Which of the following keyboard shortcuts can you use to open an existing presentation

Last updated Monday, Aug. 31, 2020, at 10:33 a.m.

This article is based on legacy software.

This document discusses keyboard shortcuts which are specific to PowerPoint 2004.

Selecting Objects

In order to format text or objects included in your PowerPoint slides, they must be selected. The following keyboard shortcuts are helpful and specific to PowerPoint.

ActionKey Command
Select one object ahead [tab]
Select one object previous [shift] + [tab]
Deselect one object [esc]

Creating a New Slide

You may need to create new slides frequently as you are making your PowerPoint presentation. This keyboard shortcut can help speed up the process of opening and choosing new slides.

  1. With the existing presentation already open, press [control] + [M]
    A new Title and Text slide appears.

  2. By pressing the [tab] key, select appropriate text box

  3. Press [return]

  4. Type the appropriate information

Moving within the Existing Presentation

Once your presentation is open in Normal view, there are several ways of navigating within the presentation. Using the keyboard shortcuts can help speed up the process and increase the accuracy of commands performed between and within the slides.

Moving within the Existing Presentation: Between Slides

ActionKey Command
To move ahead one slide [page down]
To move back one slide [page up]

Moving within the Existing Presentation: Within Slides

Navigating within slides means you will be moving through all the objects within a single slide using key commands. By using the [tab] key, you can move over the objects. When you [tab] over an object, it appears selected and you can begin formatting it to meet your needs. Objects usually include text boxes, images, and AutoShapes.

NOTE: In order to navigate within a slide using the key commands, make sure the desired slide is in view.

ActionKey Command
To move ahead one object within the slide [tab]
To move back one object within the slide [shift] + [tab]
To deselect an object [esc]

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Which of the following keyboard shortcuts can you use to open an existing presentation
Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft PowerPoint

MS-PowerPoint is very popular presentation program that has been used for many years now. And while you may think you are familiar with the program, you might be surprised by the variety of keyboard combinations that you can use to speed up your work. Though you’re familiar with Microsoft PowerPoint, you might be surprised by the number and variety of keyboard shortcuts you can use to speed up your work and generally make things more convenient.

Also, even though our list of shortcuts here is pretty long, it’s by no means a complete list of every keyboard combo available in PowerPoint. We’ve tried to keep it to the more generally useful shortcuts. And, you’ll be happy to know that almost all of these shortcuts have been around for a long time, so they should be helpful no matter what version of PowerPoint you’re using.


We present keyboard combos using the following convention. A plus means you should press those keys together. A comma means you should press keys in sequence. So, for example, “Ctrl+N” means to hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the N key and then release both keys. On the other hand, “Alt+N,P” means you should hold the Alt key down, press the N key, release the N key, press the P key, and then release all keys. (alert-warning)

General Program Shortcuts

First, let’s review some general keyboard shortcuts for opening, closing, and switching between presentations, as well as navigating the Ribbon.

  • Ctrl+N: Create a new presentation
  • Ctrl+O: Open an existing presentation
  • Ctrl+S: Save a presentation
  • F12 or Alt+F2: Open the Save As dialog box
  • Ctrl+W or Ctrl+F4: Close a presentation
  • Ctrl+Q: Save and close a presentation
  • Ctrl+Z: Undo an action
  • Ctrl+Y: Redo an action
  • Ctrl+F2: Print Preview View
  • F1: Open the Help pane
  • Alt+Q: Go to the “Tell me what you want to do” box
  • F7: Check spelling
  • Alt or F10: Turn key tips on or off
  • Ctrl+F1: Show or hide the ribbon
  • Ctrl+F: Search in a presentation or use Find and Replace
  • Alt+F: Open the File tab menu
  • Alt+H: Go to the Home tab
  • Alt+N: Open the Insert tab
  • Alt+G: Open the Design tab
  • Alt+K: Go to the Transitions tab
  • Alt+A: Go to the Animations tab
  • Alt+S: Go to the Slide Show tab
  • Alt+R: Go to the Review tab
  • Alt+W: Go to View tab
  • Alt+X: Go to the Add-ins tab
  • Alt+Y: Go to the Help tab
  • Ctrl+Tab: Switch between open presentations

Selecting and Navigating Text, Objects, and Slides

You can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate throughout your presentation easily. Try these shortcuts for quick and easy ways to select text within text boxes, objects on your slides, or slides in your presentation.

  • Ctrl+A: Select all text in a text box, all objects on a slide, or all slides in a presentation (for the latter, click on a slide thumbnail first)
  • Tab: Select or move to the next object on a slide
  • Shift+Tab: Select or move to the previous object on a slide
  • Home: Go to the first slide, or from within a text box, go to the beginning of the line
  • End: Go to the last slide, or from within a text box, go to the end of the line
  • PgDn: Go to the next slide
  • PgUp: Go the previous slide
  • Ctrl+Up/Down Arrow: Move a slide up or down in your presentation (click on a slide thumbnail first)
  • Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down Arrow: Move a slide to the beginning or end of your presentation (click on a slide thumbnail first)

Formatting and Editing

The following keyboard shortcuts will save you time so you can edit and format in a snap!

  • Ctrl+X: Cut selected text, selected object(s), or selected slide(s)
  • Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert: Copy selected text, selected object(s), or selected slide(s)
  • Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert: Paste selected text, selected object(s), or selected slide(s)
  • Ctrl+Alt+V: Open the Paste Special dialog box
  • Delete: Remove selected text, selected object(s), or selected slide(s)
  • Ctrl+B: Add or remove bold to selected text
  • Ctrl+I: Add or remove italics to selected text
  • Ctrl+U: Add or remove underline to selected text
  • Ctrl+E: Center a paragraph
  • Ctrl+J: Justify a paragraph
  • Ctrl+L: Left align a paragraph
  • Ctrl+R: Right align a paragraph
  • Ctrl+T: Open the Font dialog box when text or object is selected
  • Alt+W,Q: Open the Zoom dialog box to change the zoom for the slide
  • Alt+N,P: Insert a picture
  • Alt+H,S,H: Insert a shape
  • Alt+H,L: Select a slide layout
  • Ctrl+K: Insert a hyperlink
  • Ctrl+M: Insert a new slide
  • Ctrl+D: Duplicate the selected object or slide (for the latter, click on a slide thumbnail first)

Helpful Slideshow Shortcuts

When you’re ready to start a presentation, the following keyboard combos should come in handy.

  • F5: Start the presentation from the beginning
  • Shift+F5: Start the presentation from the current slide (this one is great when you want to test out how the slide your currently working on will look in your presentation)
  • Ctrl+P: Annotate with the Pen tool during a slideshow
  • N or Page Down: Advance to the next slide during a slideshow
  • P or Page Up: Return to the previous slide during a slide show
  • B: Change the screen to black during a slideshow; press B again to return to the slideshow
  • Esc: End the slideshow

The more you use keyboard shortcuts, the easier they are to remember. And no one expects you to memorize all of them. Hopefully, you’ve found a few new ones you can use to make your life in Excel a little better.
Need more help with keyboard shortcuts? You can access Help anytime by pressing F1. This opens a Help pane and allows you to search for help on any topic. Search for “keyboard shortcuts” to learn more.