Which of the following facilitated Christianitys spread outside cities and into the hinterlands

Question 11

Multiple Choice

Which of the following facilitated Christianitys spread outside cities and into the hinterlands
Question 11

The Sogdians were responsible for which of the following achievements?

A) Blending Christian and Jewish beliefs to create a new religion
B) Adopting the techniques of siege warfare from Alexander's heirs
C) Linking the two ends of the Silk Road through their oasis cities
D) Organizing the caravan trade across the Sahara Desert

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    • Q6:

      Which of the following was a reason that Constantine called all bishops to a council in Nicaea in 325 CE? A) He hoped to convince the bishops to pay taxes to support his army. B) He wanted the support of the bishops to start a crusade against nonbelievers. C) He hoped to bring unity to the diversity of beliefs within Christian communities. D) He wanted the endorsement of the bishops when he seized the throne.

    • Q7:

      What was the symbolic importance of the mosaic over the southwest entryway to Hagia Sophia that depicted Constantine presenting models of Constantinople and Hagia Sophia itself to the Virgin Mary and Jesus? A) It showed the new imperial state's dominance over the church. B) It showed the role of spectacle in Byzantine life. C) It represented the growing together of Christian and imperial culture. D) It represented the dominance of the church over the state.

    • Q8:

      The status of Nestorians in the Sasanian Empire exemplified which of the following? A) The Sasanian Empire's persecution of non-Zoroastrians B) Universalizing religious communities spreading across Asia along trade routes C) The lack of political unity in the Sasanian Empire D) Merging Christian and Zoroastrian beliefs

    • Q9:

      Which of the following accurately describes Central Asia between 400 and 600 CE? A) The Huns prevented trade from following traditional routes. B) It became the hub of a system that linked eastern and western Afro-Eurasia,as well as South Asia. C) The Sasanian Empire brought it under its control. D) Unusually warm weather destroyed pasturelands required by horse and camel caravans.

    • Q10:

      Which of the following facilitated Christianity's spread outside cities and into the hinterlands? A) Establishing the Pope's primacy over all matters of doctrine and faith B) Translating the Christian Bible into local languages C) Replacing hieroglyphics with Coptic script D) Ending the disputes between different sects of Christianity

    • Q12:

      For the Byzantine Empire,which of the following was a negative impact of trade connections to the east? A) Outbreak of bubonic plague during Justinian's reign B) Higher prices for grain in Constantinople C) Displacement of skilled silk workers from Constantinople D) Numerous competing religions entered the empire.

    • Q13:

      Which of the following statements concerning Christian churches built after the conversion of Constantine indicates the structure of the religion? A) Only male Christian converts were permitted inside. B) The bishop sat on a throne to preach his sermon. C) The buildings were small and intimate. D) The buildings were elaborately decorated.

    • Q14:

      The so-called barbarian invasions of the Roman Empire in the late fourth and fifth centuries CE were,in actuality: A) a consolidation of power among non-Roman tribes under kings who could coordinate widespread attacks against Roman troops. B) an armed insurrection against Christian missionaries who tried to force the conversion of pagan peoples to Christianity. C) a more violent continuation of military recruits from the provinces pouring into the empire. D) a massive slave revolt in the provinces that destroyed the empire.

    • Q15:

      Which two faiths in particular aspired to universality in the period between 300 and 600 CE? A) Buddhism and Hinduism B) Hinduism and Confucianism C) Islam and Hinduism D) Christianity and Buddhism

    • Q16:

      Which of the following offset the Christian church's increasingly male leadership? A) The increased importance of the Virgin Mary B) Financial support by Empress Theodosia C) The remembered heroism of women martyrs D) An increasing number of women disciples

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