Which of the following counterproductive behaviors are types of political deviance?

Which of the following counterproductive behaviors are types of political deviance?

Chapter 2: LearnSmart Questions

Psychological harassment and abuse directed toward an individual or group of

individuals is known as


Citizenship behaviors, such as supporting and defending the company, working to

improve its operations, and being especially loyal to the company, are known as _____

citizenship behaviors


Employee behaviors relevant to job performance include which of the following?

oCounterproductive behavior, task performance, and citizenship behavior

Employee responses to task demands that are unusual, novel, or unpredictable

oAdaptive task performance

The degree to which individuals develop ideas or outcomes that are both novel and


oCreative task performance

Well-known responses to demands that occur in a normal or predictable way

oRoutine task performance

Job analysis order

oGenerate a list of the activities involved in the job

oHave a subject-matter expert list each activity according to importance or


oDefine task performance in terms of the activities that are important or frequently


Employee behaviors that intentionally hinder organizational goal accomplishment are

referred to as _____ behavior


Which of the following counterproductive behaviors are types of production deviance?

oWasting resources, and substance abuse

Accountants, lawyers, teachers, and engineers would be considered ___ workers

because their jobs require them to engage in cognitive tasks and apply theoretical and

analytical knowledge.


Randi works as an aesthetician at a local spa and works with clients to improve the tone,

health, and appearance of their skin through massage, facials, and hair removal. What

type of work does Randi perform?

oService work

Cognitive work that requires the application of theoretical and analytical knowledge is

known as ___ work.


Speaking up and offering constructive suggestions for change


Involving yourself responsibly in and being concerned about the organization

oCivic virtue

Representing the organization in a positive way to those outside the organization


Counterproductive behavior directed against the organization that focuses on reducing

the efficiency of work output is referred to as

oProduction deviance

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B.citizenship behaviors.C.counterproductive behavior.D.job withdrawal.E.organizational commitment.Counterproductive behavior, defined as employee behaviors that intentionally hinderorganizational goal accomplishment. These are things that employees mean to do, not thingsthey accidentally do.AACSB Standard: Group/Individual Dynamics in OrganizationsBloom's Taxonomy: KnowledgeDifficulty Level: ModerateLearning Objective: 02-05 What is counterproductive behavior?Topic: Counterproductive Behavior2-54

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Which of the following counterproductive behaviors are types of political deviance?

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Chapter 02 - Job Performance68.(p. 45)Behaviors that intentionally harm the organization's assets and possessions arecategorized asA.production deviance.B.political deviance.C.property deviance.D.personal aggression.E.organizational deviance.Property deviance refers to behaviors that harm the organization's assets and possessions.AACSB Standard: Group/Individual Dynamics in OrganizationsBloom's Taxonomy: KnowledgeDifficulty Level: EasyLearning Objective: 02-05 What is counterproductive behavior?Topic: Counterproductive Behavior69.(p. 45)At ABC Coffee Roasters, employees learned that a few of them will be losing theirjobs, and in response, they purposefully started to mix decafe beans in bags of regular beansand vice versa. This created serious customer service issues and the company lost majoraccounts. The action of the employees at ABC can be described asA.theft.B.incivility.C.wasting resources.D.sabotage.E.political deviance.Property deviance refers to behaviors that harm the organization's assets and possessions. Atype of property deviance, Sabotage represents the purposeful destruction of physicalequipment, organizational processes, or company products.AACSB Standard: Group/Individual Dynamics in OrganizationsBloom's Taxonomy: ApplicationDifficulty Level: DifficultLearning Objective: 02-05 What is counterproductive behavior?Topic: Counterproductive Behavior2-55

Chapter 02 - Job Performance70.(p. 45)Which of these behaviors is included in the "serious category" of organizationalcounterproductive behavior?A.SabotageB.GossipingC.IncivilityD.Substance abuseE.Wasting resourcesThe serious category includes personal aggression comprising of harassment and abuse;property deviance which includes theft and sabotage.AACSB Standard: Group/Individual Dynamics in OrganizationsBloom's Taxonomy: ComprehensionDifficulty Level: ModerateLearning Objective: 02-05 What is counterproductive behavior?Topic: Counterproductive Behavior71.(p. 46)All of these can be called as counterproductive behaviors except:A.political deviance.B.personal aggression.C.property deviance.D.production deviance.E.process deviance.Counterproductive behavior, defined as employee behaviors that intentionally hinderorganizational goal accomplishment. It includes political deviance, personal aggression,property deviance and production deviance.

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Organizational studies and human resource management, task performance, Organizational citizenship behavior

Which of the following are counterproductive behaviors?

Counterproductive work behaviors come in many different forms, but can include tardiness, theft, fraud, sexual harassment, workplace bullying, absenteeism, substance abuse, workplace aggression, or sabotage.

Which of the following counterproductive Behaviours would be categorized as political deviance?

C. Gossiping and incivility are examples of counterproductive behavior and considered political deviance.

Which of the following are examples of political deviance?

Examples of outcomes of political deviance include absenteeism, aggressive behavior, stealing, and doing work wrongly.

Which of the following is considered counterproductive work Behaviour quizlet?

Some counterproductive work behaviors include: Absenteeism, Abuse against others, Sexual Harassment, Cyber-loafing, Lateness, etc.