The measure of how well an employee does his or her work tasks and responsibilities is known as

According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, OB researchers are interested in which of the following individual outcomes?

Organizational commitment and job performance

The measure of how well an employee does his or her work tasks and responsibilities is known as

The individual mechanism that deals with how employees acquire and apply knowledge to a job is referred to as

Learning and decision making

Which of the following would include characteristics that describe how people act, such as extroversion and conscientiousness?

Personality and cultural values

The group mechanism that details how individuals gain power over others within the organization is referred to as

Leadership power and negotiations

The organizational mechanism that captures the shared knowledge about the values and beliefs of the organization is called

Group mechanisms include which of the following

Team characteristics and diversity, leadership styles and behaviors

Method of experience means

Holding to a belief because it is consistent with your experience and observations

Method of intuition means

Holding to a belief because it "feels right" or appears self-evident

Method of authority means

Accepting a belief because a trusted source or respected source has said it is so

Accepting a belief on the basis of scientific studies

Verbal and symbolic assertions that specify how and why variables are related and the conditions in which they should or should not be related are referred to as

A correlation of 0 between two variables suggests which of the following

No statistical correlation

Which of the following is required in order to establish a causal inference between two variables?

That the variables be correlated

The use of statistical methods to combine the results of several individual but similar studies is known as

True or false: Evidence-based management argues that intuition and personal experience should form the foundation for managerial decisions and organizational practicies

According to the resource-based view, which of the following factors make human resources inimitable?

Socially complex resources, numerous small decisions, and history

True or false: The basic premise of the Rule of One-Eighth is that effective management of organizational behavior requires both a belief that several different practices are critical, as well as a long-term commitment to continually improve those practices

According to the resource-based view, people within and organization created resources such as culture, teamwork, trust, and reputation. These resources are referred to as ______ resources

The theories and concepts in organizational behavior (OB) are derived from which of the following disciplines?

Social psychology, anthropology, and industrial psychology

The resource-based view of organizations suggests that a resource is more valuable when it is which of the following?

Organizational behavior seeks to understand, explain, and improve employees' attitudes and

When you measure something – such as for a recipe or a construction project – it’s often a numbers game. However, when measuring human performance, you must use a combination of hard numbers and soft intuitive insights.

Here are a few ways to measure and evaluate employee performance data:

  • Graphic rating scales. A typical graphic scale uses sequential numbers, such as 1 to 5, or 1 to 10, to rate an employee’s relative performance in specific areas. Scales are often used to rate behavioral elements, such as "understands job tasks" or "participates in decision-making." Or they could note the frequency an employee performs a certain task or behavior, such as “always,” “frequently,” “occasionally,” or “never” coming to work on time. You can adapt scales to your business needs.
  • 360-degree feedback. This well-named system takes into account the feedback, opinions and assessments of an employee’s performance from the circle of people in the company with whom they work. It can include co-workers, supervisors and others. As you evaluate the input from many sources, you can note positive and negative similarities and trends. You can also identify areas that may need additional measurements and support.
  • Self-Evaluation. Asking an employee to evaluate her own performance can be very effective. Often, employees may be more critical of their performance than you might be. You can use a form that requires multiple-choice answers, essay-type answers, or a combination of the two. Comparing a self-evaluation to your own objective appraisal can be helpful in finding similarities and discrepancies along with a richer understanding of employee’s performance. It can generate conversations that can be beneficial to employee development.
  • Management by Objectives (MBO). Also known as “management by results,” this is a process whereby employees and managers form objectives together. They jointly determine individual objectives, how they align with company goals, and how performance will be measured and evaluated. MBO gives employees a clear understanding of what’s expected and allows them to participate in the process, which may foster better communication and increase motivation.
  • Checklists. Using a simple “yes-no” checklist is a quick and easy way to identify employees that have deficiencies in various performance areas.  It will also identify those that need additional training and knowledge to become more efficient.

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What is meant by employee job satisfaction?

Job satisfaction is defined as the level of contentment employees feel with their job. This goes beyond their daily duties to cover satisfaction with team members/managers, satisfaction with organizational policies, and the impact of their job on employees' personal lives.

What is employee performance?

What does employee performance mean? Employee performance is defined as how an employee fulfills their job duties and executes their required tasks. It refers to the effectiveness, quality, and efficiency of their output. Performance also contributes to our assessment of how valuable an employee is to the organization.
One of the most common ways to evaluate organizational effectiveness and performance is how well a business achieves its stated goals. This approach would evaluate factors such as: How successfully an organization meets its targets. Expenditures.

What are the types of job satisfaction?

There are two major forms of job satisfaction: intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction. Intrinsic job satisfaction is the contentment with the type of work the employee is doing, while extrinsic job satisfaction encompasses the environment that the job is being completed in.