The two-factor theory of emotion specifically suggests that passionate love can be facilitated by


The last two decades have seen a tremendous surge in research on romantic love, beginning with Rubin's development of separate scales for the measurement of love and liking. Other major conceptualizations, with supportive evidence, are Davis's distinction between love and friendship, Hazan and Shaver's attachment theory of love, Hatfield's distinction between passionate and companionate love, Lee's typology of six lovestyles (eros, ludus, storge, mania, agape and pragma), and Sternberg's love triangle made up of intimacy, passion and decision/commitment. Some progress also has been made toward an evolutionary perspective and a neurophysiological understanding of love.

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41.Research on physical attractiveness indicates that men are more likely than women to:A)express dissatisfaction with their own physical appearance.B)deny that their liking for physically attractive dates is influenced by good looks.C)judge members of the opposite sex as more attractive if they have a youthfulappearance.D)marry someone who is less physically attractive than they themselves are. 519. Liking those who share and validate our attitudes is best explained in terms ofA)social exchange theory.B)a reward theory.C)equity.D)the mere exposure effect.

Two-factor theory of love: "People experiencing strong physical arousal may sometimes misinterpret that arousal as love"
Definition from Research in Psychology: Methods and Design by Goodwin

In conjunction with Valentine's Day, today's special Lexicon entry is about a theory on romantic love by Dutton and Aron (1974). 

The two-factor theory of love is derived from a broader two-factor theory of emotion, proposed by Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer in 1962. In short, Schachter and Singer found that if a subject has an unexplained state of arousal, they will use cues in the environment to label the emotional state they are in. 

Based on this, psychologists Donald Dutton and Arthur Aron proceeded to study the two-factor theory in terms of romantic attraction. They ran a field experiment on two bridges over a river in British Columbia - one, a solid wooden bridge 10 feet above the river, while the other, a suspension bridge 230 feet above the river. In both settings, attractive female confederates approached male subjects and prompted them for help on a psychology project. Afterward, the men were given the attractive woman's phone number in case they had any further questions. 

The researchers found that males on the suspension bridge (who presumably felt more anxious and aroused) were eight times as likely to call the female experimenter, compared to those on the sturdy bridge.  Because Dutton and Aron saw potential alternative explanations for this result, they replicated the experiment in the laboratory. This time, they manipulated arousal levels by leading participants to believe they were either going to receive a strong electrical shock or a mild one. 

In the laboratory experiment, Dutton and Aron saw similar results - those warned of strong electrical shock reported being more physically attracted to the female experimenter than those who anticipated mild shock. Thus, the researchers concluded that males could misinterpret feelings of anxiety for physical attraction. 

So if you get struck by cupid this Valentines Day, remember - it might just be anxiety. 


  • Dutton, D. G. and Aron, A. P. Some evidence for heightened sexual attraction under conditions of high anxiety. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology", 30, 510–517.
  • Goodwin, C. J. (2009). Research in Psychology: Methods and Design. John Wiley & Sons. p. 86-87. 
  • Malakh-Pines, A. (2005). Falling in love: Why we choose the lovers we choose. CRC Press. p. 14-17. 
  • Schachter, S., & Singer, J. (1962). Cognitive, Social, and Physiological Determinants of Emotional State. Psychological Review, 69, pp. 379–399.

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People tend to prefer a(n) ________ image of themselves, while their friends prefer a ________ version of them.


The presence of many bystanders at the scene of an emergency increases the likelihood that any individual bystander will


fail to interpret the incident as an emergency


The concept of a superordinate goal is best illustrated by


the intent of management and labor to produce a fuel-efficient automobile that will outsell any car on the market.


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A situation in which the individual pursuit of self-interest leads to collective destruction is known as


Our first impressions of those we meet are most likely to be determined by their


A win-win orientation is one that seeks ________ of conflict


mutually beneficial resolutions


Adherence to the reciprocity norm is most relevant to the utility of


A gradual escalation of intimacy is most positively related to a gradual escalation of


Orville thinks his girlfriend derives more benefits from their relationship than he does, even though he contributes more to the relationship. Orville most clearly believes that their relationship lacks


While driving his girlfriend to work, Nate narrowly avoided a collision with another vehicle. Moments later, he experienced an unusually warm glow of affection for his girlfriend. His romantic reaction is best explained in terms of


the two-factor theory of emotion


An increased liking for an unfamiliar stimulus following repeated experience with it is known as


Olivia, a 21-year-old university student, is quiet, relaxed, reflective, and politically liberal. Research suggests that she would most likely become a good friend of


Philip, who is reflective and quiet


Altruism is best described as


behaving unselfishly to enhance the welfare of others


In investigating the impact of physical arousal on passionate love, researchers arranged for an attractive woman to briefly interact with men who had recently


crossed a swaying footbridge


The distorted perceptions that enemies often have of each other are called mirror-image perceptions because they are


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Melissa regularly donates blood to an international blood bank simply because she believes she ought to help anyone with a medical need for a blood transfusion. Melissa's altruism best illustrates the impact of


the social-responsibility norm


The Plattsville blood bank is desperately in need of blood donors. Which of the following students would most likely contribute to the blood bank, if asked?


Ardyce, who has just fallen head-over-heels in love


When Armen first heard the hit song “Lose Yourself,” he wasn't at all sure he liked it. The more often he heard it played, however, the more he enjoyed it. Armen's reaction illustrates


As Arlette walks through a shopping mall, she happens to pass an older woman who is sitting on a bench, clutching her arm, and moaning in pain. The presence of many other shoppers in the mall will most likely increase the probability that Arlette will


fail to notice the older woman's problem


In most desegregated schools, ethnic groups resegregate themselves in the lunchrooms. People in each group often think they would welcome more contact with the other group, but they assume that the other group does not reciprocate the wish. This pattern of thinking best illustrates


Research on physical attractiveness indicates that men are more likely than women to


judge members of the opposite sex as more attractive if they have a youthful appearance


Initially prejudiced heterosexuals are likely to develop more accepting attitudes toward homosexuals following the experience of


Liking those who share and validate our attitudes is best explained in terms of


Mrs. Pinheiro fell on a busy city sidewalk and broke her leg. Although hundreds of pedestrians saw her lying on the ground, most failed to recognize that she was in need of medical assistance. Their oversight best illustrates one of the dynamics involved in


The two-factor theory of emotion specifically suggests that passionate love can be facilitated by


Katya donated money to a religious charity in order to boost her own feelings of self-esteem. Jennifer failed to contribute to the same charity because she was fearful of running out of money. Differences in their behavior are best explained in terms of


People's physical attractiveness is a good predictor of their


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Equity and self-disclosure are important to the development of


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A sincere word of apology often helps to reduce the tension between two conflicting parties. This best illustrates the value of


We are likely to prefer as friends those who are similar to us in


**any of these areasintelligenceage



Simple “non-zero-sum games” have been used in laboratory settings to study


The success of interracial cooperative learning in classroom settings best illustrates the value of ________ for reducing racial conflict


Observers watching videos of speed-dating encounters can detect a man's level of romantic interest ________ accurately than a woman's. If women at a speed-dating event stay seated while the men circulate, men wish for future contact with ________ of their speed dates than do women.


The country of Superlia increased the size of its military force because its leaders inappropriately anticipated that their rival, the country of Piropia, would do the same. The Piropians subsequently felt it was necessary to respond to the Superlian military buildup with a military expansion of their own. The Piropian response best illustrates the danger of


self-fulfilling prophecies


The mere exposure effect most directly contributes to the positive relationship between ________ and liking


The tragic murder of Kitty Genovese outside her New York apartment stimulated social-psychology research on


As passionate love matures into a calm and steady companionate love, the bonding of two partners is most likely to be facilitated by


Two friends quarreled over possession of a single orange without realizing that one of them simply wanted orange juice and the other simply wanted the orange peel to make a cake. This classic episode best illustrates that people sometimes fail to recognize


The social-responsibility norm refers to the expectation that people should


Compared with others, strikingly attractive people make a ________ favorable impression on potential employers, and they are ________ likely to perceive praise for their work as sincere.


A perceived incompatibility of your class learning goals and the goals of your class instructor best illustrates


Two social norms that influence altruistic behavior are


reciprocity and social-responsibility


Diffusion of responsibility often plays an important role in the


Superordinate goals refer to


shared goals that override differences among people and require their cooperation


Research on physical attractiveness indicates that babies prefer _________ over ___________ faces.


attractive ; unattractive


After their country was ravaged by a series of earthquakes, two bitterly antagonistic political groups set aside their differences and worked cooperatively on effective disaster relief. This cooperation best illustrates the importance of


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What does the two

Terms in this set (9) The two-factor theory of emotion specifically suggests that passionate love can be facilitated by: the mere exposure effect.

Which of the following describes the two

The two-factor theory of emotion focuses on the interaction between physical arousal and how we cognitively label that arousal. In other words, simply feeling arousal is not enough; we also must identify the arousal in order to feel the emotion.

Which of the following is an example of the mere exposure effect?

The Mere Exposure Effect is simply a psychological phenomenon whereby people feel a preference for people or things simply because they are familiar. For example, babies smile at the people who smile at them more.