Which property of a well written text refers to the connection of ideas in the text?

LESSON 2: PROPERTIES OF A WELL-WRITTEN TEXTORGANIZATIONrefers to the arrangement of ideas in a text. You can easily follow good organization when you create an outline of yourideas before you start. Anoutlineis like the skeleton of the human body- the latter gives the body form while the formergives your writing basically the same thing. The form will take make the readers see which ones are the major parts andwhich ones are the minor parts. An outline can be useful because it provides a format in which ideas can be arranged in ahierarchy-that is, it distinguishes the general ideas from the specific or subordinating ideas.COHERENCE AND COHESIONRefers to the connection of ideas and connection between sentences and between paragraphs.In order to assure coherence and cohesion, you need to use transitional and cohesive devices. For instance, to providecoherence, you may use phrases that signals that you are adding more information (e.g. in addition, moreover), referringto the previous statement (e.g. as mentioned earlier), or contrasting the previous statement (e.g. however) and so on. Forproviding cohesion,you must organize old and new information in your text. Organizing old and new information can bedone by using certain vocabulary such as synonyms and antonyms, or repetition of words from the previous sentence, orusing pronouns and conjunctions.Coherenceis based more on the logic of the ideas and how they are presented rather than on the language that is used toexpress these ideas whileCohesionrefers to the degree to which sentences (or even different parts of one sentence) areconnected so the flow of ideas is easy to follow.

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What are the properties of a well-written text? Whenever there is something to be done, most people try to visualize the output so that they could check how close they were in accomplishing that task. Now that you know the nature of a text—that it is connected discourse—you must already have a clear picture in your mind of what you should try to achieve in your writing. You should be able to distinguish good writing from a bad one by now. You are supposed to be aware that for a writer to be able to express meaning in writing, he or she must consider unity and logical arrangement of ideas; appropriateness of language use; and proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and format. Those considerations make up a well-written text.

So, if you are to write anything, your writing must have the following characteristics:

  • Organization
  • Coherence and cohesion
  • Appropriate language use
  • Proper mechanics


The first and primordial property of a well-written text is organization. It refers to the arrangement of ideas in a text. You can easily follow good organization when you create an outline of your ideas before you start. An outline is like the skeleton of the human body—the latter gives the body form while the former gives your writing basically the same thing. The form will make the readers see which ones are the major parts and which ones are the minor parts. An outline can be useful because it provides a format in which ideas can be arranged in a hierarchy—that is, it distinguishes the general ideas from the specific or subordinating ideas.

Coherence and Cohesion

Coherence and cohesion refer to the connection of ideas and connection between sentences and between paragraphs. As you have read previously, a text is connected discourse. This means that the ideas you will write on a topic will not be considered a well-written text if they do not stick together. In order for you to assure coherence and cohesion, you need to use transitional and cohesive devices. For instance, to provide coherence, you may use phrases that signal that you are adding more information (e.g. in addition, moreover), or referring to the previous statement (e.g. as mentioned earlier), or contrasting the previous statement (e.g. however), and so on. For providing cohesion, you must organize old and new information in your text. Organizing old and new information can be done by using certain vocabularies such as synonyms and antonyms, or repetition of words from the previous sentence, or using pronouns and conjunctions.

Appropriate Language Use

Appropriate language use refers to the acceptable style of language for a particular form of text. For business correspondences, for instance, the style must be concise and formal which is why writers of such texts should not use wordy phrases and must have a courteous tone to it. For literary pieces, on the other hand, the language and style may be less formal and more creative.

Proper Mechanics

Mechanics refers to the conventions of writing which include capitalization, punctuation, spelling, numerals, abbreviations, acronyms, and contractions. You may have experienced being confused as to whether you have committed an error in grammar or mechanics when you accidentally put an apostrophe in the possessive pronoun it’s or in the plural form of a noun such as cats. These errors are not errors in grammar since you have demonstrated that you know the rules in forming the possessive pronoun and plural. Since you made a mistake in the use of punctuation, you committed an error in mechanics.


Which property of well written text refers to the connection of ideas to the central concept of a text?

Cohesion refers to the logical flow and connection in a written text and is achieved through the use of devices to link sentences together so that there is a logical flow between ideas from one sentence to the next.

What are the properties of a well written texts?

For a text to be well-written, one must keep in mind these four properties: (1) Organization; (2) Coherence; (3) Mechanics; and (4) Language Use.

Which property of a well written text constitutes features that focus on connection in between ideas and in between sentences?

It is important for the parts of a written text to be connected together. Another word for this is cohesion. This word comes from the verb cohere, which means 'to stick together'. Cohesion is therefore related to ensuring that the words and sentences you use stick together.

What property of written text refers to the arrangements of ideas or information in a written text?

Coherence: This refers to the logical arrangement of sentences to be easily understood by the reader.