What are the primary issues to consider in organizational feasibility analysis?

What is a feasibility analysis?

The process of determining if a business idea is viable.

• What are the four areas that a properly executed feasibility analysis explores?

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  1. Product / service desirability & demand
  2. Industry & market trends.
  3. Organisational feasibility
  4. Financial feasability

• What is product/service feasibility?

An assessment of the overall appeal of the product or service being proposed relative to product desirability and product demand.

• What is a concept test and what does it include?

Dare To Be Put Down

showing a preliminary description of a product or service idea, (concept statement), to industry experts and prospective customers.  Includes:
•	Description of product/service
•	Target market
•	Benefits of product 
•	Positioning relative to competitors
•	Description of management team

• What is industry/market feasibilty?

An assessment of the overall appeal of the industry and the target market for the product or service being proposed.

• What is industry attractiveness?

An assessment of the industries overall attractiveness. In general attractive industries include these (but are not limited to) attributes:
• Are young rather than old
• Are early rather than late in their life cycle
• Are fragmented rather than concentrated

• What is target market attractivenss?

An assessment of the attractiveness of a smaller group of customers within the total market with similar needs.

• What is organisational feasibility?

Determining if a proposed business has sufficient management expertise, organizational competence, and resources to successfully launch its business.9

• What are the two primary issues to consider in an organisational feasibility analysis?

Management Prowess: the prowess, or ability, of its initial management team, whether it is a sole entrepreneur or a larger group in achieving org goals.

Organizational feasibility analysis is to determine whether the proposed venture has or is capable of obtaining sufficient resources to move forward.

• What is financial feasibility?

An assessment of the cash available to the organisation for start up an initial operations. Includes:

  • startup cash required
  • Estimate based on similar businesses
  • Overall financial attractiveness: projected sales & rate of return

Feasibility analysis is the process of determining if a business idea is viable . If a business idea falls short on one or more of the four components of feasibility analysis, it should be dropped or rethought, as shown in the figure. Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of identifying a business idea and

then jumping directly to developing a business model to describe and gain support for the idea. This sequence often omits or provides little time for the important step of testing the feasibility of a business idea

Feasibility analysis is the process of determining if a business idea is viable. If a business idea falls short on one or more of the four components of feasibility analysis, it should be dropped or rethought, as shown in the figure. Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of identifying a business idea and

then jumping directly to developing a business model to describe and gain support for the idea. This sequence often omits or provides little time for the important step of testing the feasibility of a business idea.

Product/Service Feasibility Analysis

Product/service feasibility analysis is an assessment of the overall appeal of

the product or service being proposed. Although there are many important things

to consider when launching a new venture, nothing else matters if the product or

service itself doesn’t sell. There are two components to product/service feasibility

analysis: product/service desirability and product/service demand.

Product/Service desirability

The first component of product/service feasibility is to affirm that the pro￾posed product or service is desirable and serves a need in the marketplace.

You should ask yourself, and others, the following questions to determine the

basic appeal of the product or service: Does it make sense? Is it reasonable? Is it something real customers

will buy?

■ Does it take advantage of an environmental trend, solve a problem, or fill

a gap in the marketplace?

■ Is this a good time to introduce the product or service to the market?

■ Are there any fatal flaws in the product or service’s basic design or concept?

Product/Service demand

The second component of product/service feasibility analysis is to determine if

there is demand for the product or service. Three commonly utilized methods

for doing this include (1) talking face-to-face with potential customers, (2) utilizing online tools, such as Google Adwords and landing pages, to assess demand,

and (3) library, Internet, and gumshoe research

Industry attractiveness analysis

Industry/target market feasibility is an assessment of the overall appeal of the industry and the target market for the product or service being proposed. There is a distinct difference between a firm’s industry and its target market; having a clearunderstanding of this difference is important. An industry is a group of firms producing a similar product or service, such as computers, chil￾dren’s toys, airplanes, or social networks. A firm’s target market is the limited portion of the industry that it goes after or to which it wants to appeal. Most firms, and certainly entrepreneurial start-ups, typically do not try to service an entire industry. Instead, they select or carve out a specific target market and try to service that group of customers particularly well. Sprig Toys, for exam￾ple, is not trying to target the entire children’s toy industry. Its target market.

Porter ‘s five forces are:

1. Competition in the industry

2. Potential of new entrants into the industry

3. Power of suppliers

4. Power of customers

5. Threat of substitute products

Organizational Feasibility analysis

is conducted to determine whether a proposed business has sufficient management expertise, organizational competence, and resources to successfully launch.7 There are two primary issues to consider in this area: management prowess and resource sufficiency

Management prowess

Two of the most important factors in this area are the passion that the solo entrepreneur or the management team has for the business idea and the extent to which the management team or solo entrepreneur under￾stands the markets in which the markets in which the firm will participate.

Resource Sufficiency

The second area of organizational feasibility analysis is to determine whether the proposed venture has or is capable of obtaining sufficient resources to move forward. The focus in organizational feasibility analysis is on nonfinancial.

Financial Feasibility analysis

Financial feasibility analysis is the final component of a comprehensive fea￾sibility analysis. For feasibility analysis, a preliminary financial assessment is usually sufficient; indeed, additional rigor at this point is typically not required because the specifics of the business will inevitably evolve, making it impractical to spend a lot of time early on preparing detailed financial forecasts.

The most important issues to consider at this stage are total start-up cash needed, financial performance of similar businesses, and the overall financial attractiveness of the proposed venture.

In my opinion, in starting a business we need to think from all aspects, be it positive or negative. So that the business that we run can run well according to our plans and in accordance with what we expect.

What are the issues which are typically considered in the feasibility study?

A feasibility study is a preliminary exploration of a proposed project or undertaking to determine its merits and viability. A feasibility study aims to provide an independent assessment that examines all aspects of a proposed project, including technical, economic, financial, legal, and environmental considerations.

What are some factors to consider when assessing organizational feasibility?

The Feasibility Study – Key Factors.
Business Alignment. ... .
Technology and System Assessment. ... .
Economic Viability. ... .
Operational Considerations. ... .
Legal Ramifications. ... .
Schedule and Resource Concerns. ... .
Market Dynamics. ... .
Company Cultural & Political Concerns..

What are the three issues to consider in the financial feasibility analysis?

The three component of a financial feasibility analysis are total cash needed for the startup, the financial performance of another business, and the attractiveness of the startup.

What is an organizational feasibility analysis?

Organizational Feasibility Analysis Organizational feasibility aims to assess the prowess of management and sufficiency of resources to bring a product or idea to market Figure 11.12. The company should evaluate the ability of its management team on areas of interest and execution.