Which type of leader would alter his or her leadership style as circumstances change?


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Final Exam

Policy The United State should reform healthcare legislation is a statement of ___ because it presents a specific action.
Fact Presents something as either correct or incorrect and can be verified with evidence.
Hasty Generalization is a fallacy of reason that assumes because two things are alike in some known respects, they are also alike in other unknown respects.
Speakers preparing to use sources to establish credibility should do all of the following EXCEPT search only for sources that support their persuasive argument
"A black cat crossed Melinda's path yesterday and sure enough she was involved in a car accident later that same afternoon" is an example of the fallacy of reasoning termed: faulty cause (post hoc ergo propter hoc)
The primary purpose of a persuasive speech is to: influence, convince, motivate, sell or stimulate action.
Although one could select the same topic for an informative and a persuasive speech, in a persuasive speech the speaker should select a position and argue from that side.
"Watching TV while studying is ineffective, and you should not watch TV while studying" is an example of a thesis designed to impact the audience's behaviors.
Persuasion ____________ is the process of motivating someone, through communication, to change a particular belief, attitude, or behavior.
Which of the following is an unethical practice in persuasive speaking? Persuading someone for your own benefit.
If someone's leg begins to ache before it rains, and he assumes that the pain caused the rain, this would be an example of which fallacy? Post hoc ergo proctor hoc (false cause
Credibility ___________ refers to the believability of a speaker.
Competence __________ refers to the speaker's expertise on a topic.
direct persuasion A speaker who makes his or her purpose clear usually by stating it outright in the speech is using _____________.
value "Idaho is a better place to live than Oregon" is an example of a proposition of ___________.
Which of the following would best be described as the bandwagon appeal (argumentum ad populum) fallacy? Using the fact that many people agree with you to validate an argument
A target audience During the presidential elections, candidates are often vying for the attention of a small portion of the audience that are more likely to change their vote, called swing voters. Swing voters are an example of which of the following?
charisma Enthusiasm is most closely related to ________________.
Neutralize potential hostility A speaker who is worried about the disposition of his audience and utilizes humor to diffuse the situation is most likely attempting to do what?
In considering the ethics of persuasive speaking, it is important to consider who might be helped as well as who might be harmed as a consequence of a speech. True
Showing graphic photos of a car crash to produce the emotion of fear to deter your audience from drinking and driving is an example of an appeal to ethos False
A speaker's ethos is established by her/his position, title and experience, AND the independent quality of the sources used in the presentation. True
Pathos is using emotional appeals to effectively make your case. True
The most important form of appeal according to Aristotle was Pathos. False
Social judgment theory tells us that when members of an audience hear a persuasive appeal, they compare it to opinions that they already hold. True
"Bottled water is healthier for you than tap water," is a proposition of fact. True
In indirect persuasion the speaker will make his or her purpose clear, usually by stating it outright early in the speech. False
It is not enough to prove that a problem exists. You must show your listeners that the problem affects them in some way. True
Character involves the audience's perception of honesty and impartiality. True
Social media Which communication channel allows for mediated interactive communication with small and large audiences?
social needs By communicating pleasure, affection, and inclusion, we satisfy our___.
External noise Shonda was sitting in a crowded room that was very warm and stuffy. This was making it difficult for her to listen to the speaker's message. What type of noise was interfering with Shonda's message reception?
asynchronous communication When there is a time gap between when a message is sent and when it is received, one is using___.
Message richness Which of the following terms do social scientists use to describe the multiple nonverbal cues that add clarity to a verbal message?
disinhibition The tendency to transmit message without considering the consequence of the message is called_____.
Julia told Kacie that Taylor was "loaded." Kacie took this to mean that Taylor had had too much to drink, whereas Julia had meant that he was very wealthy. This is an example of: meanings are in people, not words
empathy Perspective taking is associated with___.
Handwritten message Which method of communication provides the greatest level of control over how the message is composed?
social needs Even though she doesn't like her very much, Belinda talks with Josie because it makes her feel less lonely. Belinda is using her interactions with Josie to fulfill her___.
flaming Cassandra is mad at her friend, Nicole, for spreading rumors about her at school. Consequently, Cassandra decides to get back at her by posting embarrassing pictures of her online. She also persists in making hateful and hurtful comments about Nicole on h
communicators In the transactional model of communication, individuals who participate in an interaction are known as____.
Intrapersonal communication is communication____. with oneself
_____ is the transmission of messages without considering consequences while ______ is the impulsive transmission of angry and hostile message. Disinhibition; flaming
Research has indicated a link between heavy reliance on mediated communication and _____. increased loneliness
Which of the following best exemplifies asynchronous communication? Text messaging
James is great at talking to his peers but is not so skillful when communicating with authority figures. This illustrates how communication is situational
Mass communication Which type of communication is less personal, controlled by gatekeepers and sent by organizations to large audiences?
Sandy really likes talking to Belinda. Every time she speaks with her, Sandy feels calmer and less anxious. Sandy is using her interactions with Belinda to fulfill her______. physical needs
The absence of satisfying communication can cause medical issues. True
For any given situation, there is one ideal manner in which to communicate. False
Tom was angry at Becky, his supervisor, and quickly sent an angry and vicious text message stating his displeasure with comments she made during a work meeting. The correct term for this behavior, according to scholars, is "flaming." True
Effective communications is able to solve any issue or conflict. False
When someone says the word "Democrat" Isaac immediately thinks of a crazy left-wing liberal. However, Paula thinks of her compassionate mother who worked for years to serve her community. This is an example of how meanings are subjective to people and are True
Communication competence can be learned. True
Face to face communication is transitory whereas mediated communication can be permanent. True
The transactional model uses the broader term "respnds" instead of "encodes" to describe both the intentional and unintentional actions that can be observed and interpreted. True
Mediated communication calls for its own unique rules of etiquette. True
Having the knowledge of what is the appropriate way to communicate in any given situation is enough to be considered a competent communicator. False
narratives Personal stories that we create to make sense of our personal world are known as______.
self-serving bias Judy did not correctly complete a task that her supervisor had given her. Judy's supervisor attributed the unsatisfactory result to Judy's failure to listen well or try hard enough. Judy felt that her errors were due to unclear instructions and to her su
empathy The ability to re-create another person's perspective and experience the world from the other's point of view is known as____.
self-concept Our perception of what is unique about ourselves and what makes us both similar to and different from others is known as_____.
facework Your friend gave you confusing directions to a party, which caused you to be late. When you arrived, you stated "Sorry I am late, I'm a terrible navigator." By using this sort of mild, self-deprecating humor to defuse a potentially unpleasant situation,
Which of the following is an advantage of using mediated communication for identity management? It allows the sender to choose the ambiguity level of the message.
Self-concept refers to how the self is _____ while self-esteem refers how the self is______. perceived; evaluated
Attribution refers to________. attaching meaning to behavior
Dave tells an inappropriate joke that he thought was funny to his coworker. The coworker becomes offended and files a complaint with Dave's supervisor. Where did Dave go wrong? He assumed similarity between himself and his coworker.
organization The process of arranging information in the environment in a meaningful way is called_____.
facework When we use verbal and nonverbal communication to maintain our presenting image and images of others, we are engaging in______.
Perception checking Which of the following methods will help you interpret the behavior of others more accurately?
self-fulfilling prophecy When a person's expectations of an outcome, and the subsequent behavior, cause the outcome to occur, it is called______.
Selection The first step in perception
stereotyping Snap judgments become particularly problematic when they are based on_______
communication competence The ability to construct multiple identities is one element of ______.
Why do we manage our identities? To satisfy social rules and meet our personal goals.
Which of the following best characterizes a low self-monitor? Low self-monitors need to be themselves and are easy to read.
When she was a child, Amy had a bad experience jumping from a diving board. To this day, she considers herself a weak swimmer. That experience affected her ____. self-concept
A stereotype is essentially a (n)_____. exaggerated belief
Our emotional state (mood, feelings) can determine what we choose to select in the perception process. True
Introverts cannot be effective leaders. False
High self-esteem guarantees successful business and personal relationships False
Self-fulfilling prophecies can shape one's self-concept in both positive and negative ways. True
Until they approach the age of 7 years old, children cannot take another person's point of view. True
Your occupational choice will have little influence over how you see the world. False
In general, we judge others more kindly than we judge ourselves. False
We pay more attention to negative impressions than positive ones. True
We cling to first impressions even if they are inaccurate. True
Empathy and sympathy are two different words to describe the same concept. False
Individualist cultures tend to hold which of the following views Place a high value on youth
Japan is a high-context culture and America is a low-context culture True
Power distance _____________ is the difference in interpersonal power and influence between managers and subordinates.
Which of the following is an essential component of intercultural communication competence? Tolerance for ambiguity
China is a very collectivist culture True
passive observation Noticing the behaviors of members of another culture for the purpose of acquiring culture-specific information is known as _______.
stereotyping When a person makes exaggerated generalizations about a group, he or she is engaging in ______________.
ethnocentrism criticizing people of another culture
out-group Being of different cultural salient
Unfairly biased and intolerant attitudes towards others are known as ___________ while ____________ is the attitude that one's own culture is superior to others. prejudice; ethnocentrism
Competition and dissent are more prevalent in individualist cultures True
Contact Hypothesis John grew up traveling and spending time with people around the world. He now has positive attitudes and good relationships with people of many different cultures.
You are looking for signs as to whether a culture is low context. Which of the following would be an obvious indicator of that fact? Use of the word "no"
Which of the following groups does NOT meet the definition of a co-culture? all are co-cultures, gangs, age, sexual orientation, and religion
Which of the following cultures is the LEAST comfortable with silence? United States
tolerance for ambiguity certainty that an experience will be awful without knowing for sure
socioeconomic status being from a different economic status then others
Which of the following regionalisms about the United States of America is FALSE? People from New England smile more than people from the Midwest
Groups that come from cultures with a high tolerance for uncertainty are more willing to take risks. True
Salience is the difference in interpersonal power and influence between managers and subordinates. False
On average, one in five hate crimes in the United States targets people on the basis of their sexual orientation. True
In some cultures, religion is the defining factor in shaping in-and-out-groups. True
Regardless of the specific physical condition, it is important to treat a disability as one feature of a human being, not as the defining characteristic of a human being. True
If volunteering assistance to a person with a disability, wait until after your offer is accepted before proceeding. True
People over the age of 40 are still twice as likely as younger ones to be depicted in the media as unattractive, bored, and in declining health. True
Time, circumstance, nonverbal behavior and background are just as important as language in determining the conversational meaning in a low-context culture. False
People in individualistic cultures view confrontational conflict management styles as more appropriate than do people from collectivist cultures. True
Western cultures have much more of a short-term goal focus; whereas Asian cultures accept more of a long-term goal focus. True
proxemics The study of the way people and animals use space is called _____________________.
Nonverbal sensitivity is a major component of _________________. emotional intelligence
Julio asked Dolores about her day at work. She answered him by shrugging her shoulders. Which nonverbal function is Dolores using? Substituting
Nonverbal behaviors that have precise meaning known to everyone within a cultural group are called __________. emblems
Which of the following behaviors has been identified by researchers as one of the main ways people indicate attraction? Prolonged eye contact
The first language we learn as infants is _____________. touch
Spreading your textbooks and backpack out on the library table is a way of indicating ____________. territory
Vocalizations such as stammering or the use of "uh," "um," or "er," are also called ___________________. disfluencies
Momentary expressions that reflect an emotional state are called _____________. micro expressions
Cultures that allow for flexible schedules in which multiple tasks are pursued at the same time are said to be ____________. polychronic
According to researchers, which of the following practices is most likely to help you detect when a person is lying? Listening actively and suspiciously to the person
Samantha is studying abroad this semester, and she doesn't want to be out of touch with the culture in the country she's visiting. Which of the following observations of nonverbal behavior would suggest to her that culture there is monochronic? Students enter classrooms shortly before lectures begin
Lee is trying to show his friend the dent in his car's front bumper from a recent traffic accident. "See, it's next to the license plate," he says. To nonverbally communicate his message through the function of repeating, Lee should __________. point at the dent
Zach thinks he should get to eat the last slice of pizza because he paid for the pizza. "It's my pizza, " he says to his friends. To nonverbally communicate his message through the function of accenting, Zach should ________. put verbal emphasis on the word "my"
Eddy agrees with something his friend Ronald just said about basketball. To nonverbally communicate his agreement through the function of substituting, Eddy should ____________. nod his head
Paula was ready to begin her speech, so she made an "OK" gesture by forming an O with her thumb and forefinger while raising up her other three fingers. This serves as a(n)________________. emblem
Martin flew from Illinois to Arizona to spend time with his friend Max. When Martin arrived in Arizona, Max told him that he wouldn't be able to spend time with him except for one dinner during the weeklong visit. Considering how Max used ___________, Ma chronemics
When students attend classes they likely sit between 12-25 feet away from the professor. This is an example of appropriate ____________ distance. public
The study of the communicative function of touch is known as _________. haptics
Jackie sneered and sarcastically said, "I love your outfit," sending a conflicting message to her classmate. This is an example of a(n) _________ message contradicting
Nonverbal communication is expressed by linguistic means. False
Nonverbal cues are central to the expression of emotion because communicators are often more comfortable expressing their feelings nonverbally than they are stating them explicitly through words. True
Dress codes are based on principles of nonverbal communication True
David gestured wildly as he paced back and forth while describing his anger. David's nonverbal gestures and movement are an example of kinesics. True
Eric used the nonverbal channel of proxemics when he showed up to his girlfriend's birthday party an hour late to show he was mad at her. False
Robin held her hands four feet apart to show how big the fish the fish was she caught on vacation. In this case, Robin is using her gesture to function as an illustrator. True
While waiting in the dentist's chair, Suzi fidgeted with the rings on her finger. This type of body movement is known as a regulator. False
People in subordinate work positions typically have better nonverbal decoding skills. True
Because visually impared people cannot see to learn cultural facial expressions, they develop unique facial expressions of their own. False
Stressing certain words with the voice ("That was your idea!") is another way to use nonverbal communication. True
Research indicates that high-achieving teams_______. have results-driven structure
______________are official guidelines that govern what the group is supposed to do, while __________________ are unspoken standards that govern how the group interacts with one another. Rules; norms
Which leadership style relies on legitimate, coercive, and reward power to influence others? Authoritarian
During the group meeting, Laura presents the enormous amount of research she collected for their project. In this capacity, Laura is acting as the______________. information giver
Which of the following types of leaders respect the power of teamwork and are primarily motivated by the mission of the group or organization? Transformational
According to research, which leadership style is most highly correlated with success? Democratic
Which of the following best characterizes the difference between nominal and emergent leadership? Emergent leaders gain influence as a result of circumstance, while nominal leaders gain influence through their title
Which of the following is true about power? Power is conferred by the group.
If you were a transformational leader, your first priority would be ______. The organization
Which of the following behaviors will boost the odds of an individual emerging as the leader of a group? Resolving a disagreement
Joe listens as his group members argue about the deadline for their project. Some say their supervisor set the deadline for May 1; others insist the deadline is April 15. Joe suddenly interjects: "We're spending way too much time arguing about this. Let's Energizer
The style in which the leader gives up the power to dictate, transforming the group into a leaderless collection of equals, is called _____________. laissez-faire leadership
Which type of power comes from a member's ability to develop relationships that help the group reach its goal? Connection
Effective followers_________________. think for themselves
Every Friday, Brian delivers the week's average sales figures to his direct supervisor. His supervisor then gives the figures to the director, and the director gives the information to the CFO. The people at Brian's work interact through a __________? chain network
Your team is highly disorganized and needs a leader. Since the rest of the team is unqualified, you feel you'd be the best person to lead the team. However, there is another team member vying for control. It's obvious his leadership qualities are lacking. Get other team members to support you.
Consider the role the gatekeeper plays in a wheel network. Most of the gatekeeper's influence probably comes from his or her ________. connection power
A democratic leader ____________________. allows members to be involved in determining the direction of various projects
Which type of leader would alter his or her leadership style as circumstances change? Democratic
Which of the following best exemplifies a virtual group? Four students work exclusively through e-mail to complete a class project.
It takes at least three members of a group to create a "ripple effect" on the rest of the group. False
One of the disadvantages to participating in a virtual group is that members may feel less committed or less accountable for their actions if they don't know their teammates well. True
Reward power comes from the respect, liking and trust of others. False
A bystander follower will be energetically and passionately engaged in the group process. False
One of the ways to become an emergent leader is to frequently participate and contribute to the group process. True
Transactional operators are motivated by keeping the group members happy and maintaining harmony. False
Leaders must be charismatic False
It's never good to joke around in a group meeting. False
The diagnostician group role is a member who indicates what the problems are. True
The all channel network works great with virtual groups. True
Which of the following groups should most easily be able to achieve consensus? Directors deciding whom to hire for an entry-level position
Which of the following options is an example of majority control in a group? Presidential elections in the United States
Which of the following options is an example of minority control in a group A few popular high-schoolers deciding what's "cool"
A journalism professor has divided his students into groups of five. Their assignment is to research local news coverage of a controversial issue and give a group presentation on their findings. Which of the following resources is least likely to present Cutouts of articles from local newspapers about the issue
Which of the following is not an advantage of working in groups? The time necessary to make a decision is often greater.
Sergio has suggestions for several issues that are being discussed at tonight's union meeting. If he has to wait to offer his suggestions until the appropriate time in the meeting's schedule, which problem-solving format is Sergio's union most likely usin Parliamentary procedure
A rural county's board of supervisors is deciding whether to use its funds for the construction of a new school or for repairs to its current schools. All county citizens have been invited to speak about the issue at the board's next meeting. Which proble Forum
Becky asked questions of all the group members and would discuss how all the contributions were related. She wanted to make sure that all group members "bought in" and contributed to the group decisions. In this case, Becky is using a(n): Consensus Style
Which of the following options is an example of authority rule over a group? A track coach ordering her team to run sprints
Which of the following options is an example of expert opinion controlling a group? A tour guide leading tourists around a city
Which of the following tasks is most likely to benefit from group input? Deciding where a family should stop for dinner
_____________ involve(s) development of solutions with input by the people who will be affected. Forums
The decline in efficiency that occurs when there is a shortage of the infomation that is necessary to operate effectively is called_______________. information underload
_______________ is a method of problem analysis that identifies the forces contributing to resolution of the problem and the forces that inhibit its resolution. Force field analysis
According to most structured problem-solving approaches developed in the last century, which of the following steps should be the first task of a problem-solving group? Determine the group's goals
The decline in efficiency that occurs when the rate of complexity of material is too great to manage is called _______________. information overload
Fisher's four-stage group decision-making process shows that the stages of a problem-solving group are______________? cyclical
A discussion format in which participants consider a topic more or less conversationaly, without formal procedural rules, which is sometimes facilitated by a moderator is called a _______________. panel discussion
A discussion format in which participants divide the topic in a manner that allows each member to deliver in-depth information without interruption is called a ______________________. symposium
____________________ are used in market research by sponsoring organizations to survey potential users of the public at large regarding a new product or idea. Focus groups
Groupthink is a term which describes a group's collective striving for unanimity that discourage realistic appraisals of alternatives. True
The reinforcement stage in problem solving groups is the stage when members become familiar with one another's position and tentatively volunteer their own work. False
Brainstorming refers to information overload False
The nominal group technique is a method for including the ideas of all group members in a problem-solving session. True
Authority rule is the approach most often used by autocratic leaders. True
Dialogue helps people let go of the notion that their ideas are superior to others' and instead try to understand the issues from many perspectives. True
Building cohesiveness is an unnecessary stage in task oriented groups. False
The interdependence of the members of a group is an important consideration when deciding to work as a group. True
Although successful groups will tolerate and even thrive on some differences in member's attitudes and behavior, wide variation will reduce cohesiveness. True
Working on problem-solving in a group is always preferable to working as an individual. False
"Politically correct" language is based on the idea behind: Linguistic relativism
Which of the following is NOT an accurate narrative representation of the concept behind Ogden and Richard's Triangle of Meaning? (All of the above are representative of Ogden and Richard's Triangle of Meaning
Two linguistic researchers analyzed the language of the Hopi Indians and concluded that the Hopi language makes no distinction between nouns and verbs. Therefore, the people who speak it describe the world as being constantly in progress, and thus, have a The Whorf-sapir hypothesis and luguistic determinism
One study revealed that when a name is ________ it is judged more favorably than ones that lack these qualities. simple, easily pronounced, and rhythmic
Hedges, hesitations, intensifiers, and disclaimers are all forms of __________________ language. powerless
It is a matter of historical interest that the southern accent we associate with the southern states of the United States did not develop until AFTER the Civil War. This makes sense in terms of language _________ when people modify their speaking styles t convergence
People in the United States eat "hamburgers" instead of "dead cow sandwiches." Our choice of this terminology is a : Euphemisms
________________ words have more than one correct dictionary definition Equivocal
_______ are pleasant terms substituted for more direct but potentially less pleasant terms. Euphemisms
A conclusion based on an interpretation of evidence is called a(n) _________________. inference
Which of the following is the correct placement of words on the abstraction ladder? a book, a textbook, a communication textbook; a song, a Disney song, a song from frozen
Which of the following is an inference? The boss likes Shelley better than she likes me
Which of the following is an example of how women and men use language differently? Women ask more questions in mixed-sex conversations.
Which of the following is valued most highly in communication by women in all-female talk? Empathy
Which of the following statements would researchers classify as being the most powerfully expressed? "I have a question."
When communicators adapt their speech to fit in with others they are adopting the strategy of ______________. convergence
The use of profanity is governed by_____. pragmatic rules
Which of the following questions should be asked when crafting a behavioral description? who is involved, in what circumstance does the behavior occur, and what behaviors are involved.
Which of the following statements is an opinion? Raising the minimum wage will cause businesses to increase their prices for goods sold.
Fred thinks his girlfriend's family is snooty, stuck-up, and overly impressed by their religiosity. At family gatherings he never even hears someone utter so much as a "heck" when something bad happens. One day, he has had enough. He walks in and lets loo divergence
"You" statements demonstrate the acceptance of more responsibility that "I" statements False
Communicators who want to show affiliation with another group will usually engage in linguistic convergence. True
Computer technicians are using euphemisms with vocabulary such as "RAM," "hard-drive," and "CPU." False
Ogden and Richard's Triangle of Meaning asserts that there is only an indirect relationship between a word and what it represents. It, therefore, is the user that connects the two. True
It is a difference in semantic rules that explains why a "cabinet" is a blended ice-cream drink in Rhode Island, but a piece of furniture in Idaho. True
The Dr. Fox Hypothesis claims that an apparently legitimate speaker who utters an unintelligible, but stylistically complex message will be found competent in the speaker's area of apparent expertise when judged by an audience. True
Language ue can shape our attitudes with regard to names, credibility, status, sexism, and racism True
The key to a more accurate use of language is to avoid assuming that others interpret words the same way we do. True
Feelings of control, attraction, commitment, and responsibility are all reflected in the way we use language. True
Communicators who want to show affiliation with one another adapt their speech in a variety of ways including their choice of vocabulary, rate of talking, number and placement of pauses, and level of politeness. True

Which type of leader would alter their leadership style as circumstances change quizlet?

Which type of leader would alter their leadership style as circumstances change? Situational (In contrast to trait theories of leadership, the principle of situational leadership holds that a leader's style change with the circumstances.)

Why leaders vary their leadership style in different circumstances?

There is no one effective leadership style. One individual may be effective in one situation and ineffective when placed in another. The situations can vary based on internal factors such as follower characteristics, organizational culture, organizational structure and the pressures on the work group to perform.

What are the 4 types of leadership styles?

Types of Leadership Styles.

Can leaders change their leadership style?

You can successfully change your leadership style to respond to any new situation that may arise in the workplace. Put simply, changing is a four step process: First you detect the need to change. Then you prepare to adapt, by being flexible and receptive to change.


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