Which of the following illustrates the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation?

  • Hasan and Hynds studied how cultural values and practices shaped teacher motivation in which country?
  • A. Kenya

    B. Ethiopia

    C. Indonesia

    D. Maldives

  • In Maldives, teacher motivation links to all the following factors EXCEPT:
  • A. social factors

    B. personal factors

    C. economic factors

    D. political factors

  • Hasan and Hynds found a strong correlation between teacher motivation and cultural forces. Which of the following IS TRUE?
  • A. teachers remain on the island rather than looking for work in other regions out of respect for aging caregivers

    B. teacher parent relationships and a sense of community in the school do not mirror family connections

    C. teachers put little effort into helping their students achieve success

    D. teachers have an independent model of the self and do not rely on family members to fulfill their duties at home

  • Motivation is:
  • A. our ability to understand and perceive emotions

    B. an internal state that guides our behavior to attain the goal

    C. our ability to understand cultural norms and values

    D. our ability to adapt to our environment

  • Melissa is a good role model for her team mates. She wants to make sure her team does well and wins the conference championship. Her desire to attain this goal is described as:
  • A. intrinsic motivation

    B. extrinsic motivation

    C. a drive

    D. a need

  • Kevin really enjoys riding motorcycles. It gives him great personal satisfaction. His desire to ride motorcycles connects to which of the following?
  • A. extrinsic motivation

    B. a drive

    C. intrinsic motivation

    D. a need

  • Human beings seek out a sense of belonging as well satisfying feelings of hunger and thirst. These are examples of a(n):
  • A. motivation

    B. drive

    C. need

    D. extrinsic motivation

  • Ali takes morning classes even though she never has time for breakfast. Her stomach grumbles and feels empty to the point where she feels the need to eat. This is an example of a(n):
  • A. motivation

    B. drive

    C. need

    D. extrinsic motivation

  • Marissa is putting a great deal of energy into her schoolwork. She wants to make the Dean’s List at her university. The factor motivating her to be a good student is a(n):
  • A. incentive

    B. motivation

    C. drive

    D. need

  • Which of the following IS NOT a model of motivation?
  • A. self-actualization

    B. cognitive

    C. expectancy value

    D. psychoanalytical

  • Maslow believed people strive to lead a fulfilling life. According to his hierarchy of needs, which of the following IS TRUE?
  • A. safety and security needs should be met before basic needs

    B. belonging and affiliation needs should be met after self-esteem needs

    C. aesthetic needs are a higher need then self-actualization

    D. transcendence is the ultimate achievement

  • The goal of self-actualization is to:
  • A. find self-fulfillment

    B. reach our maximum cognitive potential

    C. understand cultural values and practices

    D. achieve ego mastery

  • Which of the following IS TRUE about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
  • A. the model connects to an interdependent model of the self

    B. the model connects to an independent model of the self

    C. it is relevant to all individuals

    D. it parallels Hofstede’s dimensions for cultural comparison

  • Which individual believed that humans learn abilities and skills through experience and either produce or suppress those behaviors based upon the consequences of those behaviors?
  • A. Maslow

    B. Hofstede

    C. Skinner

    D. Eccles

  • You receive verbal praise from your caregivers when you behave appropriately. This positive reinforcement connects to motivation as a(n):
  • A. incentive

    B. extrinsic motivation

    C. drive

    D. need

  • Which of the following IS TRUE about Skinner’s reinforcement theory?
  • A. it emphasizes internal needs

    B. it emphasizes internal drives

    C. it concentrates on extrinsic motivation

    D. it emphasizes intrinsic motivation

  • The three goals of goal theory and achievement motivation include all of the following EXCEPT:
  • A. mastery goals

    B. performance goals

    C. social goals

    D. intrinsic goals

  • Santino is the best player on his soccer team. He knows that he has better skills than the other players on his team. According to goal theory and achievement motivation models, Santino is focusing on which goal?
  • A. mastery goals

    B. performance goals

    C. social goals

    D. intrinsic goals

  • Oliver is a retired engineer. He is returning to school to learn a new language. His desire to learn a new language connects to which of the following goals and an achievement model of motivation?
  • A. mastery goals

    B. performance goals

    C. social goals

    D. intrinsic goals

  • Which of the following goals associated with achievement models connects with intrinsic motivation?
  • A. mastery goals

    B. performance goals

    C. social goals

    D. intrinsic goals

  • Cultural norms and worldviews influence whether people pursue mastery or performance goals. Which of the following illustrates this point?
  • A. Michael wants to do better at math so he takes an easier course so that he will not have difficulty.

    B. Michele wants to learn a new language.

    C. Stefano does well at school in order to earn a scholarship

    D. Jess does well at school to bring honor and integrity to her family

  • In their motivation model, Eccles and colleagues connect the achievement related choices students make to two sets of perceptual beliefs. The ability self-concept is:
  • A. the worth a person attaches to available strategies to achieve a goal

    B. a sense of belonging

    C. learning for one’s own personal interest

    D. a person’s expectations for success and ability to perform a task

  • Marissa really enjoys doing Sudoku number puzzles. In the expectancy value model of motivation this would be a(n):
  • A. ability self-concept

    B. subjective task value

    C. sense of belonging

    D. mastery goal

  • Which of the following individuals introduced attribution theory into the literature?
  • A. Skinner

    B. Weiner

    C. Maslow

    D. Pandora

  • Cognitive models of motivation explain:
  • A. people’s extrinsic motivations

    B. people’s intrinsic motivations

    C. the value people place on performing particular tasks

    D. the reasons and/or causes of people successes and failures

  • Cultural norms and expectations shape the attributions people make about their behavior. Which of the following illustrates this point?
  • A. many European-American parents believe their children are academically successful because they work hard

    B. many Asian parents believe their children are academically successful because of their natural talents

    C. many European-American parents believe their children are academically successful because they want to bring honor to their family

    D. many Asian parents believe their children are academically successful because the child perseveres and works hard

  • Cultural models of the self shape the attributions people make about their behavior. Which of the following statements illustrates this point?
  • A. in the cultural model of an independent self, the individual strives to increase self-esteem and create a positive image

    B. in the cultural model of an interdependent self, the individual strives to increase self-esteem and create a positive image

    C. when the independent self does well at a task, the self experiences humility

    D. when the interdependent self does well at a task, the self experiences humility

  • Which of the following individuals believe that we learn behavior from observing others in our social worlds?
  • A. Skinner

    B. Maslow

    C. Eccles

    D. Bandura

  • Self-efficacy relates to:
  • A. our ability to seek out activities our own enjoyment

    B. our confidence in our own abilities to solve problems

    C. our desire to seek self-improvement

    D. our relationships and social interactions

  • An employer gives her employees individual bonuses for their work performance. This is an example of a(n):
  • A. drive

    B. need

    C. extrinsic incentive

    D. intrinsic incentive

  • Many early childhood educators reward their students with stickers when the child behaves appropriately. This is an example of a(n):
  • A. drive

    B. need

    C. extrinsic incentive

    D. intrinsic incentive

  • Which of the following IS TRUE about incentives?
  • A. the use and effectiveness of incentives varies across cultures

    B. extrinsic motivation is often better than intrinsic motivation

    C. for many Japanese workers a monetary bonus is more effective as an incentive than respect

    D. for many Latin American workers a monetary bonuses more effective as an incentive than time off to be with family

  • In a classroom setting, a mainstream American approach to motivating students might include:
  • A. praising a child in front of his or her classmates

    B. criticizing a child in front of his or her classmates

    C. pointing out the child’s failure in front of his or her classmates

    D. critiquing a child’s work in front of his or her classmates

  • One goal of the Bridging Cultures Project was meant to improve teachers’ classroom behaviors and practices. Participating teachers worked primarily in the school system that served primarily children from which cultural heritages?
  • A. Asian, Asian-American

    B. African-American

    C. Latino, Mexican-American

    D. Native American

  • The Bridging Cultures Project highlights the importance of:
  • A. connecting children’s lived realities at home with those at school

    B. providing children with extrinsic motivators and incentives

    C. providing children with intrinsic motivators and incentives

    D. reducing the role of teachers in children’s academic success

  • There is support for the position that cultural practices at home intersect with socioeconomic factors. Fernald and colleagues found that:
  • A. European-American higher income caregivers rarely engage their children in conversation

    B. Latino higher income parents rarely engage their children in conversation

    C. European-American and Latino higher income caregivers engage their children in more conversation then lower income caregivers do

    D. lower income European-American and Latino caregivers engage their children in more conversation then higher income caregivers in both groups do

  • There is evidence to support that Asian children outperform students from other countries. Which statement illustrates the connection between cultural values and practices and Asian children’s success at school?
  • A. children want to do well and not disappoint their parents who have sacrificed for their children’s academic success

    B. teacher practices in the classroom focus upon conceptual knowledge

    C. teachers encourage small cooperative group learning

    D. children want to do well to increase their own self-esteem

  • Stereotypes are:
  • A. culture specific prescriptions for how each gender should behave

    B. attributes that we assign to our success and failure

    C. important to learning theory models of motivation

    D. widely held beliefs, characteristics and traits that people attribute to a whole group

  • The belief that all Asian students are higher achievers is an example of a(n):
  • A. gender role

    B. attribution

    C. stereotype

    D. stereotypical threat

  • Stereotypical threat happens when:
  • A. an individual self-esteem is increased after an accomplishment

    B. an individual worries over being judged according to a negative stereotype

    C. we failed to meet cultural expectations for behavior

    D. we do not meet our parents expectations for academic success

  • Aronson and colleagues asked two groups of European-American college students who excelled in math to complete a math test. Participants believe the test would measure their math abilities. One participant group was a control group. The other group was told the math test would help them understand why Asian students seem to do well on this test. What did the researchers find?
  • A. students in both groups performed well

    B. the group that received the stereotypical threat underperformed the control group

    C. the control group underperformed the stereotypical threat group

    D. students in both groups performed poorly

  • Which students are susceptible to stereotypical threat?
  • A. underachieving students

    B. good students

    C. students from minority groups

    D. all students

  • Industrial-organizational psychologists interested in the organizational side side of the subfield work in which of the following areas?
  • A. employee selection

    B. worker productivity

    C. job performance

    D. hiring practices

  • Increasing worker productivity connects to which of the following concepts?
  • A. attribution

    B. stereotypical threat

    C. motivation

    D. need

  • All of the following are extrinsic incentives designed to increase productivity in the workforce EXCEPT:
  • A. stock options

    B. a higher salary

    C. a monetary bonus

    D. volunteering to work in a company charity event

  • Although many American workers prefer financials incentives, many Swedish workers prefer vacation time. This suggests that the perception and experience of incentives:
  • A. is similar across all cultural context

    B. is culturally mediated

    C. has no connection to cultural values or norms

    D. relates to a community’s economic situation

  • There is a connection between cultural values and models, choice, and intrinsic motivation. Which of the following illustrates the statement?
  • A. many European-American children are likely to do better at a task when they choose it themselves rather than when an adult chooses it for them

    B. many Asian-American children are likely to do better at a task when they choose it themselves rather than when an adult chooses it for them

    C. many European American children participate in cultural practices that emphasize loyalty and fulfilling social obligations

    D. many Asian American children participate in cultural practices that emphasize self-expression and freedom of choice

  • Sledge, Miles, and Coppage explored the relationship between culture and job satisfaction. They wanted to test the Western Herberg’s Two Factor Theory of motivation in other cultural settings. In which country did they perform the research?
  • A. Kenya

    B. Sweden

    C. Brazil

    D. Columbia

  • In their work Sledge, Miles, and Coppage found many of Herberg’s Two Factor Theory of motivation principles were common in their Brazilian sample. There were also cultural differences. They found that for Brazilian employees:
  • A. company loyalty was not important

    B. collaborative work experiences were not important

    C. supervision and work relationships did not connect to job dissatisfaction

    D. did not take pride in their work

  • When teachers integrate children’s cultural values and heritages and to classroom practice:
  • A. children view their cultural ways is inferior to those at school

    B. children to their cultural ways as contradictory to those at school

    C. children sense of self-worth decreases

    D. children do better at school

  • In their study on academic achievement in the United States Boykin and colleagues chose four cultural themes to study. They included all the following EXCEPT:
  • A. individualistic learning or working alone

    B. competitive activities

    C. cooperative learning

    D. teacher led activities

  • In their study, Boykin and colleagues addressed the misconception that African-American children do not value achievement. Their findings revealed all the following EXCEPT:
  • A. African-American children preferred students who demonstrated group oriented values

    B. African-American children valued achievement when they could reach their goals and culturally appropriate and valued ways

    C. African-American children preferred students who demonstrated individualistic and competitive values and behaviors

    D. teachers need not consider incorporating children’s cultural values and practices they experience at home into classroom activities

  • Greenfield and Quiroz compared personal achievement values across different ethnic groups in the United States. They explored how educational experience shapes cultural values. They utilized two social relation patterns. Gemeinschaft relates to:
  • A. society

    B. community

    C. locale

    D. region

  • Greenfield and Quiroz compared personal achievement values across different ethnic groups in the United States. They explored how educational experience shapes cultural values. They utilized two social relation patterns. Gesellschaft relates to:
  • A. society

    B. community

    C. locale

    D. region

  • The social relation pattern, Gemeinschaft connects to all the following EXCEPT:
  • A. rural life

    B. home-based education

    C. cultural practices support an interdependent self

    D. competition between members

  • The social relation pattern, Gemeinschaft connects to:
  • A. rural life

  • a reliance upon technology
  • C. formal schooling experiences

    D. cultural practices that support an independent self

  • Greenfield and Quiroz connected social relation patterns to family value systems. Which values connect to Gemeinschaft settings?
  • A. familistic

    B. individualistic

    C. competition

    D. individual achievement

  • According to Greenfield and Quiroz, many Latino immigrants and their children relocating in the US experience stress as a result of:
  • A. moving from Gesellschaft to Gemeinschaft settings

    B. moving from Gemeinschaft to Gesellschaft settings

    C. individualistic value systems to familistic value systems

    D. searching for work

  • In many Latino homes, parents give their children equal praise regardless of their actual work contributions. This relates in part to the emphasis upon:
  • A. gemeinschaft values

    B. gesellschaft values

    C. individualistic values

    D. familistic values

  • Important findings from Greenfield and Quiroz’s work include all the following EXCEPT:
  • A. Latino children’s school experiences emphasize individualistic values; however they still relied upon the found holistic values they learned home

    B. parents’ educational experiences shape their views about achievement

    C. intergroup contact between children of different ethnic heritages does not result in any change in behavior

    D. their study has applied value for improving children’s learning experiences at school

  • The Kamehameha elementary education program shares parallels with which of the following programs?
  • A. Bridging Cultures Project

    B. The Gemeinschaft Project

    C. The Gesellschaft Project

    D. The Indigenous Cultures Project

  • What is one problem Hawaiian children face in schools with respect to school achievement and academic success?
  • A. school curriculum

    B. language problems

    C. negative teacher perceptions

    D. access to public education

  • One major goal of the The Kamehameha Elementary Education Program (KEEP) was:
  • A. to improve Hawaiian children’s language skills

    B. to improve Hawaiian children’s problem-solving skills

    C. to help teachers incorporate cultural skills and abilities children learned at home into classroom practice

    D. to help children complete individual learning tests

  • As a result of The Kamehameha Elementary Education Program, Jordan recommended that:
  • A. teachers behave more the way mothers do at home

    B. teachers work to improve children’s language abilities

    C. teachers work to improve children’s problem-solving skills

    D. teachers incorporate more individual learning tasks and activities

  • Kim and Park take an indigenous psychology approach to understand Korean children’s academic achievement. They found all of the following to be true EXCEPT:
  • A. children were proud of doing well in school

    B. parents were a major source of emotional support

    C. like their parents, students believed their success was due to hard work

    D. students believe their success at school was due to their natural abilities

  • Korean children share many values with other Asian communities. All of the following connect to a Korean child’s academic success EXCEPT:
  • A. loyalty to parents

    B. bringing pride and honor to one’s family

    C. the importance of perseverance and hard work

    D. the importance of receiving rewards for individual accomplishments

  • Chen is a Taiwanese child. Which adult is most likely to monitor her academic progress?
  • A. her mother

    B. her father

    C. her siblings

    D. her grandparents

  • In their cross-national study, Fang and colleagues explored how national culture shapes student achievement and student learning outcomes. From which of the following frameworks did they extract criteria for their study?
  • A. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

    B. Expectancy Value Theory

    C. Hofstede’s dimensions for comparing cultures

    D. Learning Theories of Motivation

  • In their cross-national study, Fang and colleagues explored how national culture shapes student achievement and student learning outcomes. Which criteria did they find to have the most influence as a predictor of student achievement?
  • A. power distance

    B. long-term orientation

    C. individualism

    D. survival/self-expression

  • There is an important connection between motivation and education. It is important for teachers to be culturally aware and sensitive to their students lived experiences. Which of the following frameworks did Ginsberg introduce to motivate all children to become successful?
  • A. Bridging Cultures Project

    B. The Kamehameha Elementary Education Project

    C. The Motivational Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching

    D. The Cultural Heritage Project

    What is the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivations?

    Intrinsic motivation involves doing something because it's personally rewarding to you. Extrinsic motivation involves doing something because you want to earn a reward or avoid punishment.

    What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation quizlet?

    What is the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation? Extrinsic motivation refers to engaging in activities to reduce needs or obtain external rewards. Intrinsic motivation refers to engaging in activities because those activities are personally rewarding and they fulfill our beliefs or expectations.

    What is the difference of extrinsic and intrinsic?

    The intrinsic value of something is said to be the value that that thing has “in itself,” or “for its own sake,” or “as such,” or “in its own right.” Extrinsic value is value that is not intrinsic. Many philosophers take intrinsic value to be crucial to a variety of moral judgments.

    What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation essay?

    The main difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is that intrinsic motivation leads to performing an activity for its enjoyment, while extrinsic motivation leads to doing it for a separable outcome or an outside incentive other than enjoyment of the task.