What is the difference between an assigned counsel and a public defender Quizlet

What is the most common method of selection for the job of county prosecutor?
c. elected

The prosecutor's complex occurs when prosecutors push to close each case with a conviction and lack the ability to objectively evaluate whether the evidence truly shows the defendant is guilty.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about attorney competence?
a. the Supreme Court has not clearly defined what "competent" means

Prosecutors are not influenced by the political system.

The _________ model aims at speedy and early disposition of a case.
c. system sufficiency

What United States Supreme Court case involved setting standards for effective assistance of counsel?
a. United States v. Cronic (1984)

The job of the defense attorney is accurately depicted in most legally themed television shows.

Public defenders often have trouble gaining the trust and cooperation of their clients because their clients know that they are paid by the state.

The person who represents accused and convicted persons in the criminal justice system is called the
d. defense attorney

Most states use the "contract counsel" method of providing attorneys for those who cannot afford their own attorneys.

Which of the following is a factor that increases the power of the prosecutor?
a. many of their decisions are hidden from public view

The majority of convicted offenders serving time in state prisons were indigent defendants who received publicly provided defense attorneys.

Although they cooperate in many cases, public defenders are sufficiently independent of prosecutors and judges to make choices about whether to seek a trial or to negotiate a plea.

A defense attorney who works to prepare the defendant for the likely outcome of punishment and who helps persuade the defendant to plead guilty is said to be performing which role?
c. agent-mediator

Which of the following is considered a distinct role of a prosecutor?
d. all of the above

The process of a prosecutor sharing information with the defense is called
d. discovery

Which of the following is where an attorney is employed on a full-time, salaried basis by the government to represent indigents?
d. public defenders

When a defense attorney makes arguments for a client, whom the attorney expects will actually accept a plea bargain rather than face the risk of a jury verdict, this is called
c. slow plea of guilty

John is the district attorney for a large metropolitan area. He is facing reelection in approximately 1 year. During the course of John's day, he receives news that a well known professional football player has attempted to murder his wife of less than a year. Apparently, the player found his wife in a comprising position with another player on the team. John knows how he prosecutes this media driven case, may determine if he is reelected.

Even though the public is demanding a trial, John makes plans to meet with the defense to see if they are willing to work out an agreement. John would prefer to _________ the case.
c. plea bargain

Prosecutors are considered to have the central role in the justice process because
a. they have exchange relations with many other actors

Which of the following is NOT true concerning the role of a prosecutor?
b. a prosecutor has limited influence in the early stages of the criminal justice process

John is the district attorney for a large metropolitan area. He is facing reelection in approximately 1 year. During the course of John's day, he receives news that a well known professional football player has attempted to murder his wife of less than a year. Apparently, the player found his wife in a comprising position with another player on the team. John knows how he prosecutes this media driven case, may determine if he is reelected.

Even though the community is demanding charges and a trial, it will be John's final decision to go to trial or plea bargain the case. John has a great deal of __________ in making his decision.
d. discretion

Dianne works for the federal governor as a prosecutor. She spends much of her time prosecuting drug crimes. Dianne was placed into her position approximately 3 years ago and seems constantly in awe of her duties within the criminal justice system. Diane works in district 5 in Dallas Texas.

Dianne spends a great deal of her time prosecuting drug crimes. Outside of drug offenses, which type of crime would Dianne prosecute the most?.
c. white-collar

Findings from research have indicated there is little difference in outcomes between private attorneys, public defenders, contract counsel, and assigned counsel.

Which of the following is NOT true about defense attorneys?
c. defense attorneys act in accordance with their image on television dramas

John is the district attorney for a large metropolitan area. He is facing reelection in approximately 1 year. During the course of John's day, he receives news that a well known professional football player has attempted to murder his wife of less than a year. Apparently, the player found his wife in a comprising position with another player on the team. John knows how he prosecutes this media driven case, may determine if he is reelected.

Even though the public is demanding a trial, John makes plans to meet with the defense to see if they are willing to work out an agreement. John would prefer to _________ the case.
b. plea bargain

Scholars often view public defenders as generally better than assigned counsel because public defenders are full-time government employees who are specialists in criminal law.

Close cooperation between prosecutors and police is automatic in every case because of their similar views of crime and the fact that they work for the same sponsoring organization.

_______ defendants are those who are too poor to afford their own lawyers.
d. Indigent

Which of the following is true concerning public attitudes about admitting a voluntary admission when received before the suspect's retained lawyer was present?
d. a majority of the public supports the admitting of the evidence

The "slow plea of guilty" occurs when decision-makers have already made up their minds about the case, but the defense attorney goes through the motions of putting up a fight against the decision.

________ defense attorneys now handle up to 85 percent of the cases in many places.
a. Publicly funded

Which of the following is a factor that increases the power of the prosecutor?
a. many of their decisions are hidden from public view

Because trials are so infrequent, defense attorneys' working lives tend to be quite different than the lives of attorneys as portrayed on television.