What happens to any junior liens on the property at a non-judicial foreclosure in arizona?

Unfortunately, foreclosures are the lead story on the local news more often than not these days, and many Arizona homeowners find themselves facing the foreclosure of their home. Foreclosure, in a nutshell, is the legal mechanism by which a mortgage lender can enforce its security interest in real estate by forcing the sale of the property that secures the mortgage loan.

Overview Of Arizona Foreclosure Law

Mortgages on homes and other real property are typically secured, meaning the borrower pledges the property as collateral for the loan. When a homeowner fails to make payments as required by the promissory note or mortgage contract, the lender may proceed to foreclose on the property. The foreclosure process in Arizona is strictly governed by statutory notice requirements, which are designed to afford the borrower sufficient opportunity to challenge the sale if it is proceeding in error and/or reinstate the loan before the sale occurs.

Non-Judicial Trustees Sales Are The Preferred Method Of Foreclosure In Arizona

In Arizona, most foreclosures proceed via a non-judicial process governed by a deed of trust executed and recorded at the time of purchase. By electing this procedure, the lender may proceed with a trustee's sale without having to file an action in court. Judicial foreclosure, however, remains an option for lenders in Arizona, and in some cases a judicial foreclosure gives the lender rights they might not have if they elected to proceed with a trustee's sale.

Regardless of whether the lender chooses a judicial or non-judicial foreclosure, the lender initiates the process by sending required written default notices followed by service of a lawsuit or formal notice of the trustee's sale. In most cases the default may be cured following receipt of this notice by paying the lender for all the back payments in addition to reasonable costs that may have been incurred.

What Happens After The Foreclosure Sale?

If the default is not cured or some other resolution is not reached, the home will be sold at auction to the highest bidder. In the event the bids are insufficient to satisfy the amount owed on the loan, the lender may buy the property itself at the foreclosure sale by submitting a credit bid up to the amount owed on the mortgage. The lender will then sell the property later via a private sale.

Of particular concern to many Arizona homeowners facing foreclosure is the possibility that the lender may file a lawsuit to recover any deficiency, meaning a shortfall in the amount received at the auction as compared to the amount owed on the note.

Consult With An Arizona Foreclosure Lawyer To Ask Your Foreclosure Questions

In the event you are facing foreclosure you should prepare yourself with a full understanding of the legal consequences by speaking with an experienced Arizona foreclosure attorney.

If you purchase a property at a foreclosure auction and later find that there is a government lien or lien that survives the foreclosure auction, you will be responsible and indebted. Once the foreclosure deed is recorded and the parties of interest (lien holders) are notified, you will be on the hook. The county, at their discretion, can attach many liens to other properties owned by you when they are the lien holder. If you were to sell your personal home, the lien would have to be satisfied prior to issuance of title insurance. In a worst case scenario, they can foreclose on other property you own to satisfy this debt though this rarely happens.

Typically, if you purchase a foreclosure auction property and contact the entity holding the lien and explain the situation they may reduce or strike off the foreclosure-lien held against the property. As a new investor, if you find yourself in this situation, we would recommend hiring a representative to negotiate the lien.

Here are some of the liens that survive a foreclosure sale:

    Government Issued, Superior to Foreclosure-Liens:
  • IRS-under special circumstances (under 120 day redemption period from deed recording). If IRS does not exercise its redemption right within the 120 days it will automatically expire.
  • Department of Treasury with usc exception
  • State Tax Lien
  • Lien by USA or Dept of Justice
  • US Department of State
  • Other Federal Agencies
    Common Superior to Foreclosure-Liens:
  • Code Enforcement Liens/Orders for debris removal, mowing/weeds, etc.
  • Demolition or Environmental Based Liens
  • State Child Support Liens
  • Board of County Commissioners for special assessments
  • Utility Liens
  • Water/Sewer Delinquencies (only in selected states and/or counties)
  • Unpaid Real Estate Taxes/Liens for any/all taxing jurisdictions
  • City liens for road improvements, maintenance, etc.
  • HOA or COA liens, if the property is located in one of the 22 Superior Lien states where the lien is in first priority.
    Here are some of the judgment and liens that will be wiped off from the property (not the borrower who lost the title) if the lien holders were properly notified and "had the right to bid on the property at the auction":
  • 2nd and junior position mortgages, such as home equity loans, etc.
  • Credit Card Judgments recorded after the foreclosing mortgage
  • Personal Judgments recorded after the foreclosing mortgage
  • Mechanic's Liens recorded after the foreclosing mortgage
  • Other Judgments outside of the ones listed above recorded after the foreclosing mortgage

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What is a non

Under Arizona law, a lender may foreclose a loan secured by. residential real property by either: ∎ Non-judicial foreclosure. Foreclosure is authorized under a. deed of trust or other contract containing a power of sale clause and is conducted at a public auction without judicial assistance (A.R.S.

When a property is sold at an Arizona non

A non-judicial foreclosure is a foreclosure that does not require a court action, in Arizona non-judicial foreclosures are called “Trustee Sales.” (A.R.S. § 33-807).

What is an advantage of a non

Non-judicial foreclosures This procedure has many advantages over a non-judicial foreclosure. The procedure is usually quicker and cheaper than a judicial foreclosure action and, unlike a judicial foreclosure proceeding, the buyer does not have the statutory right to redeem (repurchase) the property after the sale.

Does foreclosure extinguish the debt?

Foreclosure Eliminates Liens, Not Debt Following a first-mortgage foreclosure, all junior liens (including a second mortgage and any junior judgment liens) are extinguished, and the liens are removed from the property's title.