Is the exchange of information that helps people interact with technology and solve complex problems?


Is the application of knowledge for practical ends and it refers to practical application of science to commerce or industry. It is the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems. Learn more in: Fintech Challenges and Outlook in India


Complex and multifaceted term that can take various contours depending on the disciplinary area in which it is studied. Etymologically the word comes from Greek and includes téchne (art or craft) and logia (study of something). In general, and in the context of the article, technology is assumed as a set of digital tools that could be used to mediate the work of teachers and students and help the realization of teaching-learning activities. Learn more in: The Potential of Distance Education for the Inclusion of Students in Higher Education


Despite its cultural pervasiveness, technology is an elusive concept. It can refer to material objects, such as machines, hardware or utensils, but it can also encompass broader themes, such as systems, methods of organization, and techniques. It is an ever-evolving body of knowledge that both shapes and is shaped by societies. The proliferation of new technologies, such as computers, has left some people believing that technology is a determinant force in society, or in other words, that it is an autonomous agent that drives change. It would be more appropriate to discard this reductionist approach, and regard technology as one component of a multi-faceted cultural matrix, which includes social, political, historical, and economic factors that work together to spawn change. The word technology originates in the Greek words technologia (te???????a), techne (t????, which means “craft”), and logia (????a, which is “saying” or “ordering”, in the sense of arranging). Learn more in: Children and Computers


Technology is machinery and equipment that uses the application of scientific knowledge in a particular area for practical purposes, using technical processes, methods, or knowledge with, a function, purpose, or benefit, to improve human life. Learn more in: Transforming Assessment in Response to COVID-19


Technology can be defined narrowly or broadly. Narrowly defined, technology is seen as a tool, such as a computer. More broadly defined, technology includes not only tools, but the skills and knowledge needed to effectively use the tool. The broadest definition of technology includes tools, skills and knowledge, and the larger systems needed to conceptualize, develop, use, and refine the tools. Learn more in: Supporting the Implementation of Online Learning


Tools, machines, instruments, equipment that people use to solve problems, and achieve goals; can be seen (1) as pieces of the infrastructure within physical environments, (2) as tools that learners use in a makerspace to acquire digital literacies and (3) as catalysts for encouraging engagement and supporting learning. Learn more in: Equity, Literacies, and Learning in Technology-Rich Makerspaces


All of the knowledge, skills, methods and processes that develop, change and even transform the environment used to achieve the goal to meet the needs and desires of individuals. Learn more in: What Is Cyberbullying?


Technology is a body of knowledge used to create tools, process things, and extract materials. Technology may be described in the form of products, processes, or organizations. People use technology to expand their capabilities, and that makes people the most civilized members of the technological systems. Learn more in: The Power of Technological Social Learning in Times of Crisis


The making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures. Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments. Learn more in: Consumerism and Innovation: The Starting Points for the Creation of University Spin-Off


In simplest terms, technology refers to any tool that is employed for a specific purpose. In broader terms, technology refers not only to the tool itself, but to all of the associated systems and underlying theoretical and applied knowledge needed to develop and use the tool effectively. Learn more in: Impact of Technology


It is the applied science to the concrete problems resolution that facilitate the goods or services design and creation that facilitate human adaptation to the surrounding environment and the humanity essential needs and desires satisfaction. Although there are many technologies and very different from each other, as a theoretical discipline technology studies the knowledge common to all technologies. Although it is common to use the term technology in singular both to refer to the set of all, as well as to one of them in specific. Learn more in: Evaluating Technostress to Improve Teaching Performance: Chilean Higher Education Case


The branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science; method for convening resources into goods and services. Learn more in: Strategy for ICT Adoption in SMEs


Borrowing the National Committee on Technological Literacy definition of technology, technology is more than computers, digital devices, and machines. Technology includes a body of knowledge, people, processes, and skills involved in the design, creation, and modification of the natural state of the world. “In its broadest sense, technology is the process by which humans modify nature to meet their needs and wants” ( Pearson & Young, 2002 , p. 2). Learn more in: A Thematic Analysis of Leadership Qualities of Women Leaders in Technology: Viewed through Social Media


The branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science; method for convening resources into goods and services. Learn more in: ICT Adoption Cordons in SMEs for Competitive Advantage

What are the purposes of technical communication?

All technical communication serves a particular purpose—typically to communicate ideas and concepts to an audience, or instruct an audience in a particular task. Technical communication professionals use various techniques to understand the audience and, when possible, test content on the target audience.

What are the three purposes of technical communication?

What are the three primary purposes of technical communication? Most technical communication seeks to address one of three primary purposes: to anticipate and answer questions (inform), to enable people to perform a task (instruct), or to influence people's thinking (persuade).

What is technical communication quizlet?

Technical Communication. The exchange of information that helps people interact with technology, advance workplace goals, and solve complex problems.

What is technical communication quizlet UTA?

Technical communication, as Gurak and Lannon define, is the "exchange of information that helps people interact with technology, advance workplace goals, and solve complex problems"