Which of the following symbols takes the output of one command and redirects it to the input of another command?

Which of the following symbols takes the output of one command and redirects it to the input of another command?
Which of the following symbols takes the output of one command and redirects it to the input of another command?
Which of the following symbols takes the output of one command and redirects it to the input of another command?

CONCEPT: Every program you run from the shell opens three files: Standard input, standard output, and standard error. The files provide the primary means of communications between the programs, and exist for as long as the process runs.

The standard input file provides a way to send data to a process. As a default, the standard input is read from the terminal keyboard.

The standard output provides a means for the program to output data. As a default, the standard output goes to the terminal display screen.

The standard error is where the program reports any errors encountered during execution. By default, the standard error goes to the terminal display.

CONCEPT: A program can be told where to look for input and where to send output, using input/output redirection. Unix uses the "less than" and "greater than" special characters (< and >) to signify input and output redirection, respectively.

Redirecting input

Using the "less-than" sign with a file name like this: < file1 in a shell command instructs the shell to read input from a file called "file1" instead of from the keyboard.

EXAMPLE:Use standard input redirection to send the contents of the file /etc/passwd to the more command:

more < /etc/passwd

Many Unix commands that will accept a file name as a command line argument, will also accept input from standard input if no file is given on the command line.

EXAMPLE: To see the first ten lines of the /etc/passwd file, the command:

head /etc/passwd will work just the same as the command: head < /etc/passwd

Redirecting output

Using the "greater-than" sign with a file name like this: > file2 causes the shell to place the output from the command in a file called "file2" instead of on the screen. If the file "file2" already exists, the old version will be overwritten.

EXAMPLE: Type the command

ls /tmp > ~/ls.out to redirect the output of the ls command into a file called "ls.out" in your home directory. Remember that the tilde (~) is Unix shorthand for your home directory. In this command, the ls command will list the contents of the /tmp directory.

Use two "greater-than" signs to append to an existing file. For example:

>> file2 causes the shell to append the output from a command to the end of a file called "file2". If the file "file2" does not already exist, it will be created.

EXAMPLE: In this example, I list the contents of the /tmp directory, and put it in a file called myls. Then, I list the contents of the /etc directory, and append it to the file myls:

ls /tmp > myls
ls /etc >> myls

Redirecting error

Redirecting standard error is a bit trickier, depending on the kind of shell you're using (there's more than one flavor of shell program!). In the POSIX shell and ksh, redirect the standard error with the symbol "2>".

EXAMPLE: Sort the /etc/passwd file, place the results in a file called foo, and trap any errors in a file called err with the command:

sort < /etc/passwd > foo 2> err
Which of the following symbols takes the output of one command and redirects it to the input of another command?
Which of the following symbols takes the output of one command and redirects it to the input of another command?
Which of the following symbols takes the output of one command and redirects it to the input of another command?

The work of any command is either taking input or gives an output or both. So, Linux has some command or special character to redirect these input and output functionalities. For example: suppose we want to run a command called “date” if we run it will print the output to the current terminal screen. But our requirement is different, we don’t want the output to be displayed on the terminal. We want the output to be saved in a file. This could be done very easily with output redirection. Redirection here simply means diverting the output or input. 

Similarly, if we have a command that needs input to be performed. Let take a command “head” this needs input to give output. So either we write input in the form of command directly or redirect input from any other place or file. Suppose we have a file called “file.txt” to print the starting some lines of the file we could use the “head”. So let’s see how this all is done on the terminal. 

Types of Redirection 

1. Overwrite  

  • “>” standard output
  • “<” standard input

2. Appends  

  • “>>” standard output
  • “<<” standard input

3. Merge

  • “p >& q” Merges output from stream p with stream q
  • “p <& q” Merges input from stream p with stream q

Implementation: So whatever you will write after running this command, all will be redirected and copied to the “file.txt”. This is standard output redirection.  

cat > file.txt

Which of the following symbols takes the output of one command and redirects it to the input of another command?

Now, this is standard input redirection, cat command will take the input from “file.txt” and print it to the terminal screen. This line of code also shows the real working and meaning of the cat command that is copy and paste. Many people have a misconception that the cat is used to create a file, but it is not true, the main work of the cat is to copy the input and give the output to the screen.  

cat < file.txt

Let’s see an example to understand the real work of cat command  


Just type cat on the terminal and hit enter. It will ask for the input lines, you could write your name and hit enter. You will see your input will be reprinted. 

(base) [root@localhost ~]# cat
Hello this is GeeksForGeeks
Hello this is GeeksForGeeks

Which of the following symbols takes the output of one command and redirects it to the input of another command?

This is used when we want to append some lines to the existing content of the file. If you use only a single angular bracket all the content of the file will be lost. 

cat >> file.txt

To see the working of append standard input: 

A here-document is used to redirect input into an interactive shell script or program. You can run any program within a shell script without user action by supplying the required input for the interactive program, or interactive shell script.

The general form for a here document is −

command << delimiter

(base) [root@localhost ~]# cat << helo.txt 
> Hello This is 
> GeeksForGeeks
Hello This is 
(base) [root@localhost ~]#

Note: Here, helo.txt is a delimiter.

The delimiter marks the ending point of the document. Without it, the shell continues to read the input forever. The delimiter must be a single word that does not contain spaces or tabs.

Which of the following symbols takes the output of one command and redirects it to the input of another command?

Error Redirection: Error redirection is transferring the errors generated by some false commands to a file rather than STDOUT.

Whenever a program is executed at the terminal, 3 files are generated: standard input(0), standard output(1), standard error(2). These files are always created whenever a program is run. By default, an error stream is displayed on the screen. 


1. In the below-mentioned example, the file descriptor used above is 2(STDERR). Using “2>” re-directs the error output to a file named “error.txt” and nothing is displayed on STDOUT.

$ somerandomcommand 2>error.txt

2.  Here, 2>&1 means that STDERR redirects to the target of STDOUT. More formally, the error message generated by “2” gets merged with the current output “1“. 

$ ls GEEK GFG > error.txt 2>&1

In the above example, the directory GEEK is not present. The error output is merged with the standard output which in turn is being re-directed to “error.txt“. 

What symbol redirects the output of one to command to be the input of another command?

This is known as redirecting output. Redirection is done using either the ">" (greater-than symbol), or using the "|" (pipe) operator which sends the standard output of one command to another command as standard input.

What characters is used for redirecting input or output?

As the greater-than character > is used for output redirection, the less-than character < is used to redirect the input of a command.

Which symbol is used for input redirection?

Combining various files into one file is known as concatenation. When the notation < filename is added to the end of a command, the input of the command is read from the specified file name. The < symbol is known as the input redirection operator.

Which symbol allows to take the output of a command and send it to another?

Sometimes you might want to redirect the output of one command as input to another command. A set of commands strung together in this way is called a pipeline. The symbol for this type of redirection is a vertical bar (|) called a pipe.