What is a disorder that develops through exposure to a traumatic event severely oppressive situations severe abuse and natural and unnatural disasters?

Behavior that is deviant, maladaptive, or personally distressful

Deviant behavior


Atypical behavior that deviates from culturally accepted norms

Maladaptive Behavior

(abnormal behavior)

Behavior that interferes with a person's ability to function effectively

Personally distressful

(abnormal behavior)

Behavior that causes personal distress

What are the 3 Theoretical Approaches to Psychological Disorders?

  • Biological Approach
  • Psychological Approach
  • Sociocultural Approach

Biological Approach

(theoretical approach)

  • psych. disorders have biological origins
  • focuses on brain/genetics
  • (medical model)

Psychological Approach

(Theoretical approaches)

  • thoughts, emotions, personality
  • influence of childhood & personality traits on disorders

Sociocultural Approach

(Theoretical approaches)

  • social context like work stress or your neighborhood

  • Venn diagram mix of the theoretical approaches for psychological disorders
  • The biological, psychological, and sociocultural approaches act in combination with each other
  • Used because no ONE thing leads to a psychological disorder... they interact with each other

DSM-V Classification System

  • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition)
  • The APA's major classification of psychological disorders

Advantages of the DSM classification system

  • provides common basis for communication
  • helps clinicians make predictions
  • naming the disorder provides comfort

Disadvantages of the DSM classification system

  • stigma- shame, negative reputation
  • medical terminology implies an internal cause (& that's not always the case)
  • focus on weakness & ignore strength

A biological approach that describes psychological disorders as medical diseases with a biological origin

Anxiety-related Disorders

  • Psychological disorders that include:
        • uncontrollable fears that are disruptive and disproportionate
        • motor tension, hyperactivity, apprehensive expectations and thoughts

What are the 6 types of anxiety disorders?

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Panic Disorder
  • Specific Phobia
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)
  • PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  • persistent anxiety for at least 6 months
  • inability to specify reasons for anxiety

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  • GABA deficiency, genetic predisposition, respiration, chronic over-arousal
  • harsh self standards, life stress, critical parents, negative thoughts

Panic Disorder

  • recurrent, sudden onsets of intense terror- often happen with no warning
        • chest pains, trembling, dizziness, sweating, helplessness

Panic Disorder

  • genetic predisposition
  • conditioning (CO2), human's carbon dioxide is a strong conditioned stimulus for fear, so humans may be classically conditioned to feel that high concentrations of CO2 are associated with fear
  • poverty, gender difference- twice as likely in women

Specific Phobia

  • Irrational, overwhelming, persistent fear of a particular object or situation
  • A fear becomes a phobia when a situation is so dreaded that the person will go to almost ANY length to avoid it

Specific Phobia

  • Extreme variant of fear
  • Based on experiences, memories, and learned associations
  • Other factors- neural correlates (brain activity that produces certain responses) can cause some people to be more prone to phobias than others

Social Anxiety disorder

an intense fear of being humiliated or embarrassed in social situations

Social Anxiety Disorder

  • Genes, Neural circuits involving the thalamus, amygdala & cerebral cortex, and neurotransmitters like seratonin may be involved
  • Vulnerabilities like genetic characteristics, overprotective OR rejecting parenting, and learning experiences in a social context

OCD- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  • Anxiety-provoking thoughts that will not go away and/or urges to perform repetitive, ritualistic behaviors to prevent or produce some future situation
  • Obsession: anxiety provoking thoughts
  • Compulsion: ritualistic behavior to prevent a situation

OCD- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  • Brain/body chemistry
  • Genetic (but scientists don't know what genes cause it)
  • Low serotonin & dopamine levels, high glutamte levels in the brain pathways

PTSD- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • A disorder that develops through exposure to a traumatic event that overwhelms the person's ability to cope
  • Can occur in people who experienced trauma, witness trauma, or even hear about the trauma
      • Flashbacks, avoidance of emotional experiences, feelings of anxiety, nervousness, inability to sleep, impulsive behavior, & difficulties w/ memory & concentration

PTSD- Post traumatic stress disorder

  • Develops through exposure to a traumatic event, severely oppressive situations, severe abuse, natural/unnatural disasters
  • The traumatic event itself can be the cause, but that doesn't mean an event that causes PTSD for one person will cause it for everyone-- some people are more vulnerable to it:
        • abuse, psychological disorders, cultural background & genetic predisposition

  • Psychological disorders in which there is a primary disturbance in mood- prolonged emotion that colors the individual's entire mood state
  • Can feel sad OR happy for no reason at all

What are the 2 types of mood disorders?

  • Depressive disorders
  • Bipolar disorder

Depressive Disorder

(mood disorder)

  • Individual suffers from depression without ever experiencing mania (happy episodes)
  • Unrelenting lack of pleasure in life
  • Fairly common

MDD- Major Depressive Disorder
(depressive disorder)

  • Indicated by a major depressive episode & depressed characteristics, such as lethargy and hopelessness
  • Lasts at least 2 weeks

MDD- Major Depressive Disorder
(depressive disorder)

  • Genetic disposition, underactive prefrontal cortex, regulation of neurotransmitters
  • Learned helplessness, negative/self defeating thoughts, pessimistic attribution
  • Poverty, gender difference- women

Bipolar Disorder
(mood disorder)

  • extreme mood swings, including mania
      • mania: extreme feelings of euphoria, energy or impulsivity
  • Usually separated by 6 months to a year- symptoms of depression happen between mania stages

Bipolar Disorder
(mood disorder)

  • Strong genetic component
  • Swings in metabolic activity in cerebral cortex


  • Severe psychological thought disorder characterized by highly disordered thoughts
      • psychosis- perceptions and thoughts are removed/split from reality
      • typically diagnosed in early adulthood
      • high suicide risk

Positive Symptoms (added)

  • Hallucinations- seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling things that aren't there
  • Delusions- false beliefs (grandeur, reference, persecution) *explained on another notecard


(Schizophrenia Delusions)

  • "I'm an extremely important person"
  • Thinking President Bush had files on him in his office


(Schizophrenia delusion)

  • "World events are caused by my actions"


(Schizophrenia delusion)

  • "People are out to get me"

Negative Symptoms (deficit)

  • Flat affect: no facial expressions
  • Social withdrawal


  • genetic predisposition, structural brain abnormalities, regulation of neurotransmitters (excessive dopamine)
  • vulnerability- stress
  • family can influence how the disorder progresses

Which of the following are disorders that involve trauma?

Trauma and stressor-related disorders include:.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). ... .
Acute stress disorder (ASD). ... .
Adjustment disorders. ... .
Reactive attachment disorder (RAD). ... .
Disinhibited social engagement disorder (DSED). ... .
Unclassified and unspecified trauma disorders..

What are the 7 types of disorders?

What Are the 7 types of Mental Disorders?.
Anxiety Disorders..
Mood Disorders..
Psychotic Disorders..
Eating Disorders..
Personality Disorders..

What do PTSD mean?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder caused by very stressful, frightening or distressing events.

What type of disorder is generalized anxiety disorder?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder, GAD, is an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic anxiety, exaggerated worry and tension, even when there is little or nothing to provoke it.