Riding a stationary bike for 30 minutes will improve which component of fitness?

Cycling is a great exercise to burn calories and strengthen your lower body – and an exercise cycle allows you to cycle at the comfort of your home. An exercise cycle benefits your health in many ways, not to mention the choice of avoiding pollution and the changing climate. Here’s a list of the 12 benefits of an exercise cycle for your health. Continue reading.

In This Article

  • Top 12 Health Benefits Of Riding A Stationary Bike
  • Tips To Have A Good Stationary Bike Workout
  • How To Choose Your Stationary Exercise Bike
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Top 12 Health Benefits Of Riding A Stationary Bike

1. Aids Weight Loss

Riding a stationary bike aids weight loss


Stationary biking is a great way to burn calories. You can burn anywhere between 40-80 calories in just 10 minutes, depending on your body weight and exercise intensity. It is a great way to shed fat from your lower body as it activates the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves.

2. Boosts Heart Health

Stationary biking is a cardio exercise that ups your heart rate and allows your heart muscles to work harder to keep up with the oxygen demand. This, in turn, helps improve heart health.

3. Improves Strength

In stationary bikes, you can adjust the resistance of the wheel. You’d need to pedal harder to get the wheel moving. This ultimately helps improve the strength of your legs and lower body.

4. Reduces Diabetes Risk

Riding a stationary bike reduces diabetes risk


Diabetes is closely related to obesity. Hence, losing weight may help reduce the risk of diabetes. Stationary bikes are great calorie burners and can help you lose weight.

5. Improves Joint Mobility

Cycling helps improve the range of motion of your joints. It benefits the knees, ankles, and hip joints. When you pedal, all these joints rotate, improving their range of motion and strengthening them.

6. Boosts Brain Function

Several studies have confirmed that stationary biking helps improve cognitive function, memory, and attention (1), (2), (3). The good hormones released during the workout and the action of pedaling play a significant role.

7. Reduces Stress

Riding a stationary bike reduces stress


Any form of workout helps release “feel good” hormones. As a result, you feel good at the end of the session. Stationary biking too helps you sweat and burn calories. This reduces stress levels and stimulates the release of serotonin.

8. Improves Balance

Stationary biking also helps improve balance, coordination, and gait. It is especially useful for the elderly and people who are recovering from a chronic stroke (1), (4). It also helps prevent falls and fractures in the elderly.

9. Increases Endurance

Endurance or stamina is not built in a day. It takes time and practice. However, you can speed it up by adding stationary biking to your workout regimen. You will be able to finish any cardio or strength training with more ease and without losing your breath too quickly.

10. Low-Impact Exercise

Riding a stationary bike is low-impact exercise compared to zumba and running


Stationary biking is a low-impact exercise compared to other forms of cardio, like Zumba and running.It is easy on your joints and heart. You can sit on the saddle and pedal your way to better health.

11. Great For Toning

Stationary biking is also great for toning your lower body. It acts on your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves. You will shed fat from the legs and build lean muscle mass.

12. Is Very Convenient

This may not really be a health benefit, but it does benefit your health. If biking to and fro to work or school is not convenient for you, a stationary bike is a great option to keep yourself fit. Also, you can easily avoid heat, pollution, dust, rain, and all other outdoor factors that may prevent you from exercising.

StyleCraze Says

Do your cycling workout early in the morning for about 30-40 minutes to stay energized throughout the day.

These are the 12 reasons stationary biking is good for your health. Here are some tips to make your biking workout sessions more fun.

Tips To Have A Good Stationary Bike Workout

Tips to have a good stationary bike workout


Here are a few tips to make the most out of your cycling workout:

1. Saddle

Choose your saddle wisely. Your saddle or seat should be comfortable not to hurt your butt while working out.

2. Position

Get your seat fixed by a professional. If you are doing it yourself, keep in mind that your seat should be at such a height that your legs are only slightly bent while you are cycling. This way, you would not be putting excess pressure on your knee joints.

3. Handlebars

Most professionals recommend that you should buy an exercise bike with handlebars, and the handlebars should be adjusted to a height higher than your seat.

Using handlebars engages the upper body, which is not possible in mini exercise bikes that do not have handlebars. Also, the handlebars should be at a forearm’s distance from your body.

4. Resistance

Resistance is as much a part of your cycling workout as is speed. While speed provides cardio benefits, resistance is needed for strength training. If you do not use enough resistance, you are not working your muscles effectively. That means you will not burn as many calories. Use enough resistance to get better results.

5. Positioning Your Body

Do not lean forward or backward while cycling. Lean only a little and keep your core tight during cycling. When you lean forward too much, it interferes with your breathing and oxygen intake.

6. Have Variations

Make sure there is variety in your workout. Use varying speeds and resistances to enhance the results. You can also add 10 minutes of stationary biking to your regular workout routine.

7. Music

Use music to pep up your workout. Make a playlist. Choose songs according to their beats and use them to bring variation in your workout. You can pedal faster to fast-beat songs and use resistance for a slow-beat song.

If you have workout equipment at home and want to buy a stationary bike, here’s what you must keep in mind.

StyleCraze Says

Pair this cardio exercise with strength and resistance training, HIIT, and calisthenics to get the most out of your workouts.

How To Choose Your Stationary Exercise Bike

How to choose your stationary exercise bike


  • Your exercise bike should have a comfortable saddle that is adjustable to a good height.
  • Know the weight your bike can take before buying.
  • If you have back issues, get a bike with an attached backrest. On the other hand, if there are no back-related problems, do not get lured into buying a more expensive model just for the sake of an added accessory that you do not need.
  • The handlebars should be adjustable and movable, much like a cross-trainer.
  • Make sure your bike has an option for using resistance.
  • Ensure your bike has a display screen that can show you your speed, heart rate, and the number of calories burned. This helps while working out as you can record your progress.
  • There are options for exercise bikes that come with dumbbells or with a stepper and twister attached (like Bodygym’s 6000R model). There are also bikes that are modified as elliptical trainers and provide the benefits of the two. Choose whatever fancies you.
  • Check out the reviews before you make your purchase to find out if the bike is sturdy and safe and can take a little rough use.

Hope you now know how to make the best use of a stationary bike. Using it regularly can help improve your health. So, don’t wait up! Get your bike or a gym subscription and keep pedaling.

While cycling is a great cost-effective activity to keep yourself fit, it may not be always possible to go outdoors for the same. That’s when having an exercise cycle benefits you. It helps keep your fitness routine in track come rain or shine. With minimum space requirements and advanced features, an exercise bike helps you lose weight, while improving your cardiac health, joints, and muscles as well. It makes for a low impact exercise that can be done anytime. The right posture and duration is key in making the most of its benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is cycling better than the treadmill?

Yes, cycling is a better choice than the treadmill. It reduces the risk of injury and puts low stress on joints and bones.

Which is better – walking or using an exercise bike?

The exercise bike is a better option compared to walking. It burns more calories and improves the strength of the lower body.

Does cycling make your butt bigger?

No, cycling will not make the butt bigger. It helps shape and tone the butt.


  1. “Effects of stationary cycling exercise on the balance and gait abilities of chronic stroke patients” Journal of Physical Therapy Science, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, USA.
  2. “Cycling on a Bike Desk Positively Influences Cognitive Performance” PlosOne,  US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, USA.
  3. “Neuropsychological Benefits of Stationary Bike Exercise and a Cybercycle Exergame for Older Adults with Diabetes: An Exploratory Analysis” Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology,  US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, USA.
  4. “Effect of stationary cycle exercise on gait and…” Journal of Physical Therapy Science,  US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, USA.

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Charushila is an ISSA certified Fitness Nutritionist and a Physical Exercise Therapist. Over a span of 5 years, she has... more

Merlin Annie Raj is a Registered Dietitian based out of Hyderabad, India. She has vast experience in Clinical Nutrition as... more

Is riding a stationary bike for 30 minutes good exercise?

Depending on your health goals and the intensity of your workout, 30 minutes on a stationary bike can be enough to improve your fitness and lose weight. Adults should aim for a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week to reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases like cardiovascular disease.

How can we improve the components of physical fitness?

Examples include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, and biking. Strength, or resistance training, exercises make your muscles stronger. Some examples are lifting weights and using a resistance band. Balance exercises can make it easier to walk on uneven surfaces and help prevent falls.

What components of fitness is workout?

What Are the Components of Physical Fitness? A: The five components of physical fitness are cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition, according to Fit Day.

What component of fitness should you work on every time you exercise?

#1 - Cardiovascular Endurance This is what makes it one of the most important health-related components of fitness to work on, and so it should probably be a high priority if you haven't done much exercise in a while.