Elite serie wer ist pablo

Quem foi Pablo em Elite?

Alberto Vargas como Pablo Ruiz (convidado) – Ex-namorado misterioso de Marina, com o qual esta guarda um terrível segredo.

Quem infectou Marina Elite?

No entanto, Marina esconde do resto da classe que ela é portadora do vírus HIV. No passado, ela foi infectada por Pablo, um ex-namorado que era bolsista no colégio. Em um acesso de raiva, Guzmán e seus amigos agridem Pablo por ter passado o vírus para a jovem.

Quem matou Armando Elite?

Guzmán acabou indo atrás de Armando e o matando, se juntando então a Samuel e Rebeka para esconder o corpo. O trio decidiu não contar a Ari sobre o que aconteceu, dizendo apenas que ele havia fugido.

Porque Carla não está na 4 temporada de Elite?

Em entrevista ao programa espanhol El Hormiguero, Danna Paola revelou o motivo de ter saído da popular série da Netflix: sua carreira musical. “Foi algo difícil.

Porque Jorge López saiu de Elite?

Senti isso quando trabalhei com a Disney por quatro anos. Vou sentir saudades e a vida é assim: o projeto continua sem mim, mas isso era o que tinha que acontecer. Também prefiro, não gosto quando acontece do personagem esgotar os recursos.

Quem engravidou Marina Elite?

E acho que esse surto será maior ainda, quando ele descobrir que Nano engravidou Marina, e que eles planejam fugir juntos.

De quem Marina estava grávida Elite?

Recapitulemos os grandes acontecimentos de “Elite”. A primeira temporada terminou com a descoberta de que Marina tinha sido assassinada por Polo, e o crime foi encoberto pela sua namorada, Carla. Como Marina estava grávida de Nano, ele foi detido e acusado do homicídio.

Quais atores de Elite são LGBT?

Omar Ayuso, Manu Ríos e Arón Piper vivem trisal gay na série Além disso, forma um ‘trisal’ homossexual com os colegas Omar (Omar Ayuso) e Ander (Arón Piper), que já se relacionavam nas temporadas anteriores.

Como a Ari morre em Elite?

Foi revelado que, durante uma festa de Ano Novo, Ari foi atacada brutalmente, caiu na água e quase morreu.

Quem matou Ari em Elite?

Acidente de Ari Quando tudo é esclarecido, o público fica sabendo que Armando (Andrés Valencoso) a agrediu e foi o grande responsável por tê-la feito cair na água, o que a deixou inconsciente. Ainda que os esforços tenham sido difíceis para sua recuperação, a personagem conseguiu acordar posteriormente.

O que aconteceu com a Carla em Elite?

Ao final da terceira temporada, Carla se formou no Las Encinas e decidiu fazer faculdade em Londres, na Inglaterra, colocando um ponto-final na relação com Samuel. Mas ele não aceitou perder a amada tão fácil assim e foi atrás dela no aeroporto, momentos antes de seu embarque.

O que aconteceu com Carla de Elite?

Felizmente, ela se recupera e aparece apoiando a irmã no último capítulo. Sem confundir com a Carla Diaz brasileira, a Carla Díaz da Espanha está conquistando sucesso mundial com sua performance em Elite. Porém, nem sempre ela foi escolhida para ser a intérprete de Ari.

Quais atores saíram de Elite?

Elite” tem sofrido grandes perdas em seu elenco desde o final da 3ª temporada. Além dos dois citados, outros atores que deixaram a atração foram Danna Paola (Lucrecia), Mina El Hammani (Nadia), Ester Expósito (Carla), Jorge Lopez (Valério), Álvaro Rico (Polo), Itzán Escamilla (Samuel) e Omar Ayuso (Omar).

Porque Valerio sai de Elite?

Senti isso quando trabalhei com a Disney por quatro anos. Vou sentir saudades e a vida é assim: o projeto continua sem mim, mas isso era o que tinha que acontecer. Também prefiro, não gosto quando acontece do personagem esgotar os recursos.

Appears in

Pablo Ruiz is a character on the Netflix series Elite. He is a former student at Las Encinas, who infected Marina Nunier with HIV while she was underaged. He is portrayed by Alberto Vargas.

What happened to Pablo in Elite?

Character Introduction

Pablo was a scholarship student who, at 17, was formerly dating then 14-year-old Marina. However, between them being caught having sex, Marina contracting HIV from him, and Guzman beating the hell out of him, plus Guzman’s parents paying him to go away, he disappeared.

Who murdered Marina in Elite?

The biggest moment of season one came during the final episodes when it was revealed who Marina’s murderer was. During the reveal, it turned out Polo (Alvaro Rico) was behind the murder and that the crime was covered up by his long-time girlfriend Carla (Ester Exposito).

Who killed Pablo in Elite?

Lu follows Polo to the bathroom with the intention of killing him. Then, they reconcile. Lu goes to hug him, while still holding the champagne bottle. She accidentally stabs him, as one does.

Why is Carla called the Marchioness?

Her mother is a member of the Spanish nobility, a Grand of Spain as the current Marchionesses of the Marquesado de Caleruega and owns a vineyard with the same name, meaning that Carla is an aristocrat and the heiress of the Marquesado de Caleruega, the future marchioness.

Who was Marina pregnant with in Elite?

How does Marina die in elite? How did last season end? At the end of season 1, it was revealed that Marina was murdered by Polo, and the crime was covered up by his longtime girlfriend, Carla (Ester Expósito). Because Marina was pregnant with his child, Nano (Jaime Lorente) was accused of the murder and sent to jail.

How old is Nano in Elite?

Fernando García Domínguez, aka Nano, is Samu’s older brother. His age isn’t made clear, but he’s in his 20s. At the beginning of the show, Nano is recently out of prison and struggling to re-acclimate into society. He falls in love with Marina and is devastated by her death.

Who is Marina’s baby daddy?

“Show her you love her. Take action. Do something!” Polo decides to “take action” by taking back the watch Marina helped steal in a confusing robbery-turned-blackmailing scam with Nano, the father of her baby.

Does Polo go to jail Elite?

Despite this, she eventually came to resent Polo, and attempted to turn him in and confess her role in covering up the murder. She eventually confesses, and this lands Polo in custody, however he is released on bail and she retracts her statement in order to save her family wealth.

Does Guzman forgive Polo?

3 Felt Bad: Guzmán Says He Won’t Forgive Him

By the season 3 finale, Polo is defeated. He is ready to confess to his crimes and goes to the graduation party only to try to make amends with all of the people he has harmed. He advocates to get Lu and Nadia’s scholarship reinstated and intends to let them know.

Will season 4 of Elite have a new cast?

What’s more, in July 2020, four new cast members were added, including Manu Ríos, Carla Diaz, Martina Cariddi and Pol Granch. Manu, Carla and Martina are set to play the children of the new director of Las Encinas, who will be portrayed by Spanish actor Diego Martín.

Who pushed aria in Elite?

Who attacked Ari in Élite Season 4? The Élite Season 4 finale reveals that Armando (Andrés Velencoso) was the one who attacked Ari.

Does Nadia end up with Guzman?

Nadia, in turn, feels a deep responsibility to not let her family down. As the seasons go on, Guzmán and Nadia build a begrudging respect for each other, friendship, and finally romance.

Who pushed aria in the pool in Elite?

So while Armando did attack Ari, he wasn’t the one who pushed her into the pool. She simply fell in but since she was drunk and probably disorientated after he strangled her, Armando did in turn partly cause the incident.

Why is Cayetana a janitor?

Her mother is a maid and Cayetana often helps her mother do cleaning jobs around town. Her mother started to work at Las Encinas as a janitor, which enabled Cayetana to get a scholarship to attend the school.

Why did Nadia and Lu leave Elite?

It hasn’t been confirmed why El Hammani left the series, though the likely explanation is due to scheduling conflicts. The star is now in the series El Internado: Las Cumbres as Elvira.

Wer hat Marina geschwängert?

Fernando García Domínguez, genannt Nano (Jaime Lorente), ist Samuels älterer Bruder. Er war im Gefängnis, verliebt sich in Marina uns schwängert sie. Als Samuel davon erfährt und Nano den Tatort, das Schwimmbad mit Marinas Leiche, verlassen sieht, sagt er das der Polizei.

Wer ist der Mörder von Polo Elite?

Also noch einmal zurück zum Finale von Staffel 3: Nachdem der Mord an Polo (Álvaro Rico) aufgeklärt ist und sich die Schüler entschlossen haben, die „Täterin“ Lu (Danna Paola) weiter zu decken und sie mit einem falschen Alibi vor dem Gefängnis zu bewahren, folgt ein zweimonatiger Zeitsprung.

Warum ist Lou nicht mehr bei Elite?

Nadia und Lu sind am Ende der 3. Staffel für das Studium nach New York gezogen, während Carla sich ebenfalls für ein Studium im Ausland entschieden hat. So bleibt Valerio zurück.