts that you use to create new documents.


In presentation software, a small version of each slide used to change the order of slides in the presentation. In graphics, a small version of an image; in operating systems, a view that displays a small version of a file.


A graphic that helps a person viewing a video or presentation know when one scene or slide ends and another begins.


In a worksheet, a number, or the result of a formula that performs a numeric calculation.


A graphics format that uses mathematical formulas instead of pixels to define their appearance; tend to be simple images such as shapes, lines, and diagrams.


In a database, the way you display data such as Design view. In a word processor, the way you display the document such as Page view or Print preview; in a presentation application, the way you display slides in a presentation, such as Slide show view or Normal view.

Web application (Web app)

A program that resides on a server on the Internet, rather than a user's device, and is run through a Web browser. See also Native app.

Web-based application

Program that you access over the Internet in a browser on your computer or as an app on your mobile device that runs off the Internet, and often offer collaboration features that installed apps can't handle.

Web development software

A program that allows nontechnical users to create Web pages by automatically coding text with HTML tags.

What-if analysis

Software tools to test multiple scenarios by temporarily changing one or more variables to see the effect on related calculations.

Word processing

Creating, editing, formatting, viewing, printing, and publishing documents.

Word processing software

A program used to create, edit, format, view, print, and publish documents.


A collection of worksheets in spreadsheet software.


The grid of columns and rows used to store values and labels and formulas in a workbook. Also called spreadsheet.

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What software is used to organize data into rows and columns?

Spreadsheet software is used to organize and manipulate numerical data. Numbers are organized on a grid of lettered columns and numbered rows.

Which software program organizes data in columns?

A spreadsheet is a computer program that can capture, display and manipulate data arranged in rows and columns.