What do you call the middle number in a data set when arranged either in ascending or descending order?

1. What do you call the middle number in a data set when arranged either in ascending or descending order? *


What do you call the middle number in a data set when arranged either in ascending or descending order?


Grade 9 · 2021-06-14

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1. What do you call the middle number in a data set when arranged either in ascending or descending order? *

What do you call the middle number in a data set when arranged either in ascending or descending order?

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What do you call the middle number in a data set when arranged either in ascending or descending order?


Grade 9 · 2021-06-14



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2 What do you call the middle number in a data set when arranged either in ascending or descending order? A. range B. mean C. median D. mode 3 What do you call the number that occurs most often in a data set? A median B. mode C. range D. mean


What do you call the middle number in a data set when arranged either in ascending or descending order?


Grade 9 · 2021-06-06

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2) What do you call the middle number in a data set when arranged either in ascending or descending order?
A. range
B. mean
C. median
D. mode 3) What do you call the number that occurs most often in a data set?
A median
B. mode
C. range
D. mean

What do you call the middle number in a data set when arranged either in ascending or descending order?


Grade 9 · 2021-06-06



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The middle value when you arrange all the observations in ascending or descending order is called .


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The middle most observation, after arranging all observations in ascending or descending order, is called the median.

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What do you call the middle number in a data set when arranged either in ascending or descending order * 1 point a range B mean C median D mode?

The median of a set of numbers is the middle number in the set (after the numbers have been arranged from least to greatest) -- or, if there are an even number of data, the median is the average of the middle two numbers. Example 1 : Find the median of the set {2,5,8,11,16,21,30} .

What is it called when the data is arranged in ascending or descending order the middle value in set of observations?

The middle most observation, after arranging all observations in ascending or descending order, is called the median.

What is called to arrange data in ascending and descending order?

Sorting is the process of arranging data in in ascending or descending order on the basis of one or more columns.

What is the middle number when the number in a set of data is arranged in descending order?

The median of a data set is the middle value when the values are written in numerical order. If a data set has an even number of values, the median is the mean of the two middle values.