What does this line from Beowulf mean the monsters thoughts were as quick as his greed or his claws

Beowulf: Great ruler or a selfish warrior?





What does this line from Beowulf mean the monsters thoughts were as quick as his greed or his claws


Line 328: "His mind was flooded with fear."

Line 330-331: "Grendel's one thought was to flee from Beowulf , flee back to his marsh and hide there."

Lines 307-309: " The monster's mind was hot with the thought of food and the feasting his belly would soon know."

Line 35: "Thoughts were as quick as his greed or his claws."


Lines 50-53: "Grendel came again, so set on murder that no crime could be enough, no savage assault quench his lust for evil."

Lines 67-69: " How the monster relished his savage war on the Danes, keeping the bloody feud alive, seeking no peace."

Lines 36-38: "He slipped through the door and there In the silence snatched up 30 men, smashed them unknowing in their beds and ran out with their bodies." 

 Physical Description

Line 19-21: " He was spawned in that slime, conceived by a pair of those monsters born of Cain."

Line 1: "A powerful monster."

Line 73: "Waited for reparation from his plundering claws."

Line 74: "That shadow of death hunted in the darkness."

Line 80-81: "killing as often as he could, coming alone, bloodthirsty and horrible."


 Grendel is a powerful, blood-thirsty monster that killed many people. It was impossible to destroy him and the only person that could kill him was Beowulf.


What does this line from Beowulf mean the monsters thoughts were as quick as his greed or his claws

 Line 507-509: "So fame comes to the men who mean to win it and care about nothing else!"

Line 401-403: "He was happy now, with that night's fierce work"

Line 625-666: "I am old now, but I will fight again, seek fame still"

Line 635: "I feel no shame"

 Line 409-410: "Beowulf had hung it, was the monster's arm, claw and shoulder and all."

Line 403: " Beowulf a prince of the Geats had killed Grendel."

Line 506-507: "If weapons were useless he'd use his hands, the strength in his fingers"

Line 510: "Seized her by the shoulder; anger doubled his strength, he threw her to the floor."

 Lines 110-111- "Greater and stronger than anyone than anyone anywhere in this world."

Line 215: "Of their golden helmets wild boar heads gleamed."

 Beowulf is a strong leader but he is also very power hungry. He wants fame and eternal glory and I think that what his main motive is.
 Grendel's mother

What does this line from Beowulf mean the monsters thoughts were as quick as his greed or his claws

 Line 520: "Avenge her only son"

 Line 475: "She welcomed him in her claws"

Line 478-479: "But tore and scratched in vain"

Line 498-499: "They wrestled, she ripped and tore and clawed at him, bit holes in his helmet"

Line 540-541: "Her body fell to the floor, lifeless"

Line 493: "The mighty water witch"

Line 471: "Greedy she-wolf"

Line 514: "Clutching claws"

Line 496-497: "Evil skin"

Line 496: "Hrunting could not hurt her"

 Grendel's mother is a very fierce mother who wants vengeance for her son's death. She had a reason to attack Hrothgar's son and Beowulf.


What does this line from Beowulf mean the monsters thoughts were as quick as his greed or his claws

 Line 712-713: "Remembering as a good man must, what kinship should be"

Line 717: "Remembering everything his lord and cousin had given him"

Line 763-764: "I'd rather burn myself than see flames swirling around my lord"

 Line 740-741: "But his soul did not melt his sword was strong; the dragon discovered his courage and his weapon"

Line 796-797: "He took what he wanted, all the treasured that pleased his eye"

Line 810-812: "Then he brought their treasure to Beowulf, and found him his famous king bloody, gasping for breath".

 Line 715: "Good solider"

Line 737-738: "He'd never worn that armor, fought with that sword"

Line 780: "A brave young warrior"

 Wiglaf is a strong and loyal solider to his king. He stands by his king no matter what and is willing to die for his king and stay with him in his time of need. 

The wrath of Grendel: In the wrath of Grendel one the main antagonists in introduced. Grendel is an evil monster that attacks and kills any man that he can find. Every night he goes into Hrothgar for his nightly slaughter and then he goes back to his lair. Nothing quenches his thirst for evil, he is always unsatisfied with what he has done and he wants more.

The coming of Beowulf: In part two we meet are main hero Beowulf. When Beowulf hears about Grendel's nightly killings he decides to sail to Hrothgar. He picks a group of strong men to help him as well. When they reach Hrothgar Beowulf is asked who he is so he describes his family lineage and why he is there.

The battle with Grendel: In the battle of Grendel Beowulf comes in contact with the monster Grendel. Beowulf and his band of men wait for Grendel to come back from his nightly raid that way they can attack. When Grendel finally comes he finds the soldiers waiting for him. Blood thirsty and hungry he kills two of the Geats right away. When Beowulf starts to attack, his mind is flooded with fear. Wounded and weak Grendel goes to his lair that way he can die alone. Beowulf has finnaly been granted new glory.

The monster's lair: In the monster's lair the home of Grendel is described and his mother is introduced. Their lair is isolated from the rest of the world. Giant monsters live in this land. In this lair no one knows if monster ever had a father; all they know is that he has a mother. The lake has no depth and is surrounded by trees with snakelike roots that reach as far as the water.

The battle with Grendel's mother: In the battle of Grendel's mother Beowulf meets Grendel's mom. She is very upset with the fact that her only son was killed by Beowulf and she wants revenge. When Beowulf and his men find her lair Hrothgar's son jumps into the lake. He sinks down to the bottom of the lake and that is when Grendel's mom finds him. She clutches him in her claws and as he tries to kill her he realizes that Hrunting cant kill her. After he is savagely killed Beowulf decides to attack. The fierce mother attacks Grendel and succeeds until he finds a sword that can kill her. When she falls to the floor Beowulf rejoices. He is honored buy Hrothgar and eventually becomes king of the Geats.

The last battle: In the last battle Beowulf is an old king that has ruled over his people for a while. Even though he has all of the fame and glory he still wants more. He finds the chance to get eternal glory when he finds out that his kingdom is under siege by a dragon. Confident Beowulf decides to still fight this dragon. When he comes in contact with this deadly dragon he becomes wounded. Wiglaf, a good soilder, decides to help aid his king and he helps Beowulf kill the dragon. After the dragon is dead Beowulf asks Wiglaf to enter the tower and take all of the treasure he can find.

The spoils and the farewell: When Wiglaf enters the tower he takes all of the treasure that pleases his eye. He runs to Beowulf and finds him dying from his wound and gasping for breath. Beowulf asks to have eternal glory, that way he can be remembered forever. He requests for a tower to be built in his name that way his people will remember him as a good leader. Afterwards the Geats burn his body on a funeral pyre. In his death Beowulf got all the glory he had requested for. The Geats built his tower and they put the treasure up their, that way no man can find it.

Quote anaylisis

Warrior intro: We are the Blacks, followers of are great Scottish king. My father was a famous blacksmith who worked for our great and powerful king. He was highly known for his craft and skill across Scotland. He lived many winters but tragically died of hunger. 

Which character in Beowulf symbolizes greed?

The dragon in Beowulf symbolizes greed. It threatens the lives of Beowulf's people so he kills it, though he is mortally wounded in the process.

What does the fight of Beowulf against the monsters symbolize?

The fight with the dragon symbolizes Beowulf's stand against evil and destruction, and, as the hero, he knows that failure will bring destruction to his people after many years of peace.

Which of the following lines from Beowulf contains an example of a Kenning?

Beowulf Study Guide.

What is the meaning of Beowulf the poem?

Many critics have seen the poem as a Christian allegory in which Beowulf, the champion of goodness and light, fights the forces of evil and darkness. His sacrificial death is seen not as tragic but as befitting the end of a good (some would say “too good”) hero's life.