How can older adults improve the difficulty they have with multitasking quizlet?

Working memory is defined as a newer understanding of short-term memory that focuses on conscious, active processing of incoming auditory and visual-spatial information, and of information retrieved from long-term memory. Working memory can also be defined as a process of actively holding information in awareness at one time.

An example of working memory is when you need to remember someone's phone number as they tell you without a pen and paper or your phone.

Another example is using digit or letter span, this shows little difference associated with age.

Working memory is relevant for functioning in everyday life by because we use it for remembering lists, tasks, numbers, etc.

Working memory capacity declines with age and seems to be related to declines in:

1) storage capacity
2) ability to allocate capacity to more than one task
3) slower rates of information processing

Age-related declines are not universal; however, they are greater:

1) For spatial working memory than for verbal working memory, although there are declines in both.
2) greater working knowledge counterbalances declines in working memory in some situations.
3) on more complex tasks relative to simpler ones

Terms in this set (66)

Factors that can potentially impair older adults ability to drive include changes in basic ________________________ functions with age, changes in ________________ system (ex- loss of visual acuity, increased sensitivity to glare, difficulty seeing in the dark), ______________________ changes can limit ability to get in and out of the car, fasten a seat-belt, change the seat position, turn the steering wheel, or cope with a breakdown, ____________________________ used to treat chronic conditions can impair driving ability due to side effects (ex- drowsiness, confusion, and dizziness)

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Terms in this set (23)

Performing a response as soon as you see a target on a screen is known as a ____________ reaction
time task.
A. simple
B. processing
C. decisional
D. choice


According to the General Slowing Hypothesis proposed by Timothy Salthouse, older people perform
more slowly on reaction time tasks because they are experience changes in:
A. circadian rhythms.
B. stereotype threat.
C. environmental stimulation.
D. processing resources.


The role of cognitive resources is given the most emphasis in which theory of aging and attention?
A. inhibitory deficit
B. Stroop interference
C. Brinley plot
D. general slowing


Students don't always like it when their professors ask them not to text or go on social media during
class, saying it doesn't affect their comprehension of class material. However, based on the research, it's
fair to say that:
A. multitasking shows no negative effects on performance for young adults but does harm
performance of older adults.
B. monitoring multiple inputs can actually increase the efficiency of everyone's cognitive
C. everyone performs more poorly after multitasking, though older adults are more affected than


Researchers who study the effect of videogames on attentional abilities and speed on long-term young adult players note the need to caution for:
A. gender differences.
B. lack of familiarity with computers.
C. personality traits.
D. self-selection bias.


A 65-year-old woman is concerned that her 77-year-old husband may be experiencing changes in his driving ability. To assess whether this is true, she takes him to a driving assessment lab where, in a simulator, they test him on this key driving skill indicator:
A. Stroop Inhibitory Device
B. Useful Field of View
C. N-back Working Memory Task
D. Flashbulb Memory Detection


U.S. statistics on drivers involved in fatal crashes show that which age group has the highest percentage whose blood alcohol levels are .08g/dL or above?
A. 16-20
B. 45-54
C. 25-34
D. 35-44


Questions developed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in a self-test for older drivers include:
A. How old were you when you first got your license?
B. Are loved ones concerned?
C. Does your car have all-wheel drive?
D. Do you drive for business or pleasure?


Recommendations to help older adults improve their driving include which of the following steps?
A. Drive during daylight and in good weather.
B. Check your GPS while driving so you don't get lost.
C. Increase your speed so that you don't hold up traffic.
D. Wear glasses, even if you don't think you need them.


Although older airline pilots have fewer fatal accidents than their younger counterparts, researchers report that their performance may be negatively affected by:
A. lack of familiarity with new systems.
B. failure to follow regulations.
C. disrupted sleep schedules.
D. poorer hearing and vision.


Many researchers have observed that older adults have more difficulty with ___________ memory, in which they must hold one item in mind while completing another task.
A. semantic
B. working
C. prospective
D. flashbulb


The part of the brain responsible for "thinking" about internally-generated stimuli, such as when you're daydreaming, is known as the:
A. limbic system
B. frontal cortex
C. retrieval circuit
D. default network


In focusing on incoming information needed for a memory test, older adults seem to have difficulty turning off the brain's ______________, which processes internal stimuli.
A. default network
B. hippocampus
C. hypothalamus
D. prefrontal cortex


Because they have difficulty in working memory, older adults find it more challenging to:
A. remember events from the distant past.
B. think of the meaning of specific words.
C. keep information actively in mind.
D. remember how to perform a familiar task.


Which of the following patterns of stimuli would be used in a 2-back trial testing working memory in older adults where the target letter is F?
A. T-F-F-N
B. T-F-P-F
C. F-T-T-N
D. T-T-N-F


Remembering an event from your past, such as your first day of college, falls into the category of _____________ memory.
A. working
B. implicit
C. episodic
D. semantic


Although she hasn't made her "famous" recipe for macaroni and cheese in years, your favorite aunt is able to put it together for a pot-luck family gathering without even having to consult her cookbook. This is an example of what type of memory, often preserved in older adults?
A. procedural
B. declarative
C. episodic
D. prospective


A 73-year-old woman schedules an appointment with a nurse practitioner for a flu shot. On the day of the appointment, though, she doesn't show up and is embarrassed to get a call from the medical office asking why. This is an example of failure of what type of memory?
A. episodic
B. prospective
C. semantic
D. source


Studies showing the beneficial effects to memory of food in the diet for older adults may biased due to the effects of:
A. food allergies.
B. social status.
C. nationality.


Of the following, the type of exercise most likely to promote cognitive functioning in older adults involves:
A. athletic competition.
B. indoor videogames.
C. functional training.
D. recreational games.


Research on the efficacy of dietary supplements for improving memory in older adults provides at least some support for:
A. beta-carotene.
B. vitamin D3.
C. antioxidant vitamins.
D. gingko biloba.


Research on the efficacy of health behaviors and dietary supplements for improving memory in older adults provides no support for:
A. functional training.
B. insulin growth factor-1.
C. antioxidant vitamins.
D. gingko biloba.


Researchers studying the relationship between stress and memory performance in older adults suggest that __________________ accounts for the poorer memories of people who report high daily stressors.
A. adopting poorer eating habits
B. metabolic syndrome
C. stereotype threat
D. drains on attentional resources


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What may help older adults slow down the decline in processing speed?

Health and exercise can slow the decline in processing speed.

What becomes more difficult as we get older quizlet?

-older adults find it harder than younger adults to divide their attention. requires us to pay attention to some input while ignoring other input. this becomes more difficult as we get older, particularly as the tasks become more complex.

How aging affects information processing quizlet?

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