When a group of experts agrees that a measuring instrument measures what it is intended to measure we say that the instrument has ____ validity group of answer choices?

"Does package size affect consumption rates in snack products?" is a typical question in what type of research design?

A researcher is conducting an experiment in which one group of people is exposed to an advertisement and another group is exposed to another advertisement.  He is examining the effect of headline font sizes on consumers’ attitude toward the brand advertised.  The participants in this experimental research are referred to as:

Categorical variables like a subject’s gender or ethnicity are known as which type of variable in experimental research?

The experimental difference in means between the different levels of any single experimental variable is referred to as a(n):

Experimental results that show that consumers purchased more when a store had a blue color with bright lights than they did when a store was orange with bright lights but no difference when the lighting was low is an example of which type of effect?

All of the following are experimental design issues EXCEPT:

manipulation of the dependent variable

If the level of advertising expenditures is compared to the number of units sold at the end of a four-month period, the independent variable is ____ while the dependent variable is ____.

advertising expenditure level; units sold

The group receiving an experimental treatment is called the:

Which of the following is the term used to refer to a treatment combination within an experiment?

Which of the following are possible test units in a marketing research study?

a.  people
b.  sales territories
c.  retail stores
d.  all of the above

Which of the following occurs if the sampling units in an experimental cell are somehow different than the units in another cell, and this difference affects the dependent variable?

systematic or nonsampling error

Which of the following is a way for a researcher to equally distribute the effects of extraneous variables to all conditions in an experiment?

Monica is conducting an experiment where all subjects see all of the ads she is testing.  This type of experiment in which an individual subject is exposed to more than one level of an experimental treatment is called:

Which of the following means that there is an alternative explanation beyond the experimental variables for any observed differences in the dependent variables?

Which term refers to an experimental design element that unintentionally provides subjects with hints about the research hypothesis.

Which of the following is present when the person administering experimental procedures influences the subjects’ behavior or sways them to slant their answers to cooperate with him or her?

When subjects act differently because they are aware that they are in an experiment, this is called the:

All of the following are ways to reduce demand characteristics EXCEPT:

administer multiple experimental treatment levels to each subject

Caroline is participating in an experimental study in which she is taking an herbal supplement and the researcher measures her perceived energy levels for several weeks.  Although she doesn’t know it, the supplement she is given in the study does not contain any of the herb of interest in the study.  However, Caroline feels as though she has more energy than before, and she attributes it to the herbal supplement.  This effect due to the psychological impact that goes along with knowledge that a treatment has been administered is called a(n):

When subjects in all experimental groups are exposed to identical conditions except for the differing experimental treatments, this is called:

If a soft-drink company performs an experiment with a new type of soft drink in which experimental subjects always taste this new product first and then taste a competitor's product second, the study has an error in design termed a(n):

order of presentation effect

When a food company tests a new product by having one group of experimental subjects taste this product first and then taste a competitor's product second, while a second group of experimental subjects tastes these two products in the reverse order, the experimental design has been:

Which experimental design involves manipulating a single independent variable to observe its effect on a single dependent variable?

basic experimental design

When an experiment is conducted on the premises of a marketing research organization, this is an example of a:

A researcher is interested in the level of consumers’ understanding of product nutrition labels.  He is interested in how the amount of time spent looking at the label influences understanding, so he’s using a device that controls the amount of time a subject is exposed to the label.  This device is called a:

Research projects involving experimental manipulations that are implemented in a natural environment are called:

Which experimental research design involves repeated measures?

In which experimental research design does each subject receive only one treatment combination?

The question as to whether the independent variable was the sole cause of the change in the dependent variable is the basic issue in:

When subjects in an experiment in which the they were exposed to varying price levels for a product are asked how low they believe the price of the product to be so that the researcher can determine whether or not the subjects perceived “high” and “low” conditions, this is an example of a:

When a competitor introduces a 15 percent price cut in order to blunt the effect of a test marketing study, this is an example of a:

Which of the following is a special case of the history effect and refers to a change in the dependent variable that occurs because members of one experimental group experienced different historical situations than members of other experimental groups?

Which of the following is a function of time and the naturally occurring events that coincide with growth and experience?

When salespeople are tested one year after a sales training program and perform better on the exam, not because of the training program, but because they have gained one year's experience in sales, this is an example of a:

When high school students who take the ACT in their junior year perform better on that exam during their senior year because they know better how to take the exam because of what they experienced on the first exam, this is an example of a(n):

When different interviewers are used in a pretest from those used in the posttest and this produces different results in the study, this is an example of a(n):

Which of the following is a threat to the internal validity of experiment using a repeated measures design?

When some subjects exit the experiment before it is completed and this effects the results of the study, this is an example of a(n):

When a researcher tries to say that the results of a test market in Indianapolis, Indiana will hold in a national rollout of the new product, this researcher is concerned with:

Which of the following is critical when conducting experimental research because it allows researchers to return subjects to normal?

In an experiment, the ____________________ variable is manipulated and its effect is measured on the ____________________ variable.

In an experiment, the change in the ____________________ variable is presumed to be the cause of the results.

A continuous variable that is expected to show a statistical relationship with the dependent variables is known as a(n) ____________________.

Experimental difference in means between the different levels of any single experimental variable is referred to as a(n) ____________________.

In an experiment, the treatment is administered to the ____________________ group.

If subjects in the experimental group are administered the treatment in the afternoon while the subjects in the control group participate in the experiment in the morning, the study is said to experience ____________________ error.

The random assignment of subject and treatments to groups is called ____________________.

When the researcher unintentionally provides the subjects with hints about what he wants them to say in the study, this is an example of a(n) ____________________.

When the experimenter’s comments influence the subjects’ behavior so that they give answers that they think the experimenter wants to hear rather than their true feelings, we say that ____________________ has occurred.

When subjects in an experiment perform differently because they realize that they are participating in an experiment, this is called the ____________________ effect.

An experimental deception that involves a false treatment is called a(n) ____________________.

When subjects in all experimental groups are exposed to identical conditions except for the differing experimental treatments, we say that ____________________ has occurred.

When a research organization conducts a taste test in its offices located in a shopping mall, this is an example of a(n) ____________________ experiment.

When Procter & Gamble conducts a test market for a new shampoo in Kansas City and St. Louis, this is an example of a(n) ____________________ experiment.

A ____________________ effect is a nuisance effect occurring when the initial measurement or test alerts or primes subjects in a way that affects their response to the experimental treatments.

____ is the process of describing some property of a phenomenon, usually by assigning numbers, in a reliable and valid way.

Age, gender, brand loyalty, and corporate culture are all examples of:

Researchers measure concepts through a process known as:

Which of the following provides correspondence rules that indicate that a certain value corresponds to some true value of a concept?

Which of the following refers to concepts measured with multiple variables?

In an observation study, when "shopping time in a supermarket" is defined as:  "Using a stopwatch, start the stopwatch the moment the customer enters the store and stop the stopwatch as soon as the customer is handed a receipt by the checkout clerk," this is best described as an example of a(n):

Scales that assign a value to an object for identification or classification purposes are called ____ scales.

Coding household income into "Above $100,000," "Between $50,000 and $100,000," and "Below $50,000" is an example of a(n) ____ scale.

Which type of scale is, at the most, a ranking scale?

When respondents are asked to place local shopping malls so that their first choice is 1, their second choice is 2, and so forth, this is best-described as an example of a(n) ____ scale.

A scale which arranges brands in an ordered sequence in which there is an equal interval between each point on the scale is an example of a(n) ____ scale.

The Fahrenheit temperature scale is best described as an example of a(n) ____ scale.

Which type of scale represents the highest form of measurement?

How much a person weighs is best described as an example of a(n) ____ scale.

Which of the following is a defining characteristic in determining between ratio and interval scales?

All of the following can be measured using ratio scales EXCEPT:

Measures that can take on only one of a finite number of values are called:

Which of the following is a discrete measure?

Measures that reflect the intensity of a concept by assigning values that can take on any value along some scale range are called:

A(n) ____ is a single characteristic or fundamental feature of an object, person, situation, or issue.

Carla is using education, income, and occupation to develop a measure of social class.  What type of measure for social class is she developing?

Which type of measure assigns a value to an observation based on a mathematical derivation of multiple measures?

A researcher is measuring consumers’ attitudes toward product placement in movies using five attitude items.  She created a scale by simply summing the response to each item making up the composite measure.  This composite measure is called a(n):

Which of the following means that the value assigned for a response is treated oppositely from the other items in a scale?

Which of the following is an indicator of a measure’s internal consistency?

When a researcher measures the reliability of an instrument by comparing the results of the odd-numbered questions with the results of the even-numbered questions, this is an example of ____ reliability.

The most commonly applied estimate of a composite scale’s reliability is:

A researcher who administers the same scale to the same respondents at two separate times to test for stability is using which method of assessing the scale’s reliability?

The ability of a measuring instrument to measure what it is supposed to measure is the basic purpose of ____.

When a group of experts agrees that a measuring instrument measures what it is intended to measure, we say that the instrument has ____ validity.

Another name for face validity is ____ validity.

Which type of validity addresses the question, “Does my measure correlate with measures of similar concepts or known quantities?”

Which of the following is a component of construct validity?

face validity
discriminant validity
convergent validity
all of the above

Which type of validity is another way of expressing internal consistency?

When a two-point scale (e.g. agree/disagree) is expanded to include five categories (e.g. strongly disagree, disagree, undecided, agree, strongly agree), we say that the ____ of the scale has been increased.

A generalized idea that represents something of meaning is called a(n) ____________________.

The process involving identifying scales that correspond to properties of a concept is called ____________________.

Scales provide ____________________ rules that indicate that a certain value on a scale corresponds to some true value of a concept.

A scale in which letters (e.g. A,B,C) are assigned to objects to serve as identification labels for the objects is called a(n) ____________________ scale.

A scale which arranges objects in order according to their relative magnitude to one another is called a(n) ____________________ scale.

A scale which arranges objects so that they are equally-distant from one another is called a(n) ____________________ scale.

A ____________________ scale has an absolute zero point.

Measures that take on only one of a finite number of values are called ____________________ measures.

Measures that assign values anywhere along some scale range in a place that corresponds to the intensity of some concept are called ____________________ measures.

____________________ means that the value assigned for a response is treated oppositely from the other items.

The degree to which a measurement instrument yields consistent results is called the ____________________ of the instrument.

The ability of a measuring instrument to measure what it is supposed to measure is called its ____________________.

The degree of agreement among judges that a scale measures what it is intended to measure is called the ____________________ validity of the scale.

____________________ validity represents the uniqueness or distinctiveness of a measure.

The ability of a scale to measure the variability of a concept is called that scale’s ____________________.

Which of the following is a basic component of an attitude?

cognitive component
affective component
behavioral component
all of the above

Which attitude component represents a person’s awareness and knowledge of the relative matter?

"I hate asparagus" is an example of which component of an attitude toward asparagus?

Laurie believes a Honda Accord get 36 miles per gallon.  This belief represents which component of an attitude?

"I plan to buy a new DVD player sometime in the next three months" is an aspect of which component of an attitude?

When a respondent is asked to place each shopping mall in a list of four local shopping malls in the order in which she prefers to shop at each mall, this is an example of a ____ task.

When a respondent is given a set of 3" x 5" cards containing the current advertising slogan for a brand or product on each card and is asked to place the cards into two piles:  (1) Recognize this slogan and can identify the brand/product and (2) Do not recognize the slogan, this is an example of a ____ task.

When a respondent is asked either to agree or to disagree with the statement:  "The Mayor is doing a good job of managing the affairs of the city," this type of question produces ____ data.

When a respondent is asked:  "How often, on the average, do you go out to a movie?" and is asked to indicate her answer by circling one of the following:  never, rarely, sometimes, often, very often, this is an example of a ____ scale.

Which type of scale asks respondents to indicate their attitudes by checking how strongly they agree or disagree with carefully constructed statements?

What type of scale is the following?

How many choices do researchers commonly use when using Likert scales?

Which type of scale has respondents describe their attitude using a series of bipolar rating scales?

What type of scale  is the following?


:  :  :  :  :  :  :


Which of the following is a graphic representation of semantic differential data for competing brands, products, or stores to highlight comparisons?

What type of scale is the following when female shoppers are asked to rate Macy's department store in terms of its women's apparel items?

A type of scale that demands that respondents divide points among several attributes to indicate their relative importance is called a:

What type of scale is the following?

  United Parcel Service (UPS) would like you to distribute 50 points among the following in terms of how important each aspect is to you for your overnight shipping needs:

    _____ Accurate billing
  _____ On-time delivery
  _____ Price

What type of scale is the following?

Please an X at the position on the horizontal line that most reflects your feelings regarding the atmosphere of this restaurant.

        Modern ________ Old-fashioned

What type of measurement is the following?

  I would like to know your overall opinion of two brands of athletic shoes.  They are Nike and New Balance.  Overall, which of these two brands -- Nike or New Balance-- do you think is the better one?  Or are both the same?

    ____ Nike is better
  ____ New Balance is better
  ____ They are about the same

If researcher wish to compare six brands of HDTVs on the basis of quality, how many paired comparisons will be necessary?

All of the following are practical decisions regarding the selection of a measurement scale EXCEPT:
a.  Is a ranking, sorting, rating or choice technique best?
b.  Should a single measure of an index measure be used?
c.  How large should the sample size be?
d.  How many scale categories or response positions are needed to accurately measure an attitude?

How large should the sample size be?

Which type of scale is the following?

  Now that you have driven your Toyota Camry for six months, how satisfied you are with the car's gas mileage?

    Very                                                  Very
  Satisfied  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  Dissatisfied

What type of scales asks a respondent to rate a concept, such as a specific brand, in comparison with a benchmark (i.e., a competing brand) explicitly used as a frame of reference?

In which type of scale is a neutral point, or point of indifference, at the center of the scale?

Which type of scale is the following?

  ____  Very Satisfied
  ____  Satisfied
  ____  Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  ____  Dissatisfied
  ____  Very dissatisfied

Which type of scale is the following?

  ____  Satisfied
  ____  Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
  ____  Dissatisfied
  ____  Very dissatisfied

When a respondent is required to choose one of the fixed alternatives, what type of scale is being used?

When a respondent is asked whether he agrees, disagrees, or has no opinion to a series of statements, what type of scale is being used?

What type of scale is the following?

  How likely are you to purchase a DVD player during the next six months?

    ____ Definitely will purchase
  ____ Probably will purchase
  ____ Might purchase
  ____ Probably will not purchase
  ____ Definitely will not purchase

An enduring disposition to respond consistently to an aspect of the world is called a(n) ____________________.

The component of attitude that represents the action that corresponds to a certain type of attitude is a(n) ____________________ component.

When respondents are asked to rank order brands of cosmetics in terms of their prices (from high to low), this is an example of a(n) ____________________ task

When respondents are asked to indicate the magnitude of a characteristic that a brand of toothpaste has, this is an example of a(n) ____________________.

When respondents are asked whether they strongly agree, agree, are neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree to a series of attitude items, this is an example of a(n) ____________________ scale.

A(n) ____________________ scale measures attitudes by using 7-point rating scales that are anchored at either end by polar opposite adjectives.

A(n) ____________________ scale measures attitudes in both their direction and their intensity simultaneously.

When respondents are asked to divide up a sum (e.g. 50 points) to indicate the relative importance of features on a new car, this is an example of a(n) ____________________ scale.

A scale that presents respondents with a graphic continuum is called a(n) ____________________ rating scale.

A variation of the graphic rating scale is the ____________________ scale.

When respondents are asked to choose among four brands of detergent in such a way that they are asked to select the brand they prefer when each brand is compared with each other brand, this is a type of ____________________ measurement.

An attitude scale that asks respondents about a single concept by itself is called a(n) ____________________ rating scale.

When a group of experts agrees a measuring instrument?

Answer and Explanation: When a group of experts agrees that a measuring instrument measures what it is intended to measure, we say that the instrument has face validity.

What do you call the ability of an instrument to measure what it intends to measure?

Understanding and Testing Validity Validity refers to the degree to which an instrument accurately measures what it intends to measure.

When a research instrument measures what it is intended to measure then it is considered?

Validity refers to how accurately a method measures what it is intended to measure. If research has high validity, that means it produces results that correspond to real properties, characteristics, and variations in the physical or social world. High reliability is one indicator that a measurement is valid.

What is meant by validity of an instrument?

Validity is often defined as the extent to which an instrument measures what it asserts to measure [Blumberg et al., 2005]. Validity of a research instrument assesses the extent to which the instrument measures what it is designed to measure (Robson, 2011). It is the degree to which the results are truthful.