The term _____ succinctly captures the primary goal of psychodynamic psychotherapy.

Clinical Psych: Exam 3

_______ occurs when a patient forms a relationship with a therapist in which he unconsciously and unrealistically expects the therapist to behave like important people in his life.

Which of the following best defines a defense mechanism?

An attempt to manage conflict between the id and superego

Relative to its prominence in the early and mid-1900s, psychodynamic psychotherapy is currently

_____ is a contemporary variation of psychodynamic psychotherapy.

The primary goal of psychodynamic psychotherapy is

to make the unconscious conscious.

The term _____ succinctly captures the primary goal of psychodynamic psychotherapy.

According to psychodynamic theory, the _____ is the part of the mind that generates all pleasure-seeking, selfish, indulgent, animalistic impulses.

Which of the following lists Freud's psychosexual stages in the correct order?

Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

Free association is to _____ as word association is to _____.

_____ is the defense mechanism in which the ego projects an id impulse onto other people around us.

_____ is a pioneer of the humanistic approach to psychotherapy.

Rollo May, Victor Frankl, and Irvin Yalom are most closely associated with _____ psychotherapy.

The primary goal of humanistic psychotherapy is

to foster self-actualization

An individual's _____ is how the person actually is at present; the _____ is what a person could be if he or she fulfilled his or her potential.

Abraham Maslow is most closely associated with the _____ approach to psychotherapy.

Empirical examinations of humanistic therapy

discovered that its main elements-empathy, positive regard, and genuineness-play an important role in therapy success.

Which of the following therapies has accumulated the most empirical evidence for its efficacy in recent decades based on humanistic principles?

Motivational interviewing

_____, according to humanists, is essentially the warmth, love, and acceptance of those around us.

According to Carl Rogers, the three essential therapeutic conditions were _____ for psychotherapy to be successful with any client.

The quality of _____ describes a match between a therapist's real and ideal selves.

Which of the following places the steps of the scientific method in correct order?

Observe a phenomenon, develop hypotheses, test the hypotheses, observe the outcome of the tests, revise the hypotheses

The career of Ivan Pavlov is most closely associated with ______ therapy?

The main goal of behavior therapy is

observable behavior change

Operant conditioning proposes that all human (and animal) actions are governed by ______.

A behavior therapist is most likely to judge the success of treatment via changes in the patient's

In a lab, Albert is conditioned to fear a white mouse. However, after leaving the lab, he not only continues to fear white mice; he also demonstrates fear of other white, fluffy objects (e.g., Santa Claus' beard, white bunnies). Which of the following beh

The form of behavior therapy derived from Bandura's work that involves clients learning from the experiences of others, rather than their own experiences, is _______.

In the early 1900s, _______ argued that the classical conditioning lessons learned from Ivan Pavlov's experiments with dogs should apply to humans also.

The creation of an anxiety hierarchy is a core feature of ______.

When behavioral activation begins, an important question for the clinical psychologist to ask the client is,

Are there things that you are not doing now that you typically do when you are not depressed?

Aaron Beck has argued that the cognitive triad, which includes thoughts about _____, is a powerful determinant of mental health and depression levels.

the self, the external world, and the future

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is most closely associated with _____.

According to Ellis' ABCDE model, "D" represents

a dispute of the client's irrational thoughts.

use the terms thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions to refer to cognitions

Since the 1980s, the popularity of cognitive psychotherapy among clinical psychologists has _____.

Homework assigned as a part of cognitive therapy

may be written or behavioral

_____ are considered leaders in the cognitive therapy movement.

Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis

The term third-wave therapies is most often applied to _____.

therapies based on mindfulness and acceptance

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is the therapy approach created by _____.

The cognitive thought distortion defined as expecting the worst in the future when it is actually unlikely to occur is _____.

existence of the unconscious mind

speech errors that Freud claims are NOT a coincidence, but what the person is really thinking

royal road to the unconscious mind/ material

selfish impulsives and pleasures

compromising mediator between the ID and superego

moral center telling us what we should do

Mouth region
0-18 months old
dependency is a primary issue

1.5 yrs-3
control is the central issue
"neat" or "slob

Oedipus complex
Struggles with sexual feelings

Freud's last stage of personality development, from the onset of puberty through adulthood, during which the sexual conflicts of childhood resurface (at puberty) and are often resolved during adolescence).

Interpersonal therapy (IPT)

created to treat depression, but now treats other disorders
14-20 sessions

Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy (TLDP)

Modern application of "corrective emotional experience"
cyclonical maladaptive pattern
uses visual diagram to categorize primary issues

reaction against freuds approach

empathy, unconditional positive regard (UPR), and genuineness

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

(level 1) Physiological Needs, (level 2) Safety and Security, (level 3) Relationships, Love and Affection, (level 4) Self Esteem, (level 5) Self Actualization

Motivational interviewing has become

a bone fide evidence-based psychotherapy for a wide range of psychological and physical problems

Thorndike's Law of Effect

all organisms pay attention to the consequences of their actions

Skinner's operant conditioning

(Skinners box) The mechanism by which the law of effect influenced behavior

scientific nature of behavior therapy

What is the primary goal of psychodynamic psychotherapy?

Psychodynamic therapy focuses on unconscious processes as they are manifested in the client's present behavior. The goals of psychodynamic therapy are client self-awareness and understanding of the influence of the past on present behavior.

Which of the following is the primary goal of psychodynamic therapy quizlet?

The primary goal of psychodynamic psychotherapy is to make the unconscious conscious. During free association, the therapist reads a word aloud and the patient responds with the first word that comes into his mind.

What is brief psychodynamic psychotherapy?

Brief psychodynamic psychotherapy originates from psychoanalytic theory. It primarily focuses on an individual's unconscious psychological processes which are thought to underpin dysfunctional thinking and behaviour patterns.

What does psychodynamic focus on?

Psychodynamic therapy focuses on the psychological roots of emotional suffering. Its hallmarks are self-reflection and self-examination, and the use of the relationship between therapist and patient as a window into problematic relationship patterns in the patient's life.