Which of the following is an element of effective communication shown by latisha in this interaction


Equity is a concept that is often measured in terms of test scores, with educators looking for equal test scores among students of different cultural groups, social classes or sexes. In this article the term 'relational equity' is proposed to describe equitable relations in classrooms; relations that include students treating each other with respect and responsibility. This concept will be illustrated through the results of a four-year study of different mathematics teaching approaches, conducted in three Californian high schools. In one of the schools-a diverse, urban high school-students achieved at higher levels, learned good behaviour, and learned to respect students from different cultural groups, social classes, ability levels and sexes. In addition, differences in attainment between different cultural groups were eliminated in some cases and reduced in all others. Importantly, the goals of high achievement and equity were achieved in tandem through a mixed-ability mathematics approach that is not used or well known in the UK.

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LO2.8Identify common communication preferences based on motivational values.LO2.9Explain how extroversion-introversion impacts interpersonal communication.LO2.10Explain the role of civility in effective interpersonal communication and the commontypes of incivility in the workplace.27WHY DOES THIS MATTER?In nearly any poll of skills needed for career success, employees identify interpersonal skills as the mostimportant. For example, consider the results of a recent Gallup poll of working adults, depicted inTable2.1.1More than any other item in the survey, respondents recognized “skill in dealing with people” as themost critical.Consider also the remarks of Linda Hudson, former president and CEO of BAE Systems:I find new business school graduates come in here thinking that, first of all, they’re going to runthe company overnight. Many of them are convinced they’ve never made a mistake. They’renot accustomed to encountering the kinds of roadblocks or disappointments that often comewith the way decisions get made in a corporate environment, and they have almost no peopleskills. So I think an important part of teaching business ought to be focused more on realisticexpectations and the people-skill part of business. . . . We give them all the book smarts, butwe don’t tend to give them the other skills that go along with business.2In this chapter, we provide an overview of the interpersonal communication process, including anexplanation of emotional intelligence, which is a foundation of effective interpersonal communication.Read the following short case about budget cuts at Eastmond Networking. Throughout the chapter,you’ll find effective and ineffective examples of interpersonal communication that are based on this case.Hear Pete Cardon explain why this matters.Can’t scan? Try ScanLife at your appstore or visitbit.ly/cardon2TABLE 2.1Skills That Determine SuccessSkillsPercentage*1. Skill in dealing with people872. Critical-thinking skills843. Basic use of computers654. Writing ability575. Basic mathematics566. Advanced use of computers44

Which of the following is an element of the interpersonal communication model?

The interpersonal communication model looks simple, having only six major elements: a sender, a receiver, a medium, encoding and decoding, and feedback.

Which of the following is an example of Nonassertive behavior?

The non-assertive person is emotionally dishonest, indirect, self-denying, and inhibited. He/she feels hurt, anxious, and possibly angry about his/her actions. Non-Assertive Body Language: Lack of eye contact; looking down or away/ • Swaying and shifting of weight from one foot to the other.

Which of the following is an important part of effective communication quizlet?

Important Elements of effective communication: -The message must be clear and concise. -The sender must deliver the message in a clear and concise manner. -The receiver must be able to hear and receive the message.

Which form of communication is the most effective quizlet?

The most effective type of two-way communication is interpersonal or face-to-face communication between two people. It is an important aspect of effective communication because small-group discussion is very effective.