The soviet second world war poster shown above gives which of the following messages?

Use these sources to understand more about propaganda poster campaigns, and the artists behind them, during the Second World War.


Second World War, Art, Homefront

1. What were people encouraged to do with their clothes?

2. What were people encouraged to do with their food?

3. How were people encouraged to stay safe?

4. How were people encouraged to salvage?

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Cakes Made From Carrots

Join IWM expert Ngaire as she tells real life stories of how people satisfied their sweet tooth despite rationing in the Second World War.  


On the Home Front - Part One

Join IWM expert Ngaire as she helps us discover the extraordinary stories of the people who rose to the challenge of life on the Second World War Home Front.  


On the Home Front - Part Two

From the Women’s Auxiliary Airforce to the Timber Corps, join IWM expert Ngaire as she helps us discover the extraordinary stories of the people who rose to the challenge of life on the Second World War Home Front.

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The movements of 19th-century German unification and late 20 century German reunification were similar in that both

Created fear about the destruction of the European balance power

Caspar David Friedrichs painting the wanderer above the mists shown above does which of the following

Typifies romantic contemplation of nature

The only African countries to remain politically independent following the scramble for Africa by European countries in the late 19th Century were

Which of the following authors wrote of the suffering of soldiers fighting during the first world war

Which of the following best describes the effect of the Great Depression in Europe

It resulted in increased government economic intervention and control in many nations

The soviet second world war posters shown above gives which of the following messages

Soviet soldiers defend the motherland like heroes from Russian history

The Russian political cartoon above from the Cold War era ridicules the motivations of the

Pope John Paul the second did which of the following

Supported the solidarity labor movement in Poland

The artistic technique depicted above is associated with which if the following periods

Kings Are justly called gods for that they exercise a manner or resemblance of divine power upon earth. Which of the following was most likely to agree with this statement

James the first of England

Jean Jacques Rousseau differed significantly from other enlightenment philosophes in his

Emphasis on emotions and his admiration for the noble savage

Which of the following statements is true regarding Western European family life in the period 1750-1850

There was an increased importance placed on childrearing among the upper classes

The peace of Westphalia resulted in which of the following

The guaranteed independence of numerous small German states

At the congress of Vienna a principle that guided the deliberations of the diplomas was

In the first half if the nineteenth century which of the following was a field of employment that was exclusively male

The engraving above illustrates the interests and values of the

In seventeenth century Western Europe marriage patterns showed a tendency toward

Relatively late first marriages by non noble women

Which if the following best helps to explain the economic and political decline of Spain during the seventeenth century

The extension if the empires commitments beyond its resources

Between 1650 and 1750 which of the following was the most valuable export from the British French colonies of the new world to Europe

The system of cottage manufacture originated in part as a way for entrepreneurs to avoid

The dark areas in the map above represent the

Farthest extent if lands ruled directly by napoleonic France

The painting above depicts the Austrian emperor Joseph the second as

An enlightened monarch interested in methods of improving productivity

The hosts above designed by Palladio and constructed In Italy during the sixteenth century illustrates the architectural influence of

Which if the following activities did Adam smith believe was most appropriate for a national government

Defending the state against foreign invasion

The French reign of terror is most clearly associated with the

Establishment if the committee of public safety

Which of the following was most central to the development of the early industrial revolution

The shift from human and animal power to mechanical power

Which of the following was an important factor leading to the recognition of Greek independence in 1830

European popular opinion inspired by a classical revival

Two of the leaders In the nineteenth century development of the germ theory of disease were

Louis Pasteur and Roberts kurch

Which of the following was an immediate result of the Austro Prussian war

Prussia dominated the German unification movement

Which of the following is most clearly associated with Friedrich Nietzsche

The rejection of bourgeoise morality

Which of the following is an accurate description of the outcome of the Paris commune

The commune was crushed by the French army

In the first quarter of the 20th century women replaced men most rapidly in which of the following pairs of occupations

Teaching and clerical work

The provisional government in Russia failed primarily because

It continued to pursue an unpopular war

After the first world war is difficult to write a peace treaty according Woodrow Wilson's 14 points primarily because

The allies had secret treaties that conflicted with the 14 points

Which of the following statements is accurate according to Graph

Between 1880 1910 German industrial production rose from less than half of British production to a level greater than that of Great Britain and France combine

Which of the following conclusions is supported by the graph

Indy early 20th-century different rates of national industrial growth caused the European balance of power to shift toward Germany

The Italian nation is an organism and down with a purpose and a light trim Sunday though the individuals composing it. Labor unions legally recognized and subject to state control of them have the right to represent the whole category for which they are constituted. The collective labor contract conciliate the losing interest of employers of what subordinating them to the higher interest of production. Mussolini's charter of labor 1927. Which of the following is best supported by the excerpts above

Any agreement was subject to the state interpretation of the national interest

The picture above does which of the following

Condemns the bombing of a Basque town during the Spanish civil war

The primary message of the cartoon above is to show Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

Determination to overcome the opposition of unionized labor

Nikita Khrushchev did which of the following

Denounced Stalin's cult of personality

Which of the following best explains why nationalist and ethnic conflict continued in Europe after the Second World War?

Which of the following best explains why nationalist and ethnic conflict continued in Europe after the Second World War? The border shifts after the First and Second World Wars left many minority populations without national homelands or nation-states.

Which of the following was an economic policy of Louis?

Louis XIV also created much wealth for France by strengthening its economy through the promotion of trade and industry. With his economic advisor Jean-Baptiste Colbert, he followed an economic policy known as mercantilism.

Which of the following best explains Peter the Great's motivations for visiting England and Holland?

Based on the passage and historical context, which of the following best explains Peter the Great's motivations for visiting England and Holland? He wished to expand Russian trade in Asia.