What type of malware has the primary objective of spreading across the network?

1.What is cyberwarfare?

  • A. It is an attack on a major corporation.

  • B. It is an attack designed to disrupt, corrupt, or exploit national interests.

  • C. It is an attack that only involves robots and bots .

  • D. It is an attack only on military targets.

This item is based on information contained in the presentation. Cyberwarfare is a subset of information warfare (IW). Its objective is to disrupt (availability), corrupt (integrity) or exploit (confidentiality or privacy). It can be directed against military forces, critical infrastructures, or other national interests, such as economic targets. It involves several teams that work together. Botnet might be one of several tools to be used for launching the attack.

2. What type of malware has the primary objective of spreading across the network?

  • A. worm

  • B. virus

  • C. Trojan horse

  • D. Botnet

The main purpose of a worm is to self-replicate and propagate across the network.  A virus is a type of malicious software that needs a user to spread.  A trojan horse is not self-replicating and disguises itself as a legitimate application when it is not.  A botnet is a series of zombie computers working together to wage a network attack. ​

3. What is a botnet?

  • A. An online video game intended for multiple players.

  • B. A network that allows users to bring their own technology.

  • C. A group of web servers that provide load balancing and fault tolerance.

  • D. A network of infected computers that are controlled as a group.

One method of executing a DDoS attack involves using a botnet. A botnet builds or purchases a botnet of zombie hosts, which is a group of infected devices. The zombies continue to create more zombies which carry out the DDoS attack.

4. A company pays a significant sum of money to hackers in order to regain control of an email and data server. Which type of security attack was used by the hackers?

  • A. Ransomware

  • B. DoS

  • C. Trojan horse

  • D. spyware

Ransomware involves the hackers preventing user access to the infected and controlled system until the user pays a specified amount.

5. What name is given to an amateur hacker?

  • A. Red hat

  • B. Script kiddie

  • C. Black hat

  • D. Blue team

Script kiddies is a term used to describe inexperienced hackers.

6. What commonly motivates cybercriminals to attack networks as compared to hactivists or state-sponsored hackers?

  • A. Fame seeking

  • B. Financial gain

  • C. Political reasons

  • D. Status among peers

Cybercriminals are commonly motivated by money. Hackers are known to hack for status. Cyberterrorists are motivated to commit cybercrimes for religious or political reasons.  

7. What is the best definition of personally identifiable information (PII)?

  • A. Data that is collected by businesses to track the digital behavior of consumers.

  • B. Data that is collected from servers and web browsers using cookies in order to track a consumer.

  • C. Data that is collected from servers and websites for anonymous browsing.

  • D. Data that is collected by businesses to distinguish identities of individuals.

Personally identifiable information (PII) is data that could be used to distinguish the identity of an individual, such as mother’s maiden name, social security number, and/or date of birth.

8.What is a rogue wireless hotspot?

  • A. It is a hotspot that was set up with outdated devices.

  • B. It is a hotspot that does not encrypt network user traffic.

  • C. It is a hotspot that appears to be from a legitimate business but was actually set up by someone without the permission from the business.

  • D. It is a hotspot that does not implement strong user authentication mechanisms.

A rogue wireless hotspot is a wireless access point running in a business or an organization without the official permission from the business or organization.

9. What are two purposes of launching a reconnaissance attack on a network? (Choose two.)

  • A. To retrieve and modify data.

  • B. To scan for accessibility.

  • C. To escalate access privileges.

  • D. To gather information about the network and devices.

Gathering information about a network and scanning for access is a reconnaissance attack. Preventing other users from accessing a system is a denial of service attack. Attempting to retrieve and modify data, and attempting to escalate access privileges are types of access attacks.

10. At the request of investors, a company is proceeding with cyber attribution with a particular attack that was conducted from an external source. Which security term is used to describe the person or device responsible for the attack?

  • A. fragmenter.

  • B. skeleton.

  • C. threat actor.

  • D. tunneler.

Some people may use the common word of “hacker” to describe a threat actor. A threat actor is an entity that is involved with an incident that impacts or has the potential to impact an organization in such a way that it is considered a security risk or threat.

What type of malware has the primary objective of spreading across?

Worm Malware – Self-replicating viruses that exploit security vulnerabilities to automatically spread themselves across computers and networks.

What type of malware has the primary objective of spreading across the network * 1 point virus botnet Trojan horse worm?

3The main purpose of a worm is to self-replicate and propagate acrossthe network. A virus is a type of malicious software that needs a userto spread. A Trojan horse is not self-replicating and disguises itself asa legitimate application when it is not.

What is the main purpose of launching an access attack on network systems?

A network attack is an attempt to gain unauthorized access to an organization's network, with the objective of stealing data or perform other malicious activity.

Which type of malware attempts to convince people to divulge sensitive information?

Phishing. Phishers attempt to trick users into disclosing personal data, such as credit card numbers, online banking credentials, and other sensitive information, which they may then use to commit fraudulent acts.


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