Which of the following terms refers to the area of the hard drive used for virtual memory quizlet?

How do you know if a device is an input device or an output device?

-An input device creates formats in text, graphics, audio, video, or any combination of these. An output device is a touchscreen or keyboard.
-An input device enters data and instructions into the memory of the device. An output device is how the processed information is displayed.
-An input device is how the processed information is displayed. An output device enters data and instructions into the memory of the device.
-An input device includes speakers, headphones, and interactive whiteboards. An output device includes game controllers and webcams.

How do you know if a device is an input device or an output device?

a. An input device creates formats in text, graphics, audio, video, or any combination of these. An output device is a touchscreen or keyboard.
b. An input device enters data and instructions into the memory of the device. An output device is how the processed information is displayed.
c. An input device includes speakers, headphones, and interactive whiteboards. An output device includes game controllers and webcams.
d. An input device is how the processed information is displayed. An output device enters data and instructions into the memory of the device.

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Terms in this set (39)

You and your friend both send documents to the printer, but the printer can only print one document at a time. What does it do with the other document?

It places the document in a buffer.

Which of the following is a step in the boot process?

The operating system files are loaded into RAM.

When does the boot process start?

when the computer is about to run out of RAM

Folder names should _____.

identify the content and purpose of the folder

Charley likes to have everything organized and she is bothered by the long list of documents on her flash drive. She wants to create folders by semester, then by course. How can you help her?

Show her how to use File Manager.

In Windows, you use _____ to reorder, move, and navigate between folders.

File Explorer

Where can you pin frequently used apps for easy access?

to the File menu

Which of the following features is a way to make a computer do what you want it to do?


When you want to add information to a document, what role does your operating system play?

saves your unsaved work to temporary storage

What happens when you delete a folder?

It goes the Recycle Bin or Trash folder.

Which of the following can you run to find and remove unnecessary files?

disk cleanup utility

Which of the following terms refers to the area of the hard drive used for virtual memory?

swap file

Why is the date a file was modified useful?

It identifies the most recent version.

How is an executable file different from a data file?

Unlike a data file, you cannot open and read executable files.

Jazmyn cannot find the paper that she wrote last night. She is in a panic and you want to help her. What advice would you give her?

Use the search tool to locate the file by file name, content, or date.

Which of the following operating systems would allow a user to add functionality and sell or give away their versions?


A(n) _____ protects your device against unauthorized access.

user account

If you have a file that has billions of bytes of data, then it would be measured in _____.


On a desktop, the _____ is the window you are currently using, and it appears in front of any other open windows.

active window

the bootstrap program executes which of the following?

tests that check components such as RAM and storage

Samir has saved a file named Project.docx in various locations on his hard drive and needs to work with the most recent version. What file property should he examine to find the most recent version of Project.docx?

Date Modified

How can you display the main folders on a Windows computer?

open File Manager.

A(n) _____ contains the instructions your computer or device needs to run programs and apps.

executable file

What does an operating system provide so you can interact with a device?

graphical user interface

During the boot process, what does the processor do after the computer circuits receive power?

It begins to run the bootstrap program.

What concerns are there about open source programs?

Programmers will add malicious code to damage a user's system.

What would you need to install if you have an app that is incompatible with your current operating system?

A virtual machine

What should you do the first time you save a file?

Name the file.

What type of window are you opening when you click the Start button on the Windows desktop, and then click the name of an app?

program window

Digital information processed into a useful form is called _____.


A(n) _____ is a small picture that represents a program, file, or hardware device


Dominic is left-handed and frustrated with his pointing device because the default settings are for right-handed people. You can help Dominic solve his problem by telling him which of the following?

Adjust the settings for the mouse through the Settings dialog box.

_____ is data and instructions entered into the memory of a device.


If several programs or apps are running simultaneously, your computer or device might use up its available _____.


Compressing a file is also called _____ the file.


When you save a Microsoft Office file to OneDrive, where are you saving it?

on your hard drive

What is the main purpose of an operating system?

to coordinate the resources and activities on a computer

Tikenya was responsible for creating the PowerPoint presentation for the group project. When it was complete, she wanted to email it to all the group members, but her email service told her the file was too large. She compressed it and was then able to send it. How were the other members able to then see the PowerPoint presentation?

They had to unzip or extract it.

What is the most common type of volatile memory?

random access memory (RAM)

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Concern the problem of identifying a counterfeit coin (one that is two heavy or too light) from a set of n coins. A balance scale is used to weigh a group of any number of coins from the set against a like number of coins from the set. The outcome of such a comparison is that group A weighs less than, the same as, or more than group B. A decision tree representing the sequence of comparisons done will thus be a ternary tree, where an internal node can have three children. One of eight coins is counterfeit and is either too heavy or too light. The problem is to identify the counterfeit coin and determine whether it is heavy or light. a. What is the number of final outcomes (the number of leaves in the decision tree)? b. Find a lower bound on the number of comparisons required to solve this problem in the worst case. c. Devise an algorithm that meets this lower bound (draw its decision tree). Given the codes

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What term refers to the area of the hard drive used for virtual memory?

A swap file is a space set aside on the hard drive to be used as the virtual memory extension for the computer's RAM. When the swap file is needed, it is sent back to RAM using a process called page swapping. This system ensures the computer's OS and applications do not run out of real memory.

Which operating system includes a virtual assistant?

Cortana is Microsoft's digital assistant. First launched in 2014, Cortana was originally developed for the Windows Phone 8.1 and is included in other Windows devices and operating systems (OSes), including Windows 10 and 11.

What is the most common type of volatile memory?

Flash memory is the most common type of volatile memory, which loses its contents when you turn off the power to the computer. 3. A memory chip is the most important hardware component in a computer.

What is data and instructions entered into the memory of a device?

Any data or instruction entered into the memory of a computer is considered as storage. Storage enables a computer to retain data, either temporarily or permanently. For example -RAM ,ROM ,Hardisk etc. 18-Sept-2020.