Which of the following personal e-mail address is not appropriate to include in a resume?

There are literally hundreds of books and articles available on the "perfect resume." Many suggest their approach to resume design will assure you an interview. Additionally, there are numerous resume services that will design and write your resume for fees. The best resume for you will be one that you do yourself. Avoid resume templates and instead think of your resume as an advertisement.

Typically, a resume will include the following parts:


Include your name, full address, phone number and email. Generally employers will contact you via phone or email. For this reason, it is no longer necessary to provide two addresses if you are relocating in the near future.

Professional Objective (optional)

This is a phrase or sentence that highlights your intentions and accomplishments. Be specific enough to give an element of career direction to your resume. Tailor this to each organization and position. State clearly whether you are looking for an internship, part-time or full-time job. If you are designing the resume for a job fair, convey broad interests. Highlight your key qualifications instead of personal preferences, such as advancement opportunities. NOTE: An alternative is to exclude a career objective from your resume and relay the information in the cover letter.

Qualifications Summary (optional)

In lieu of an objective, you may use a qualifications summary to highlight your most noteworthy attributes. This typically includes your years of experience, technology proficiency, languages and highest achievements. This may also contain a keyword section. Your resume should then support these attributes by providing evidence throughout the remaining document.


List the highest level of education first. Include the name of the college, degree, major, minor, and month and year of your anticipated graduation. Dates of attendance or high school information is not needed. If you transferred to Augustana, only note your previous institution if you earned a certificate or degree. Include your GPA if it is above a 3.0, as well as any other academic honors, relevant coursework, study abroad participation or major research projects. Note: Augustana awards Bachelor of Science degrees to nursing majors. Art majors may choose to earn either a Bachelor of Fine Arts or a Bachelor of Arts degree. The rest of our majors earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.


This category typically reflects your contact with specific employers. Include co-ops, internships, part-time, jobs, volunteer work, summer jobs, special projects or military experience under this category. You do not need to include all of your previous jobs, only those that relate to the position you are seeking. As you progress in your studies at Augustana avoid including outdated high school achievements. List position titles first, followed by the names of organizations, locations (city and state), dates (month and year) and duties. Each descriptive phrase begins with a strong action verb. Use present tense for current positions and past tense for previous jobs.


Generally references are not listed on a resume and only provided if requested by an employer. To share your references, list in alphabetical order the names, titles, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of at least three people on a separate page. Include your contact information in a format consistent with your resume in the event that your resume and reference list are separated. People who have known you for at least a year and within a context similar to the position you are seeking will provide the strongest endorsements. Faculty are often your best source of references since they have assessed the knowledge, skills and abilities that employers are often seeking. Whomever you select, remember to ask these individuals for permission before listing them as a reference. Provide them with a copy of your resume and the job description to enhance their ability to speak to your qualifications. Always thank your references once you accept an offer. They like to celebrate your achievements!

Other possible headings to consider include the following:

  • International Experience
  • Professional Affiliations & Memberships
  • Publications & Presentations
  • Languages
  • Community Service
  • Technology Skills
  • Honors & Awards
  • Leadership Activities
  • Collegiate Involvement

Lesson 4: Contact Information


Contact information

Which of the following personal e-mail address is not appropriate to include in a resume?

Regardless of which resume format you use, you will still need to include the correct information written in a way that sells your professional expertise to a hiring manager. What you choose to include on your resume can make or break your entire job search effort. So what should you include to improve your chances?

It all starts with your name and other contact information. In this lesson, you'll learn what contact information to include and how to place it on your resume. You will also have an opportunity to create your own resume starting with adding contact information.

What contact information should you include?

Which of the following personal e-mail address is not appropriate to include in a resume?

You probably already know that your contact information—which includes your name, address, phone number, and email address—should always appear at the top of your resume, regardless of which resume format you are using.

But did you know that some employers actually use the contact information section to screen undesirable candidates? They may pass you over if you live in another part of the country in order to avoid paying relocation costs. Or they may form a negative opinion of you if your contact information is inappropriate in some way. A lot of hiring managers today will even use this information to search for you on popular social networking sites to see what is posted about you. So what should you include to make sure your resume doesn't get eliminated?

  • Your first and last name. Your middle initial is optional. Include it if that is how you are known in your field or if your name is fairly common and you want to distinguish yourself from other job candidates with the same name. You can use your given first name (e.g., Elizabeth) or your shortened first name (e.g., Liz or Beth). However, don't use a nickname, especially one that can lead someone to form an opinion about you (e.g., Ace or Dizz).
  • Your phone number. Your home and cell phone numbers are acceptable to use, and you may even want to include more than one number. However, make sure the numbers you include are ones you can actually take calls on as they come in. Your current work phone number is not a good choice if your employer does not allow personal calls or if you don't want your current company to know you are looking for another job. Make sure you have a reliable (as well as appropriate and polite) voicemail message in case you miss a call, and be sure to check your messages regularly during your job search.
  • Your mailing address or city and state.You can include your full mailing address (street address, city, state, and zip code), or you can just put your city and the state abbreviation. Consider using your complete state name if your state abbreviation is easily confused with another, like MO, MS, or MT.
  • Your email address. Use a conventional email address ([email protected]), not one with an inappropriate connotation (like [email protected]). During your job search, you will need to check your email regularly so you don't miss an opportunity. If you don't have an email account, there are many free online providers (including Yahoo! and Gmail) that you can access at your local library or Internet cafe.
  • A link to a professional online profile or personal webpage. These links are generally included with your contact information but may be listed in another section, like additional information. Review our Resume Tips and Strategies lesson for more information and advice on including web links.

Try this!

Open our Chronological Resume Template and save it to your computer as My Resume. Enter your own information into the document as you progress through each lesson in this unit.

This resume template is based on the chronological format. If you would prefer another format you can use another Microsoft Word resume template, or you can use an online search engine to find a template in the format you've chosen.

You will be working only in the contact information portion of this document for this activity. Please refer to the following picture:

Which of the following personal e-mail address is not appropriate to include in a resume?

After replacing the template text with your own information, be sure to remove the brackets.

  1. Enter your first and last name in place of [Full Name].Remember, your middle initial is optional. You can also use a shortened version of your first name if that is what you more commonly go by.
  2. Enter the digits of the phone number you have decided to use in place of [###.###.####]. This should be a phone you can easily access.
  3. Replace [mailing address or City, ST] with either your full mailing address including street address, city, state abbreviation, and zip code, or just your city and the state abbreviation.
  4. Enter your email address in place of [[email protected]]. Email is now the preferred way for a hiring manager to get in touch with you. However, make sure your email address is both appropriate and professional.
  5. In our example, replace [LinkedIn URL or website address] with your personal website address if you have one. Remember, this step is optional. You can also add this information to a different part of your resume. To save space, you do not have to include http://. Most of the time, this part of the URL is understood.
  6. Save the file to your computer. You will be adding more information as you progress through other lessons in this unit.


Which of the following should not be included on your resume?

There's no need to include personal information on a resume such as your social security number, marital status, nationality, sexual orientation, or spiritual beliefs.

What are 3 things you should not put on your resume?

Certain personal details are unnecessary to put on your resume and could even send the wrong message. Leave these 12 things off of your resume..
Your marital status..
Sexual orientation..
Religious or political affiliations..
Social security number..
Anything else that a prospective employer can't ask about..

What personal information should not be included on the resume quizlet?

If you do include personal information on your resume, you should omit race, religion, gender, age, and marital status because current laws prohibit hiring based on them.

What personal information should be included on the resume?

Personal Details To Include In A Resume.
Name. This is usually right at the top of your resume in the largest font compared to all other text on the page. ... .
Phone number. ... .
Residential address. ... .
Email address. ... .
Personal website. ... .
Languages known. ... .
Reduce redundant information. ... .
Focus on relevant skills..