The small black square in the lower right corner of a selected cell is called the:

The small black square in the lower right corner of a selected cell is called the:
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The small black square in the lower right corner of a selected cell is called the:
The small black square in the lower right corner of a selected cell is called the:


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number A _________ can contain only the following characters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + - ( ) / $ % E e.
file names ________ can have a maximum of 255 characters, but cannot contain a colon, question mark, greater than symbol, less than symbol, backslash, slash, asterisk, quotation mark, or vertical bar.
merging _______cells involves creating a single by combining two or more selected cells.
legend On a column chart, the ________ identifies the colors assigned to each bar in the chart.
delete To delete an embedded chart, click the chart to select it, and press the _______ key.
three Excel opens a new workbook with ____________ worksheets.
cell A ____________ is the basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data.
name The _________ box displays the active cell reference.
left-aligned Excel automatically positions text ____________ in a cell.
AutoFill Options The ____________ button allows you to choose whether you want to copy the values from the source area to the destination area with formatting, without formatting, or copy only the format.
accounting number The ____________ format causes the cells to display with a dollar sign and two decimal places.
home tab The _______________, also called the primary tab, contains groups with the more frequently used commands.
apostrophe Use a(n) _______________ in a cell to enter numbers as text.
embedded A chart is _______________ when it is drawn on the same worksheet as the data.
fill handle ________ is the small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell.
shortcut menu A ________ which appears when you right-click an object, is a list of frequently used commands that relate to the right-clicked object
right-aligned Excel automatically positions numbers ____________ in a cell.
comma style The_______ format causes the cells to display with two decimal places and commas as thousands separators.
ESC Press the ____ key to cancel a cell entry before entering it into a cell.
letters Columns are identified by _________
numbers Rows are identified by _____.
Sum Excel's _____functions adds all of the numbers in a range of cells.

The small black square in the lower right corner of a selected cell is called the:

The small black square in the lower right corner of a selected cell is called the:

The small black square in the lower right corner of a selected cell is called the:

Wes Van Petten

Bay City Central High School

Bay City, MI
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The small black square in the lower right corner of a selected cell is called the:
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Use the ______ symbol to make a cell a reference absolute

T/F: A relative reference is a cell reference that changes when it is copied and pasted in a new location

T/F: Functions are organized in the Function Library group

T/F: to add a collection of numbers, use the SUM function

to let excel know you want to enter a formula, after clicking in a cell press the ___sign 

T/F: AutoFill copies content but not formats from a cell or range into an adjacent cell or range

the small black square in the lower right corner of a selected cell or range is called the AutoFill Button.

False- that would be the Fill Handle

If you dont want the cell reference to change when you copy the formula use the __________ reference

B44 is an example of a(n) ______ reference

what symbol appears at the beginning of a function ( and formula)?

A ____ is a symbol that indicates the relationship between 2 values

comparison operator (>,<)

T/F: the TODAY function doesnt have any arguments

T/F: the values returned by the TODAY and NOW functions are updated automatically whenever you reopen the workbook or enter a new caculation

The ____ funtion will treutn the monthly payment required topay off a loan

T or F: The TODAY function doesn't have any arguments.

What symbol appears at the beginning of a function?

A(n) ____ is a symbol that indicates the relationship between two values.

A(n) ____ is a symbol that indicates the relationship between two values.

T or F: The TODAY function doesn't have any arguments.

T or F: The TODAY function doesn't have any arguments.

A(n) ____ is a symbol that indicates the relationship between two values.

A(n) ____ is a symbol that indicates the relationship between two values.

What symbol appears at the beginning of a function?

T or F: The values returned by the TODAY and NOW functions are updated automatically whenever you reopen the workbook to enter a new calculation.

A(n) ____ is a symbol that indicates the relationship between two values.

T or F: The TODAY function doesn't have any arguments.

T or F: The TODAY function doesn't have any arguments.

A(n) ____ is a symbol that indicates the relationship between two values.

T or F: The TODAY function doesn't have any arguments.

T or F: The TODAY function doesn't have any arguments.

T or F: The values returned by the TODAY and NOW functions are updated automatically whenever you reopen the workbook to enter a new calculation.

A(n) ____ is a symbol that indicates the relationship between two values.

T or F: The TODAY function doesn't have any arguments.

T or F: AutoFill copies content but not formats from a cell or range into an adjacent cell or range.

T or F: The small black square in the lower-right corner of a selected cell or range is called the AutoFill button.

each chart must have a ___

which chart compared relative values of different categories to the whole?

the ___ provides a description of the chart

the __ or value axis displays the values associated with the heights of each column

the ___ or category azis displays the categories association with each date value

an ___ chart element floats in the chart area and is not fixed to a particular position

T/F: a line chart is often used to show trends and changed over time

chart remain linked or connected to their data sources, even if they appear in different worksheets

T/F: if you change any values or labels in the data source the chart must be manually updated to show the new content

T/F: the select data source dialogue box list all of the data series displayed in the chart

the _____ represents the length of the object

the chart's ____ controls how fast the chart appears to recede from the viewer's eye

a ______ is a mini chart that is displayed within a worksheet cell

To create a set of sparklines, you first select a ____ and then you select a location range where you want the sparkline to appear

A ____ is a conditional format that adds a horizontal bar to the background of a cell containing a numeric value

T/F: a chart sheet can contain embedded charts

a chart cannot be rotated in the chart sheet

A ____ is a collection of text and numbers laid out in a rectangular grid

____ is any numerical value that can be used in a mathematical calculation

a __ is a single point on a computer monitor or printout

what is the default column width?

T/F: if you increase the font size of characters, you can fit more text within a given cell

to select adjacent ranges, hold down the ___ key and then select the range

shift------ control for nonadjacent

T/F:to deselect a range, click in the selected range again

in the order of Precedence rules, excel first calculates the value of any operation within parentheses, then applies 

A(n) _____ is a mathematical expression that calculates a value

the __calculates the total number of values

T/F: a worksheet can contain the following type of data: text, numerica values, dates, and calculated values

T/F: functions are used to simplify formulas

New excel workbooks contain how many worksheets

T/F: worksheets cannot be deleted 

to edit a cell's contents, you need to work in ____ 

T or F: You can reverse more than one action by clicking on the Undo button's list arrow.

to toggle in and out of formula view press the ____ keys

Ctrl + keys. the grave accent symbol is usually located above the Tab key on your keyboard

___ a printout reduces the width and the height of the printout to fit the number of pages you specify by shrinking the text size as needed 

T/F:Italic and bold are examples of a font style

T/F: theme colors are the 12 colors that belong to the workbook's theme

by default, Excel does not add background color to worksheet cels 

you cannot change the background image of a worksheet

Excel stores dates and times as _______

Dates are actually measured from what date? 

T/F: Combining several cells into one cell is called aligning

T/F:Text is oriented within a cell horizontally from left to right

You can also open the Format Cells dialog box by _____ a cell and then clocking Format Cells on the shortcut menu

To see more Border options, in the Font group on the Home tab, clock the ______

The most efficient way for copying only formatting is to use the ___ feature 

T/F: the Format Painter will allow you to copy formatting only to adjacent cells

a style is a collection of formatting

excel has a built-in styles to format worksheet titles

T/F: only fonts, not colors or cell styles are organized in theme and non-theme categories

you can save a workbook's theme as a file that can be used in other workbooks or office files 

to make a worksheet active, click on the sheet tab

to merge and center text in multiple cells, click the ____ button

T/F: after you apply a table style, you can choose which table elements you wnat included in the style

T/F:you can use cell styles and other formatting tools to individual cells and ranged to format Excel tables 

T/F: conditional formatting in a worksheet is special formatting applied when certain cell values met one or more conditions

A ____ is a key that shows each color used in the worksheet and what it means

T/F: IF there is too much data to fit into the worksheet window, apply the Zoom tool

T/F: Hiding rows, columns, and worksheet is an excellent way to conceal extraneous or distracting information

A page orientation that prints the worksheet so that it is wider than it is long is called the ____ orientation 

You can set up a section of a worksheet to be printed. This is called the____ 

In a word document, ____ ___ provide a visual representation of text detials that might otherwise be missed. These bisuals appear on screen but are not printed 

T/F: Nonprinting characters are automatically displayed each time a Word document is open

T/F: The block style letter format is the only style availiable for writing a letter

T/F: in the block style letter format, the default margin is left justified

T/F: the first item in a block letter is the date

the second item in a block letter, below the date, is the body of the letter

the Redo button reverses the action of the Undo button  

T/F: the undo and redo buttons can be found in the Quick Access Toolbar

a contextual spelling error is flagged by a wavy ______ line

T/F: the grammar checker marks grammatical erros with a wavy green line

T/F: a wavy red line appears when a word doesnt match the correct spelling in the built-in word dictionary, or if the same word is typed twice in a row

T/F: the two ways to remove wavy underlines in a doc when proofreading is by either correction the underlined text or by telling Word to ignore the underlined text

if a word in a document is flagged as a misspelled word several times throughout the docutment, when in fact it is spelled correctly, you can have Word recognize this as a non-issue by tight clicking the word and then clicking ____

__ __ refers to the blank space that appears directly above and below a paragraph

T/F: a point is 1/72 of an inch

the single spacing setting is a ___ setting and the double spacing setting is a __ setting

A ___ border is an outline that appears around one or more paragraphs in a document

T/F: a paragraph border and shading cannot be applied simultaneously to the same paragraph

The ___ ___ Format tab appears in the ribbon when a picture or photo is selected or highlighted 

T/F: to inset a new photo or other type of picture, you can use the Picture button in the Illustrations group on the Inset tab

on the rulers, the margins appear in a dark __ color

T/F: 1 inch margins are the default setting in a word doc

T/F: the settings for changing the page margins are located on the Page Layout tab on the ribbon  

The ____ tab in Backstage VIew displays the fill page view of a document

T/F: a document can be edited while using the Print Tab setting

Preformatted files, such as fax cover sheets or reports are called ____ 

T/F: the envelope and labels dialog box is where you type the address of the person to whom the letter will be mailed

T/F: saving a file with a different filename creates a copy of the file and leaves the original file unchanged

T/F: it is impossible to open and revise a file that has already been saved to your computer

when a page is taller than it is wide, this is known as the _______ orientation

T/F: when a word doc is opened, the default orientation is landscape

T/F: the default font size in a word document is 12 point

T/F: Calibri is the default font in a word doc

____ ____ are special visual enhancements such as outlines, shading, shadows, and reflections that you can add to enhance a tezt's font 

T/F: using font styles such as bold or italis are two ways to make text stand out

what are the 4 available types of alignment in a word document?

left right justified and center

T/F: when a word document is first opened, the default alignment setting is the justified alignment

T/F: it is impossible to save a word file with a name that is different from the one with which it was originally saved

T/F: In a word document, the gray space that separated pages always has to be displayed

A ____ _____ is a group of related paragraphs with a special symbol, such as a dot, dash, or other character that appears to the left of each paragraph

T/F: to create a numbered list, you can use the Numbering button in the paragraph group

T/F: the clipboard task pane displays the contents of the clipboard

to ______ means to insert a copy of whatever is on the Clipboard into a document

T/F: a search result is a list that contains each instance of the item that was searched

The ____ provide options for findid a specific word or phrase in the document and replacing it with another word or phrase

T/F: the spelling and grammar checker checks a document word by word for a variety of errors

T/F: the spelling and grammar checker will catch every grammatical error

T/F: style and quick style refer to the same thing

T/F: character- level formatting is used when only a few characters or words need to be formatted

the ____ ____ controls thevariety of fonts, colors and other visual effects available as a document is formatted 

T/F: in a theme, the same font is never assigned to both the heading and the body of the text

T/F: a style guide is a set of rules that describe the preferred format and style for a certain type of writing

T/F: the guidelines for a specific style guide focus on specifications for formatting

T/F: a hanging indent is where all lines except the first line of the paragraph are indented from the right margin 

What is the small black square in the lower right corner of selected cells that you can use to copy content to adjacent cells?

To use the fill handle: If you're copying cell content to adjacent cells in the same row or column, the fill handle is a good alternative to the copy and paste commands. Select the cell(s) containing the content you want to use, then hover the mouse over the lower-right corner of the cell so the fill handle appears.

Is the small black square located in the lower right?

Fill Handle is a small black square at the lower right corner of the active cell or cell range.

What is the name of the square in the lower right corner of a selection that is used to copy cells 1 copy handle 2 Range handle 3 fill handle 4 replicate handle?

To use the fill handle: Instead, you can use the fill handle to quickly copy and paste content to adjacent cells in the same row or column. Select the cell(s) containing the content you want to use. The fill handle will appear as a small square in the bottom-right corner of the selected cell(s).

What is a small green square in the lower right corner of a selected cell that can be used to create a number series?

Whether you just want to copy the same value down or need to get a series of numbers or text values, fill handle in Excel is the feature to help. It's an irreplaceable part of the AutoFill option. Fill handle is a small square that appears in the bottom-right corner when you select a cell or range.