What is the level of reading if a student is judging that Shakespeares Hamlet emotional complex

Is the study of what is beyond natural

Are the different planned activities which are put into action

Refers to tested or evaluated curriculum

Measures the degree of one’s agreement or disagreement on positive or negative statements about objects and people

Use only_ materials in a single matching exercise

Eyes in the back of their heads

When the teacher burst into activities without assessing student readiness

Teacher goes from topic or activity to other topic or activities lacking clear direction

Teacher decided to have undisciplined students out of the room

Is an encouraging non-verbal behavior by teachers

Standing or sitting that shows alertness

Inmediate reaction to a student angered and making personal remarks

Getting the student to calm down

It is difficult to have a single definition of problem behavior because

it is based on uniqueness of individuals

Among personal attitudes, __ is NOT among those that demonstrate patience among teachers

Among unit plan components, projected competencies-outcomes belong to

According to Nagel’s acronym PPPF, it is important to follow up

As a preventive measure for classroom discipline, the teacher may restructure the program. This is NOT done by

skipping the whole lesson unit altogether

Ineffective strategies in classroom are called

Overemphasis on drill and practice

Classroom management where teacher talks to student about their interests

Expressing interest for students

In 5S, the S which stands for cleanliness

is NOT an indicator of a supportive learning environment

is an indicator of autonomy in the learning environment

Student responsibility for learning

Teacher can do __ in order to generate ideas in planning a sports competition activity

The principle that supports adoption of teaching methods in accordance with student needs

is unique character of every student

learning strategy demonstrated by teacher who assigns homework for students to do on their own

providing student with templates and explaining the steps for developing a research paper

technique where teacher prods students to reply along directions that lead to the proper answer

In SPED, the chair arrangement that is effective for students grouped and working together based on personality and work style is

In problem-based learning group, _ leads the discussion for achieving desired aims

Students were made to work in a small group, learned from each other and each person in the group took responsibility for the learning of the whole group

If teacher wants to apply collaborative approach in learning, she should be initially attentive to

describes the inductive teaching-learning method

T-L individual ideas to general ideas

The type of classroom that builds “leaning to live together” climate of teaching and learning in school is

factor that makes the learner fully contribute to a peaceful and just society is

The org that advanced the insights of “Learning to Treasure Within” for 21st century educ

International Commission for the 21st Century

student’s motivation vary according to socio-cultural background

Children from low-income household meet more obstacles in learning

In poem “When in Distance with Fortune and Men’s Eyes”, Shakespeare felt depressed looking at his sad fate. The best antidote is

Among active participation in community, _ is NOT appropriate due to prevailing religious sentiments

promoting contraceptives for planned parenthood

Degree of moral certitude whoe enteres marriage only out of obedience but uncertain whether she wanted marriage at all

applies to fire victims who decided to jump over ten-story building than die being burned

Principle of lesser of two evil

applies to nations or corporate industrialists supplying arms to combatants who sow civil war

Principle of Formal Cooperation

pass an undeserving student with a death threat. A utilitarian advice is to

Pass the student bec it will be use to the student, his parents and her

best describes “pwede na” mentality vs excellence in service/work

Resignation to mediocrity

An activity that teacher as a trustee if the cultural heritage of the nation; patriotic ideals

Exploring the lives of national heroes

World has become a global village

Respect of diverse cultures

Gender fair language that advances feminism, congressman shld be addressed

When house tasks are typecast as female’s responsibility, _ is reinforced in clasroom mnagement

Avoiding implying sickness or suffering like polio

Most desirable in the use of technology

greatest danger along the domain of learning posed by technology

developing passivity and uncritical minds

journal writing using internet useful to publish lesson ideas

Purpose of support instructional materials

Closeness to direct experience as standard

provides the most direct type of learning

is most useful in presentation of concepts by comparison

is a visual aid useful in showing trend in temperature change from month to month

The quality of content the teacher achieved with the “information explosion” such as how to effectively teach phonetics

The quality of content that gets the attention of learners

is likely the effect of excessive TV viewing and playing video games

increased violence among young

has the broadest concept of technology for the whole educative system

motivational aspect of learning through electronic media

enthusiasm to use technology

cannot take the place of the teacher in the classroom bec it is only a tool/instrument

It points to the highest kind of cognitive skills desired

most traditional technology in the limited sense of tools

The present day netizen students

is a journal writing on the internet for netizens

has become home library of students

is the quality that makes digital visual materials better/ visual reality

is an appropriate multimedia resource for a lesson on adjectives

Videotaped conversation of students using adjectives

is a form of direct learning experience

Teacher demonstrating use if microscope

compare and contrast plant cell to animal cell

Tool for constructivist learning in presenting characteristic and features of objects/subjects

is an aid that is two dimensional and hanged on the wall

Literary works that are very creative by way of decriptive language

We can find critical views in current events in newspapers

method when read back and forth, attending to what is mind and what is on the page

is known as getting the meaning of a new unfamiliar word by looking for hints

used if a student is judging Shakespeare’s Hamlet emotional comples

first step in Goodell’s reading skills ladder

In Goodell’s skill ladder, using the dictionary

should be used last and only needed

The truest of adolescents is

student is behind in her development with classmates, what made teacher come up with this observation

Student not getting along with age-mates

advocated that we face a specific psychosocial dilemma at each stage of life

In Erikson’s stage theory, _ needs to be developed from the child (1-1.5yrs old)

Kohlberg’s theory: Joy allows her classmate to copy her test work so that shell be her friend

explains the tendency of preschool children to focus on an aspectof an object while excluding other aspects

Piaget’s stage where child’s intelligence is intuitive, able to make mental representation and uae of symbols

in Piaget’s Concrete Operational, _ refers to the ability to perceive different features of objects or situation

in Piaget’s Formal operation, _ is NOT among the characteristics of the child’s thinking ability

knowing properties (number, mass, volume, etc)

the lessons made more meaningful by way of learning continuity

Relating present with past lessons

John Dewey said “An ounce of experience is better than a ton of theory”.

is an instance when teachers lead students toward metacognition

Asking students to predict outcomes

The question_ relates to metacognition

“Am i learning well enough?”

are firmly established and thoroughly tested principles of theories

Plato’s contemplative use of mind

is generally used for mastery learning especially of psychomotor skills

does not belong to bodily kinesthetic learning activities

meaningful learning that belongs to naturalistic

an example of Spatial learning

best process to develop logical reasoning

Forming and proving hypothesis

exemplifies open-ended question

Are the mind and the brain one and the same?

Among study habits, shows the ability to organize and plan his class work

“I make a weekly timetable”

is the ability to know without being frustrated by ambiguous ideas

is a research that is directly appropriate for a new entrepreneur going into small business

A positive correlation is to direct relation while inverse relation is

is the ability to know without being distracted or confused by irrelevant ideas

is known as understanding and is a step higher than more knowledge of facts

is the ability to break down complex information into parts for understanding

learning outcome assessed in dramatic reading along with movements, posture, facial expression

Non-discursive communication

An entering student in college would like to determine which course is best suited for him

using inquiry to test her students ability to recall information

is the most reliable tool for determining students ability to write

is being assessed by the Rubric that seeks to assess high, moderate or low imaginative thinking

is the least authentic mode of student performance assessment

The criterion-referenced teat is designed to

determine performance level on a specific skill

Best person responsible for constructing test with validity over specific content of subject areas

The assessment of test items should be

Aligned with instructional objectives

The primary response factor of Essay questions

automated checking which helps in improving reliability is

Test measures what is aimes to measure

Using the Likert Method of summative scale, the mean for scale ratings (10, 7.5, 5, 2.5, and 0) is

Most stable measure of variability

When standard deviation is big, this means

Large number of more or less average and few receiving low and high grades

Negatively skewed class distribution

Most students performed well

More from lower group got item no. 16 correctly

Item has negative discriminating power

-0.36 determination index

more from lower group answered items correctly

Lowest score obtained in a 100-item test is 1 and the highest is 99

Scores are highly dispersed

Teacher compares individual student’s scores with other students’ scores

Tendency to give high grades as compared to the rest

Disadvantage of giving numerical or letter grade

They are perceived to be absolute measures of intelligence

pass an undeserving student so as not to suffer death threat

Distribution of academically poor students

Negative discrimination index

more from lower group answered test item correctly

Positive discrimination index

more from upper group got the item correctly

Teacher use _ to compare her students to national norma

Difficulty index of 0.81 and discrimination index of 0.13. The test constructor should

Not the same as percentage correct

Assessment is said to be authentic when

Students given real-life tasks to accomplish

Concurrent validity requires

For mastery learning _ testing is most fit

“Group the following items according to phylum” is a thought test item on

If all your students passed the pretest, you should

go through lesson quickly in order not to skip any

Test student’s ability to organize ideas

Computed range is low means

the difference bet highest and lowest score is low

If your LET items sample adequately the competencies listed in the syllabi,

LET possesses content validity