During the course of successful prenatal development, a human organism begins as a(n)

Test Description: Review Game # 1 for exam # 2

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1) During the course of successful prenatal development, a human organism begins as a(n):

Aembryo and finally develops into a fetus. Bzygote and finally develops into a fetus. Czygote and finally develops into an embryo. Dfetus and finally develops into an embryo.

2) The symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome are most likely to include:

Aautism. Bmental retardation. Cvisual impairments. Degocentrism.

3) Piaget is best known for his interest in the process of ________ development.

Asocial Bcognitive Cemotional Dphysical

4) According to Piaget, schemas are:

Aproblem-solving strategies that are typically not developed until the formal operational stage. Bchildren's ways of coming to terms with their sexuality. Cpeople's conceptual frameworks for understanding their experiences. Dfixed sequences of cognitive developmental stages.

5) Interpreting new experiences in terms of existing schemas is called:

Aassimilation. Begocentrism. Cimprinting. Daccommodation.

6) According to Piaget, accommodation refers to:

Adevelopmental changes in a child's behavior that facilitate social acceptance by family and peers. Bincorporating new experiences into existing schemas. Cparental efforts to include new children in the existing family structure. Dadjusting current schemas in order to make sense of new experiences.

7) Which of the following represents the correct order of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?

Asensorimotor, preoperational, formal operational, concrete operational Bpreoperational, concrete operational, formal operational, sensorimotor Cpreoperational, sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal operational Dsensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

8) Olivia understands her world primarily by grasping and sucking easily available objects. Olivia is clearly in Piaget's ________ stage.

Aconcrete operational Bsensorimotor Cpreoperational Dformal operational

9) The persistence of learning over time most clearly depends on

Aproactive interference. Bmemory. CThe serial position effect. Dvisual encoding.

10) The retention of encoded information over time refers to

Arepression. Bstorage. Cmplicit memory. Deffortful processing.

*select an answer for all questions

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The Elements of Life

In biology, the elements of life are the essential building blocks that make up living things. They are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur. The first four of these are the most important, as they are used to construct the molecules that are necessary to make up living cells. These elements form the basic building blocks of the major macromolecules of life, including carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins. Carbon is an important element for all living organisms, as it is used to construct the basic building blocks of life, such as carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Even the cell membranes are made of proteins. Carbon is also used to construct the energy-rich molecules adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and guanosine triphosphate (GTP). Hydrogen is used to construct the molecules water and organic compounds with carbon. Hydrogen is also used to construct ATP and GTP. Nitrogen is used to construct the basic building blocks of life, such as amino acids, nucleic acids, and proteins. It is also used to construct ATP and GTP. Oxygen is used to construct the basic building blocks of life, such as carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. It is also used to construct ATP and GTP. Phosphorus is used to construct the basic building blocks of life, such as carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.

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During the course of successful prenatal development, a human organism begins as a(n)

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There are three stages of prenatal development: germinal, embryonic, and fetal.

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It is called an embryo for the first 7 weeks. At the 8th week, it is called a fetus, which means "young in the womb".

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The germinal stage is the stage from conception to about two weeks. During this stage, a zygote becomes a mass of cells that implants in the uterine wall, marking the start of the placenta's formation.

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Your developing fetus has already gone through a few name changes in the first few weeks of pregnancy. Generally, it's called an embryo from conception until the eighth week of development. After the eighth week, it's called a fetus until it's born.