The abab design in a single-case experiment is also known as the ____ design.

Which one of the following qualities is not shared by single-case experimental designs and case studies?

    a. Publication in peer-reviewed journals
    b. Involves one participant
    c. Limitations of generalizability
    d. Systematic manipulation of the independent variable(s)
  • Which one of the following qualities is shared by single-case experimental designs and factorial designs?

      a. Challenges in interpreting interaction effects
      b. Difficulty in generalizing findings
      c. Manipulation of independent variables
      d. Random assignment
  • In a single-case experimental design, returning to ____________ at least once is essential for establishing causality.

      a. intervention
      b. baseline
      c. reversal
      d. temporal
  • In a reversal design, the temporal order of measurement is:

      a. intervention, baseline, intervention.
      b. baseline, baseline, intervention.
      c. baseline, intervention, baseline.
      d. intervention, intervention, baseline.
  • A reversal design where the researcher fully manipulates the intervention is most similar to:

      a. a correlational study.
      b. a case study.
      c. an experimental design.
      d. an observational study.
  • In the ABA design, the “A” denotes…

      a. a measure assumed to reflect the effects of the intervention.
      b. a measure assumed to reflect baseline.
      c. a step in the experiment that marks the beginning of the intervention.
      d. a step in the experiment that marks the departure from baseline.
  • Which of the following describes a drawback of the ABAB design?

      a. Inability of the researcher to manipulate the independent variable
      b. Unable to rule out the passage of time as a confounding variable
      c. Too many interaction effects that are difficult to interpret
      d. More demanding in terms of time and resources as compared to a multiple baseline design
  • Which of the following describes a design that has the highest internal validity out of all the rest?

      a. Multiple baseline design
      b. Reversal design
      c. ABAB design
      d. Quasi-experimental design
  • The carryover effect is least likely to be a problem for:

      a. within-subjects designs.
      b. reversal designs.
      c. multiple baseline designs.
      d. between-subjects factorial designs.
  • Which of the following is true about a quasi-experimental design?

      a. It enables researchers to make claims of causality to the same extent as full experimental designs.
      b. It is distinct from correlational designs because the independent variable is always manipulated.
      c. It does not contain random assignment of subjects to conditions.
      d. It is considered to be in the same category as observational methods and case study methods since it does not fit into other experimental design category.
  • Julie's study investigates the effect of gender on snack choice in college students. Subjects are individually brought into a lab at the same time each day and presented with eight snack options commonly found in grocery stores. Julie records which snack each subject eats, if any. Her study has:

      a. a full experiment design.
      b. a correlational design.
      c. a quasi-experimental design.
      d. a single-case experimental design.
  • When a researcher plans a study to examine the effect of three fully-manipulated independent variables on a single dependent variable, the research is using a:

      a. a single-case experimental design.
      b. a quasi-experimental design.
      c. a factorial design.
      d. a correlational design.
  • Eric is interested in investigating how room lighting, air-conditioning and background music work together to affect an individual's reaction time. The best design for his study is:

      a. a quasi-experimental design.
      b. a single-case experimental design.
      c. a factorial design.
      d. three separate experiments each manipulating a variable of interest.
  • Which of the following is true about studies that are factorial designs?

      a. They can only be run between-subjects.
      b. They can only be run within-subjects.
      c. They always contain at least two possible interaction effects.
      d. They always contain at least two possible main effects.
  • How many independent variables are there in a 2 x 4 factorial design?

  • How many conditions are there in total in a 5 x 2 factorial design?

  • Which of the following statements is true?

      a. In a higher-level factorial design, the first independent variable is always within-subjects.
      b. A factorial design is used when researchers are interested in the interaction effects between multiple independent variables.
      c. In a 2 x 2 factorial design, there are 4 independent variables.
      d. In a 3 x 2 x 2 factorial design, there are 3 possible interactions in total.
  • How many potential main effects are there in a 2 x 3 factorial design?

  • How many potential two-way interactions are there in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design?

  • In a 2 x 4 x 4 factorial design…

      a. when the three-way interaction is significant, there must be at least one significant main effect.
      b. when a two-way interaction is significant, there must be at least one significant main effect.
      c. there are three possible conditions in total.
      d. there is only one possible three-way interaction.
  • Participant variables are __________________ while experimental variables are _____________________.

      a. within-subjects; between-subjects
      b. between-subjects; within-subjects
      c. not manipulated by the experimenter; manipulated by the experimenter
      d. manipulated by the experimenter; not manipulated by the experimenter
  • Which of the following is a characteristic unique to higher-order factorial designs?

      a. They allow researchers to examine the causal effects of an independent variable.
      b. They are vulnerable to order effects that decrease the validity of the data.
      c. They are vulnerable to ethical concerns such as whether or not to withhold treatment.
      d. They allow the researcher to examine more than three variables simultaneously.
  • Suppose you are interested in studying the causal effect of peer comparison on an individual's persistence on a task. Your friend suggests that the effect of peer comparison on persistence depends on an individual's personality. To take these two factors into account, your study design should be:

    What is another name for an ABAB design?

    Withdrawal designs, also known as ABAB designs, rely on the comparisons between conditions when an intervention is in place and conditions when that intervention is not being implemented.

    Why is an ABAB design also called a reversal design?

    ABA Design So, in an ABA research design, the initial behavior is altered by the intervention and then the intervention is withdrawn to see if the behavior returns to the baseline level. This is also known as a reversal design.

    What is another name for an ABAB design quizlet?

    Also called reversal design or withdrawal design.

    What is a single case design in research?

    Single case design (SCD), often referred to as single subject design, is an evaluation method that can be used to rigorously test the success of an intervention or treatment on a particular case (i.e., a person, school, community) and to also provide evidence about the general effectiveness of an intervention using a ...