Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?

Many times, when we are working in a Microsoft Excel Workbook or Spreadsheet, we encounter some error messages while creating or working with Formulas. Some of them just seem Chinese to us. In this post I will describe the most common Error Messages that we encounter and how to solve them. Just keep on reading the post below.

  • #VALUE!: The wrong type of operand or function argument is used

  • #REF!: A reference is invalid

  • #NAME?:Text in the formula is not recognized

  • ####: Does not fit in the Cell

  • #DIV/0!: Trying to divide by 0

  • #NULL!: A space was used in formulas that reference multiple ranges

  • #N/A!: A formula or a function inside a formula cannot find the referenced data

  • #NUM!: A formula has invalid numeric data for the type of operation.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?


In the image below, we notice in Cell E1, that I am trying to multiply the Cells A1, B1, C1 and D1, which all contain text. Not possible. That is why we get the Message Error #VALUE!. This Message Error means that we are using the wrong type of operand or Function argument.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?

All needed to do is to select the appropriate Cells and no more Error Message as we can see in the Cells A2, B2, C2, and D2. In other words, this error message means that there is something wrong with the Cells that we are referencing or something wrong with the way we typed our Formula.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?


In the image below, we can see in the Cell F2 that I am multiplying the Cell A2 with the Absolute Referencein E1. The same stands for the whole area from F2:I6, which are being multiplied with the Absolute Reference in E1. In the same area, we see the result of the multiplication.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?

Now in the next image, I have deleted the Absolute Reference in the Cell E1, and straight away the Cells Area F2:I6 display the Error Message #REF!. This means that the error displays when a Formula refers to a Cell that is not valid. This happens mostly, when Cells that we referenced to by Formulas get Deleted as in this example.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?


In the image below, we notice in the Cells E2:E6 the Error Message #NAME?. In the Formula Bar we notice the following Formula: =sim(A2:D2). So, what is wrong in my Formula? Of course, the way I typed the Formula.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?

I meant to sum the area of Cells, but instead of typing =Sum, by accident I typed =Sim. All we need to do is to correct the Formula and the results will appear. So, this Error occurs when Excel does not recognize something in our Formula. Usually, this Error appears when we misspell the Function that we are using.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?


In the image below, we can see in Cells E2:E6 the Error Message ####. What does it mean? It means that the Column is not wide enough to display all the characters in the Cells.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?

All we need to do is to enlarge the Column, and for this example is the Column E and the contents will appear as shown in the image below.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?


In the image below, we notice in the area of Cells F2:I6 the Error Message #DIV/0!. We can see in the Formula Bar that we are trying to divide the contents of the Cell F2 with Zero (0). Not can do. This Error Message can be useful, because it tells us that there is something missing or unexpected in our Spreadsheet.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?


In the image below, we notice in the area of Cells the Error Message#NULL!.If we look up at the Formula Bar we can see the Formula =SUM(A2 D2). At first look, it looks okay, but the Error Message still appears. I have forgotten to type the Colon between the two Cells, so it can indicate a consecutive area of Cells.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?

In the next image, I have activated the Cell with the Formula =SUM(A2 D2), but I have inserted also the Colon in between the two Cells =SUM(A2:D2). That is why, the area of Cells is activated and highlighted by a blue rectangle, meaning that now we will get a result. So, this Error Message indicates that we might have a typo where a space character is used instead of a colon or semicolon. The colon or semicolon is a range intersect operator and the Error Message means that the two ranges in our Worksheet do not intersect.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?


In the next image in the Cell C11, I am using the VLOOKUP Function to find how many No. Of Units of Cauliflower was sold. The result in the Cell C11 is #N/A. What does this Error Message mean? It means that a Formula cannot find what we have asked to look for. Keep in mind that the VLOOKUP Function searches for a result in the left most Column of the Table.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?

To solve the Error Message, I needed to rearrange the Data in my Table. That is why the comparing to the first Table in the Spreadsheet the orders of the Headers for the First Table are ID, Produce and Units Sold and the order of the second Table the order of the Headers are Produce, Units Sold and ID. This way, just by rearranging the Data, there will no longer be the Error Message #N/A!, but we will have a result.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?


In the next image, we notice in the Cell B8 the Error Message #NUM!. What does this Error Message mean? That the calculation that we are trying to do in the Cell cannot be performed.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?

In the next image, I have activated the Cell B8, where we notice that I am trying to find the Square Root of a Negative Number (which is in the Cell A8). A calculation that is not possible. The above is just an example, so if we want to fix the Error Message #NUM!, it is just a matter of adjusting inputs as they are required to make a calculation.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?

When we make an Error Message, at the top left corner of the Cell that contains the Error Message an exclamation mark appears, where if we select it a drop-down menu appears with the following commands that we can use to find out or get help with the Message Error is. The commands are the following: Error in Value (for the below example), Help On This Error, Show Calculation Steps, Ignore Error, Edit in Formula Barand Error Checking Options. We just select the appropriate command for us to use.

Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?

Below you can check out the video describing Which Are The Error Messages in a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet?

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Which of the following error messages would appear if the cell reference is not valid?

What cell reference is invalid?

When a cell contains an invalid reference, it means that the formula in that cell is referencing a cell or range of cells that no longer exists. This can happen if you delete data from your sheet, or if you move data around. For example, let's say you have a formula in cell A1 that references cell B1.

Which error is displayed when cell reference type correctly?

The #REF! error shows when a formula refers to a cell that's not valid. This happens most often when cells that were referenced by formulas get deleted, or pasted over.

What is a valid cell reference in Excel?

A cell reference or cell address is a combination of a column letter and a row number that identifies a cell on a worksheet. For example, A1 refers to the cell at the intersection of column A and row 1; B2 refers to the second cell in column B, and so on.

How do I find cell reference error in Excel?

A fast way to find all #REF Excel errors is to press F5 (Go To) and then click on Special, which for short is referred to as Go To Special. When the Go To Special menu appears, select Formulas, and then check only the box that says Errors. Click OK and that will automatically take you to every cell that has a #REF!