Which of the following is a basic principle of disaster preparedness planning Quizlet

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What is the FIRST action an EMT should take upon arriving at an MCI after incident command has been​ established?

A. Immediately start caring for injured patients.
B. Report to incident command.
C. Establish an independent medical sector.
D. Report to the triage area.

B. Report to incident command.

To ensure an organized​ approach, appropriate distribution of​ resources, and accountability for all​ personnel, EMTs should report to the incident​ commander, or designated contact person.

Which statement BEST describes the relationship of triage to other EMS actions in the MCI​ process?

A. Triage is performed when patients reach the staging area so the correct hospital destination can be selected.
B. Triage is​ performed, as patients are loaded into ambulances for transport to determine if they need BLS or ALS transport.
C. Triage is performed after initial treatment and stabilization to prevent delays in treatment.
D. Triage is one of the first​ actions, because it affects other components.

D. Triage is one of the first​ actions, because it affects other components.

Triage is performed early because it gives information about other actions and resources needed. Triage is usually conducted at the actual site of the​ incident, provided the scene is safe. For​ example, primary triage in the case of a bus rollover would be conducted inside the​ vehicle, provided the bus is properly stabilized and free of safety hazards. The primary triage is done quickly and provides a basic categorization of the severity of the patients involved in the incident.

Which sector officer is responsible for directing available ambulances to the treatment​ sector?

A. Transportation
B. Staging
C. Command
D. Supply

B. Staging

A staging unit leader​ monitors, inventories, and directs available ambulances to the treatment unit at the request of the transport unit leader.

Which statement BEST describes the use of the​ "black" category in​ triage?

A. Patients who have immediate threats to​ life, including rapid​ respirations, poor​ perfusion, and altered mental status.
B. Patients who are​ deceased, or who are expected to die because they cannot maintain their airway or breathing.
C. Patients who have minor injuries and do not need immediate care.
D. Patients who refuse treatment.

B. Patients who are​ deceased, or who are expected to die because they cannot maintain their airway or breathing.

The​ "black" category is for deceased or​ "expectant" patients.

What is needed for effective response to​ MCIs, in addition to effectively locating​ vehicles, getting enough​ help, efficient​ transport, and​ follow-up care at receiving​ facilities?

A. ​On-scene medical treatment
B. Public participation
C. Mobile surgical facilities​ on-site
D. Media coverage

A. ​On-scene medical treatment

​On-scene medical treatment is one of the components needed for effective response to MCIs.

A patient at an MCI is​ unresponsive, but breathing 24 times per​ minute, with a strong radial pulse. To what triage category should he be​ assigned?

A. Black
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. Red

D. Red

This patient meets criteria for the red category because he cannot follow commands.

Which statement BEST describes the purpose of​ triage?

A. To do the most good for the greatest number of patients.
B. To find and treat all of a​ patient's injuries before moving him.
C. To treat all patients as they are discovered.
D. To treat the​ youngest, healthiest patients first.

A. To do the most good for the greatest number of patients.

Triage allows the prioritization of scarce resources to do the most good for the greatest number of patients. Triage is a system used for sorting patients to determine the order in which they will receive medical care or transportation to definitive care.​ Basically, triage determines which persons need immediate emergency care in order to survive their​ injuries, which patients will live with a delay in emergency medical​ care, and which patients will die regardless of the emergency care provided.

Which principle is used in MCIs to enhance the clarity of​ communications?

A. Use of plain​ English, such​ as, "Meet in the parking lot of the Methodist church at the corner of 21st Street and Martin Luther King​ Street."
B. Use only cellular phone communications.
C. Use cryptic terms that are less likely to be understood by the public and the​ media, such as​ "Code 99 for a priority​ one."
D. Adherence to radio​ codes, such as​ "signal 8" or ​"10-20".

A. Use of plain​ English, such​ as, "Meet in the parking lot of the Methodist church at the corner of 21st Street and Martin Luther King​ Street."

Plain English is preferred to decrease the possibility of miscommunication.

On a​ multiple-casualty incident, this person is called​ "chief."

A. planning officer
B. section leader
C. communications officer
D. incident commander

B. section leader

Section leaders or heads are called​ "chiefs." The incident commander can choose to establish a number of branches within the structure. These branches are managed by branch​ directors, who report to a section chief.

You are assigned to the transport sector at an MCI. What is the MOST critical aspect of radio communication for you and your​ partner?

A. Communication with the staging unit leader
B. Communication with incident command
C. Communication with the receiving hospital
D. Communication with​ on-site medical direction

A. Communication with the staging unit leader

In the transport​ unit, you are responsible for transporting patients from the treatment area at the request of the staging unit leader.​ Therefore, this is the most critical aspect of your communication.

What is the document used to identify incident​ objectives, issue​ assignments, and list​ plans, procedures, and protocols in an​ MCI?

A. Standing orders
B. Incident action plan
C. Mission statement
D. Standard operating procedures

B. Incident action plan

Incident action plans​ (IAPs) identify the objectives to be accomplished during the incident. IAPs are used to issue​ assignments, plans,​ procedures, and protocols. The results of the objectives are documented and reported so that they can be used in further planning.

What is a basic principle of disaster preparedness​ planning?

A. Develop a plan that can only be activated by the​ highest-ranking government official.
B. Prepare a plan that focuses on doing the most good for the greatest number of people.
C. Develop a means of immediately removing all survivors to the closest hospital.
D. Develop very detailed plans that do not permit deviation from stated guidelines.

B. Prepare a plan that focuses on doing the most good for the greatest number of people.

Doing the most good for the greatest number of people is a basic tenet of disaster preparedness.

Which statement BEST describes the treatment that is acceptable during triage in​ MCIs?

A. No type of treatment is acceptable during the triage phase.
B. Application of cervical collars and opening the airway only.
C. Opening the airway and controlling severe bleeding only.
D. Inserting oral or nasal airways and performing​ bag-valve-mask ventilations only.

C. Opening the airway and controlling severe bleeding only.

The only interventions that may be performed during triage are opening the airway and controlling severe bleeding.

What is NOT an anticipated response of survivors to the psychological stress of a​ disaster?

A. Fear
B. Depression and anxiety
C. Suspiciousness
D. Looting and violence

D. Looting and violence

Survivors typically experience​ fear, anxiety,​ irritability, sleep​ disturbances, suspiciousness,​ depression, nightmares,​ restlessness, and fatigue. They typically do not become involved in looting or violence.

During triage of a​ six-year-old patient, you discover the​ following: the patient is​ awake, breathing 32 times per​ minute, has a palpable​ pulse, and responds to verbal stimuli. What is the CORRECT triage category for this​ patient?

A. Red
B. Yellow
C. Green
D. Orange

B. Yellow

Although a respiratory rate​ >30 would place an adult in the red​ category, it requires a respiratory rate​ >45 for a child to be categorized as red. A child who is​ alert, or who responds appropriately to verbal or painful stimuli is categorized as yellow.

On arrival at a bus crash you have used the public address system on the ambulance to encourage the patients with minor injuries to walk across the street and congregate in the drug store parking lot. NEXT you will begin to triage patients. You come across a patient who is breathing at 20 times a​ minute, who has multiple​ injuries, and there is NO radial pulse. What should you​ do?

A. Tag the patient with a black tag and move on.
B. Tag the patient with a yellow tag and evaluate the mental status.
C. Control any external bleeding and tag the patient red.
D. Tell the patient to go to the location with the walking wounded patients.

C. Control any external bleeding and tag the patient red.

If the patient is breathing under 30 times a​ minute, using the START triage system the next step is to evaluate pulse. With no radial pulse this patient would get a red tag and you can attempt to control external bleeding.

What is needed for effective response to​ MCIs, in addition to effectively locating​ vehicles, getting enough​ help, efficient​ transport, and​ on-site medical​ treatment?

A. Use of​ on-line medical direction by all transporting units
B. Radiation badges for all personnel
C. Allowing anyone who is trained to enter the scene
D. ​Follow-up care at hospital facilities

D. ​Follow-up care at hospital facilities

​Follow-up care at hospital facilities is necessary for effective response to MCIs. Effective management of MCIs consists of getting enough​ help, positioning vehicles​ properly, giving appropriate emergency medical​ care, transporting patients​ efficiently, and providing​ follow-up care at receiving facilities.

In a multiple casualty​ incident, _____ occurs immediately upon arrival of the first EMS crew.

A. patient treatment
B. patient transport
C. initial assessment
D. primary triage

D. primary triage

There are typically two phases or types of triage that are conducted at the scene of a​ multiple-casualty incident. Primary triage occurs immediately upon the arrival of the first EMS crew. Once the patients are moved from the scene to the triage​ unit, the secondary triage occurs. The secondary triage is designed to reevaluate the patient​ categorization, during which the patient may be upgraded to a higher​ priority, downgraded to a lower​ priority, or kept at the same priority status.

In which area are​ ambulances, transport​ personnel, and equipment held until needed at an​ MCI?

A. Triage sector
B. Staging sector
C. Transportation sector
D. Treatment sector

B. Staging sector

​Ambulances, transport​ personnel, and additional equipment are held in the staging area until needed. Triage is a French word which means​ "to sort." The triage unit is responsible for prioritizing the patients at an MCI. Emergency care is provided to patients in the treatment unit. This is done based on the priority assigned to the patient by the triage unit. In the transportation​ unit, patients are moved to ambulances or helicopters for transportation to a medical​ facility, and communications are organized to notify the receiving medical facilities.

For the purposes of​ triage, which description BEST matches the population for whom JumpSTART is​ intended?

A. Anyone who appears to be older than the age of 16 years.
B. Anyone who appears to be less than 65 years old.
C. Anyone who appears to be younger than a young adult.
D. Anyone who is under the age of nine years.

C. Anyone who appears to be younger than a young adult.

For triage​ purposes, a child is anyone who appears to be younger than a young adult.

What is the number of patients that generally serves as the lower threshold for a​ multiple-casualty incident?

A. 10
B. 3
C. 15
D. 2

B. 3

A​ multiple-casualty incident typically involves three or more patients. A​ multiple-patient incident with three patients may be routine in a large metropolitan​ area, but three critically injured patients can quickly overwhelm a small community or rural area with limited resources and personnel.

There has been a riot following a college football playoff in which the home team won. Police have dispersed the​ crowd, and there are several injured patients. The patient you are triaging has a penetrating wound to his back. He is awake and capable of following​ commands, although he is NOT especially cooperative. He did NOT get up and walk to the designated area when instructed to do so. He has a strong odor of alcohol on his breath. His respirations are 24 per​ minute, his skin is warm and​ moist, and he has a radial pulse in the 80s. Which is the MOST appropriate triage category for this​ patient?

A. Yellow
B. Red
C. Green
D. Black

A. Yellow

The patient is​ non-ambulatory, but his​ respirations, pulse, and mental status meet criteria for the yellow​ category, not the red category.

Which suggestion can be helpful in managing​ survivors' psychological stress following a​ disaster?

A. Place survivors in naturally occurring​ groups, such as​ families, neighbors, and so on.
B. Inform survivors that there is a time and place for discussing their experiences and​ emotions, but it is not now.
C. Reassure survivors that the damage and death toll are not as bad as they seem at the moment.
D. Separate individuals who are experiencing stress from those who are not experiencing stress.

A. Place survivors in naturally occurring​ groups, such as​ families, neighbors, and so on.

Placing survivors in naturally​ occurring, familiar groups can help reduce feelings of fear and alienation.

What is the purpose of secondary​ triage?

A. To reevaluate each​ patient's priority for treatment and transport.
B. To look for secondary devices at the scene of a suspected terrorist attack.
C. To assess patients who were not immediately found in the initial response.
D. To conduct a comprehensive examination of all patients.

A. To reevaluate each​ patient's priority for treatment and transport.

The purpose of secondary triage is to reevaluate the primary triage category. Secondary triage refers to the process of reassessing findings from primary triage to reclassify the​ patient, if necessary. The secondary triage is designed to reevaluate the patient​ categorization, during which the patient may be upgraded to a higher​ priority, downgraded to a lower​ priority, or kept at the same priority status. This occurs as the patient is brought into the triage unit and the triage unit leader performs the reassessment of the patient to categorize him for treatment and transport. During the treatment​ phase, the patient is​ re-triaged and may be​ re-categorized as a higher or lower priority.

During​ triage, you encounter an adult patient who is NOT breathing. Which choice is the NEXT step you should​ take?

A. Open the airway and reassess breathing.
B. Start CPR.
C. Check a pulse.
D. Assign the patient a black tag.

A. Open the airway and reassess breathing.

In START​ triage, open the airway of a patient who is not breathing. If he begins breathing and can maintain his​ airway, categorize him as red. If he does not begin​ breathing, categorize the patient as black.

What are the three criteria for assessing patients during​ triage?

A. Ability to​ walk, cervical spine​ injury, and mental status
B. Skin​ condition, pupil​ response, and grip strength
C. Ability to​ speak, level of​ orientation, and severity of injuries
D. Respiratory​ status, perfusion​ status, and mental status

D. Respiratory​ status, perfusion​ status, and mental status

Three functions are checked to assign patients to triage​ categories, represented by the mnemonic RPM. These are respiratory​ status, perfusion​ status, and mental status.

You are performing triage at an MCI. You encounter a patient who is​ awake, extremely pale and​ diaphoretic, and breathing 30 times per minute. The patient has a traumatic amputation of both lower extremities. What is the MOST appropriate​ action?

A. Control the​ bleeding, using​ tourniquets, red tag the​ patient, and move on to the next patient.
B. Yellow tag the patient and move on to the next patient.
C. Red tag the patient and move on to the next patient.
D. Control the bleeding using direct​ pressure, yellow tag the​ patient, and request another EMT to continue triage.

A. Control the​ bleeding, using​ tourniquets, red tag the​ patient, and move on to the next patient.

The only acceptable treatments during triage are opening the airway and controlling severe bleeding. This patient meets criteria for being categorized as red because he has signs of poor perfusion and a respiratory rate of 30.

At what point should transport of the injured begin at an​ MCI?

A. After all​ "minor" patients have been directed to a treatment​ area, they should be transported by ambulance to relieve congestion at the scene.
B. After triage has identified​ "immediate" category patients and transport has been coordinated through the treatment and transport units.
C. After all patients have been triaged.
D. As soon as the first ambulance​ arrives, it should begin transporting patients.

B. After triage has identified​ "immediate" category patients and transport has been coordinated through the treatment and transport units.

​"Immediate" patients are transported​ first, but transportation must be coordinated through the treatment and transport units.

Which age group would be MOST likely to suffer loss of bowel or bladder control and​ thumb-sucking as a result of​ disaster-related stress?

A. Preschoolers
B. Neonates
C. Infants
D. ​School-age children

A. Preschoolers

Common reactions of​ preschoolers, who previously have been​ toilet-trained and stopped​ thumb-sucking, is to regress to those behaviors.

Which statement is MOST accurate concerning warning and evacuation in​ disasters?

A. People should not be advised of the potential severity and impact of the disaster in order to prevent panic.
B. Evacuees should be advised to take whatever route they feel most comfortable taking to evacuate the area.
C. ​Home-based relocation is preferred over large​ settings, such as hospitals or clinics.
D. Evacuation should always be voluntary.

C. ​Home-based relocation is preferred over large​ settings, such as hospitals or clinics.

One consideration in making evacuation easier on the population and in management of the disaster is to use​ home-based relocation as opposed to other settings for uninjured victims.

Which statement BEST describes the rationale of performing both primary and secondary​ triage?

A. Primary triage is aimed at detecting immediate life​ threats; secondary triage is aimed at finding risk​ factors, such as underlying diseases.
B. Primary triage is performed in the field to determine what hospital to transport​ to, and secondary triage is performed in the hospital to determine how soon to treat the patient.
C. ​Patient's conditions may stabilize or deteriorate after primary​ triage, requiring reassignment of priority for treatment and transport.
D. Primary triage is performed by EMTs or​ EMRs, and Paramedics or physicians in secondary triage perform a higher level of assessment.

C. ​Patient's conditions may stabilize or deteriorate after primary​ triage, requiring reassignment of priority for treatment and transport.

Secondary triage is performed after primary triage to detect any changes in the​ patient's priority for transport. Secondary triage refers to the process of reassessing findings from primary triage to reclassify the​ patient, if necessary. The secondary triage is designed to reevaluate the patient​ categorization, during which the patient may be upgraded to a higher​ priority, downgraded to a lower​ priority, or kept at the same priority status. This occurs as the patient is brought into the triage unit and the triage unit leader performs the reassessment of the patient to categorize him for treatment and transport. During the treatment​ phase, the patient is​ re-triaged and may be​ re-categorized as a higher or lower priority.

Which action can help decrease the stress of an MCI on​ survivors?

A. Explain that there is no time for emotional reactions in the immediate aftermath of the event.
B. Reassure survivors that things are not as bad as they look at the moment.
C. Limit information released to the public.
D. Reunite families as soon as possible.

D. Reunite families as soon as possible.

Reuniting families reduces stress and can help medical personnel gain valuable history on patients who cannot communicate with them.

What is an important part of participating in mutual​ planning, training, and preparedness​ exercises?

A. Determining the staging location for responders in an MCI.
B. Building relationships between agencies.
C. Determining which hospital should be the first to receive casualties in an MCI.
D. Determining which agency should take the lead in an MCI.

B. Building relationships between agencies.

Planning for MCIs is not an exact​ science, as the type and location of the event cannot be predicted. Even when other components of incident management do not go as​ intended, the relationships that have been established are critical in responding to the incident.

Which item is NOT considered a standardization component in​ NIMS?

A. Employee compensation
B. Mutual aid agreements
C. Training
D. Preparedness exercises

A. Employee compensation

Standardization components of NIMS include​ planning, training, mutual aid​ agreements, and preparedness exercises involving multiple agencies. Employee compensation is not part of the standardization program.

Which event is LEAST likely to create a​ multiple-casualty incident?

A. Motorcycle collision into a guardrail
B. An apartment complex fire with confirmed entrapment
C. A​ high-speed impact between a minivan and a sedan
D. Outdoor stage collapse during a show at a state fair

A. Motorcycle collision into a guardrail

​Multiple-casualty incidents typically involve three or more​ patients, which would be unlikely in a motorcycle collision that does not involve another vehicle.

In which type of incident would unified command be MOST​ appropriate?

A. Involvement of different branches of public safety
B. An incident that involves only EMS
C. An incident that involves only​ fire/rescue
D. More than three patients at a scene

A. Involvement of different branches of public safety

In a​ large-scale incident that involves​ fire/rescue, law​ enforcement, and EMS​ needs, unified command is an appropriate incident command structure. In a unified command​ structure, police,​ fire, and EMS would each be represented and would establish one unified command. Each service would then likely be established under the operations section and retain its autonomy. The unified incident commanders of the three agencies would work together in one command post to solve problems and direct the management of the incident.

What is a basic principle of disaster preparedness planning?

The basic structure for disaster planning includes the fours phases of comprehensive emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Mitigation involves preventive measures to reduce vulnerabilities.

What comes first in EMS decision making?

You must first identify and clarify the issue (in homage to the “I” in IRAC) by asking clarifying questions as necessary and really listening to what is being communicated to you. Step 1 is the most important – and simultaneously the most difficult – part of the decision-making process.

What is the most common emotional reaction of most disaster survivors?

It is commonly assumed that that the devastation associated with some disasters may cause pathological conditions such as acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The truth is, however, that for the majority of survivors, mild to moderate distress reaction is the most common occurrence.

What is the first action an EMT should take upon arriving at an MCI?

The first EMS unit to arrive on the scene will perform the initial scene assessment. Once a triage officer has been identified for the incident, this triage officer can initiate a request for additional resources to manage the triage efforts at the incident.