If you could get all your brain’s neurons active at the same time, what would happen?


Click on the region of the brain to the right to learn more about how it effects your perception of music.

Frontal Lobe

If you could get all your brain’s neurons active at the same time, what would happen?


Used in thinking, decision-making and planning


“The frontal lobe is the most important to being a human. We have a big frontal lobe compared to other animals. By listening to music, we can enhance its functions,” Sugaya says.

Temporal Lobe

If you could get all your brain’s neurons active at the same time, what would happen?


Processes what we hear


“We use the language center to appreciate music, which spans both sides of the brain, though language and words are interpreted in the left hemisphere while music and sounds are inerpreted in the right hemisphere,” Yonetani says.

Broca’s Area

If you could get all your brain’s neurons active at the same time, what would happen?


Enables us to produce speech


“We use this part of the brain to express music,” Yonetani says. “Playing an instrument may improve your ability to communicate better.”

Wernicke’s Area

If you could get all your brain’s neurons active at the same time, what would happen?


Comprehends written and spoken language


“We use this part of the brain to analyze and enjoy music,” Yonetani says.

Occipital Lobe

If you could get all your brain’s neurons active at the same time, what would happen?


Processes what we see


“Professional musicians use the occipital cortex, which is the visual cortex, when they listen to music, while laypersons, like me, use the temporal lobe — the auditory and language center. This suggests that [musicians] might visualize a music score when they are listening to music,” Sugaya says.


If you could get all your brain’s neurons active at the same time, what would happen?


Coordinates movement and stores physical memory


“An Alzheimer’s patient, even if he doesn’t recognize his wife, could still play the piano if he learned it when he was young because playing has become a muscle memory. Those memories in the cerebellum never fade out,” Sugaya says.

Nucleus Accumbens

If you could get all your brain’s neurons active at the same time, what would happen?


Seeks pleasure and reward and plays a big role in addiction, as it releases the neurotransmitter dopamine


“Music can be a drug — a very addictive drug because it’s also acting on the same part of the brain as illegal drugs,” Sugaya says. “Music increases dopamine in the nucleus accumbens, similar to cocaine.”


If you could get all your brain’s neurons active at the same time, what would happen?


Processes and triggers emotions


“Music can control your fear, make you ready to fight and increase pleasure,” Yonetani says. “When you feel shivers go down your spine, the amygdala is activated.”


If you could get all your brain’s neurons active at the same time, what would happen?


Produces and retrieves memories, regulates emotional responses and helps us navigate. Considered the central processing unit of the brain, it’s one of the first regions of the brain to be affected by Alzheimer’s disease, leading to confusion and memory loss.


“Music may increase neurogenesis in the hippocampus, allowing production of new neurons and improving memory,” Yonetani says.


If you could get all your brain’s neurons active at the same time, what would happen?


Maintains the body’s status quo, links the endocrine and nervous systems, and produces and releases essential hormones and chemicals that regulate thirst, appetite, sleep, mood, heart rate, body temperature, metabolism, growth and sex drive — to name just a few


If you play Mozart, for example, “heart rate and blood pressure reduce,” Sugaya says.

Corpus Callosum

If you could get all your brain’s neurons active at the same time, what would happen?


Enables the left and right hemispheres to communicate, allowing for coordinated body movement as well as complex thoughts that require logic (left side) and intuition (right side)


“As a musician, you want to have the right-hand side and the left-hand side of the brain in coordination, so they talk to each other,” Sugaya says. This allows pianists, for example, to translate notes on a sheet to the keys their fingers hit to produce music.


If you could get all your brain’s neurons active at the same time, what would happen?


Processes rhythm and regulates body movement and coordination


“Music can increase dopamine in this area, and music increases our response to rhythm,” Yonetani says. “By doing this, music temporarily stops the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Rhythmic music, for example, has been used to help Parkinson’s patients function, such as getting up and down and even walking because Parkinson’s patients need assistance in moving, and music can help them kind of like a cane. Unfortunately, after the music stops, the pathology comes back.”

How can I increase my brain neurons?

Lifestyle Choices that May Increase Neurogenesis.
1) Exercise. Research suggests that aerobic exercise increases the number of new neurons in the hippocampus and increases hippocampal volume [1, 2]. ... .
2) Mental Activity. ... .
3) Sleep. ... .
4) Meditation. ... .
5) Sexual Activity. ... .
6) Flavonoids. ... .
7) The LMN Diet. ... .
8) Omega-3 Fatty Acids..

What happens when neurons make connections?

Once axons reach their targets, they form connections with other cells at synapses. At the synapse, the electrical signal of the sending axon is transmitted by chemical neurotransmitters to the receiving dendrites of another neuron, where they can either provoke or prevent the generation of a new signal.

How are neurons activated?

A neuron is activated by other neurons to which it is connected. In turn, its own activation stimulates other connected neurons to activation. If an impulse is started at any one place on the axon, it propagates in both directions.

Can neurons regenerate?

Nerve Cells Do Not Renew Themselves After an injury, the skin makes a bunch of new cells and uses them to heal your wound. Yet, nerve cells in your brain, also called neurons, do not renew themselves.