What is the purpose of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee IACUC )?

About the IACUC

What is the purpose of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee IACUC )?

UCR recognizes the scientific and ethical responsibility for the humane care and use of animals involved in research and education and enjoins all individuals involved to the highest standards of care and consideration.

UCR has established an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to function as the review body responsible for approval and oversight of activities involving the use of vertebrate animals at UCR in accordance to federal requirements, including the Animal Welfare Act and PHS Policy. The Committee, which is appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development, is qualified through the experience and expertise of its members to oversee the institution's animal program, facilities, and procedures in coordination with the UCR Office of the Campus Veterinarian. Additionally, the IACUC is committed to promoting open and cooperative relationships with investigators, and educating the UCR community concerning the ethical and regulatory standards for the humane care of animals.

Please follow these links for IACUC policies, guidance and information for faculty.

  • Policies and Guidance
  • IACUC and AUP Information for UCR Faculty (related, grant, housing and inspection information)

Do I have to submit an Animal Use Protocol (AUP)?

An AUP is required for all research and teaching activities involving live vertebrate animals at UCR or sponsored by UCR. This includes:

  • All vertebrate animal activities (i.e., receiving, housing, maintaining, field studies, teaching uses, and lab experiments, including "gentling" treatments and non-invasive studies)
  • Vertebrate animal activities performed at other institutions under contract from UCR (e.g., contracting to have antibodies generated or new mouse strains developed; or when a UCR investigator is lead PI on a grant with subcontracts to other institutions).

Who may submit an AUP?

AUPs may only be submitted by individuals meeting PI eligibility as defined by UCR Policy #527-3. Exceptions may be made for academic coordinators planning to use vertebrate animals in teaching. Requests for an exception can be made by contacting .

How do I submit?

You can find the forms here. Faculty may access forms and additional information at IACUC and AUP Information for UCR Faculty (e.g., animal use forms, related grant, housing, and inspection information).
Completed AUPs can be emailed to .

Things all animal users/handlers at UCR should know

What is the purpose of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee IACUC )?

What are the levels of review?

What is the purpose of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee IACUC )?

Regardless of review level, all new AUPs may be subject to additional review by EH&S and the Office of the Campus Veterinarian (OCV) to review the lab space, training and to consult on any requirements for vivaria space. Additionally, protocols housing animals for more than 12 hours or conducting survival surgeries outside of the vivaria are subject to semi-annual inspections by the IACUC and OCV as mandated by federal regulations.

Individuals handling animals will also be subject to an Occupational Health Review (see below).

Additional compliance reviews that may be required:

  • Institutional Review Board (IRB): IRB review of human protections may be required for some activities, such as the collection of blood or primary tissues.
  • Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO): SCRO review of the use or storage of human pluripotent stem cells is required.
  • Material Transfer Agreement (MTA): Some biohazardous materials (e.g., plasmids, vectors, viruses, human cell lines) cannot be obtained without a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA). The Research and Economic Development Office is required to review these contracts in accordance with UC mandated restrictions. It is recommended that you contact as soon as you have determined you will be obtaining materials from an external source.
  • Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC): All uses of human derived materials must be approved by the IBC through the submission of a Biological Use Authorization (BUA) form.

Submission Deadlines for Full AUPs and Amendments

IACUC and AUP Information for UCR Faculty (related, grant, housing and inspection information)

What training and occupational health reviews must be completed before handling vertebrate animals in research and teaching?

Federal regulations require that all individuals handling vertebrate animals receive proper training including, but not limited to, general animal use, federal law regarding animal use, species-specific handling and experiment-specific procedures, as well as training in the specific procedures necessary for their experiments. UCR uses an on-line training system for the general training and has species-specific videos available. The Office of the Campus Veterinarian is available to provide hands-on training in various procedures. Training in project-specific procedures is the responsibility of the AUP PI and must be documented.

The Animal Care and Use Training Program consists of the following:

  1. Review of the specific Animal Use Protocols (AUP) covering the activities to be performed (provided by the PI/faculty advisor).
  2. Completion of a UC Riverside AUP Personnel Add Form by the PI and trainee, submitted to .
  3. Following submission of this form, access and directions will be provided for the following components of the training requirements:
  4. Occupational Health Review (see below).
  5. Completion of the UCR/AALAS on-line animal user training.
  6. Viewing of a species specific handling video.
  7. Acknowledgement of understanding rules and procedures.

Once the required training and the Occupational Health Review are complete, the Office of Research Integrity informs PIs and lab members regarding clearance to use vertebrate animals.

Vivaria Access: Instructions for requesting vivaria access will be included with the clearance email.

Occupational Health Review

No one may enter the vivarium without the following:

  1. Clearance notification from the IACUC office and
  2. Completion of vivarium orientation with vivarium staff

This applies to all animal users (PI's, lab managers, graduate students, etc.).
Working with laboratory animals can present a risk to the health and well-being in the forms of (a) zoonotic diseases (infectious agents shared by humans and animals); (b) allergies to laboratory animals, particularly rodents; and (c) bites, scratches and other injuries. All animal users are required to participate in the Occupational Health Program (see instructions under Required Training).

Recommendations for completing the Health Questionnaire used for the Occupational Health Review:

  • Complete all questions
  • If your tetanus vaccination is not up to date, you will be required to provide evidence of a booster before clearance to handle animals is provided
  • Keep a copy of your completed form
  • Health forms may be submitted via email – be aware that this is a non-secure method for providing personal medical information. Hard copy may be delivered to the white box on the door to room 249 of the University Office Building

Related Policies and Guidance:

  • Occupational Health & Safety Program - Policy on Enrollment
  • Guidance on Students in Laboratory Classes: Animal Use Training and the Occupational Health and Safety Program

Obtaining Vivaria Space, Animal Health Issues, Vivaria Issues, Ordering Animals and Transferring Animals from Other Institutions

  • For information about obtaining vivaria space, animal health and buying or importing animals to UCR, contact the Office of the Campus Veterinarian.

Submission of forms does not imply automatic clearance. Clearance notification must be received from , prior to entering the vivarium or commencing work with animals.

Questions regarding the training process can be directed to .

Contact Information

For assistance with protocols, amendments and animal use activities:

For assistance with training requirement issues:

Where can I find additional information?

For more information, visit the IACUC section of the ORI Resources Page.

What is the function of an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee quizlet?

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is a federally mandated committee, qualified through the experience and expertise of its members, that oversee its institution's animal care and use program, facilities, and procedures.

What is the function of an IACUC quizlet?

A mandated IACUC function is to conduct reviews of the animal care and use program on a semiannual basis. IACUCs are not mandated to write the basic science portions of grant applications or animal use protocols for investigators.

What are the roles of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and the Institutional Review Board?

The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) ensures that the highest animal welfare standards are maintained along with the conduct of accurate, valid scientific research through the supervision, coordination, training, guidance, and review of every project proposed to include the use of vertebrate animals at ...

Why is IACUC important for scientists?

The IACUC can play a vital role in assisting investigators by ensuring research studies are planned and conducted appropriately, and in doing so, investigators will report high quality, comprehensive experimental design and data.