Elex wer ist calaan

Ihr findet nicht alle Fotos um die Labortür zu öffnen in ELEX? Kein Problem, wir zeigen euch alle Foto Fundorte und den Zahlen Code, wenn ihr alles wie unten Beschrieben Durchführt erhaltet ihr folgende Trophäe bzw. Erfolg:

Calaan gefunden.

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Findet den Code – Findet Calaan

Um die Tür zum Untergrund Labor zu öffnen und Calaan zu finden benötigt ihr den passenden Tür Code. Um die Zahlenkombination zu erhalten müsst ihr insgesamt 9 Bilder mit Hinweisen finden, welche überall verstreut sind. Alle Bilder findet ihr unten im Video, genau beschrieben.

Die Bilder sind alle mit „Four Houses“ betitelt, wenn ihr alle gefunden habt müsst ihr zu Eva gehen. Sie wird euch mit dem Puzzle helfen und einen Punkt auf eurer Karte Markieren, dort müsst ihr dann einen Fahrstuhl Reparieren um zu der Tür zu kommen.

Wenn ihr dann endlich bei der Tür seid gebt den Zahlen Code ein, der gesuchte Code: 7817

Lauft dann nach hinten durch, bis zu der Plattform, Trophäe/Erfolg freigeschaltet!

Nevermind, I failed to see, that the whole bunker is the capsule. It should have been more hight-tech imo. This way it looks like all other industrial buildings.
Weeeell, yes and no? Magalan is an "alien" world. The bunker lab under the factory was the origination of the Calaan Project and was later moved to the site where the Ship stands now. The Calaan Project was also hastily created, ... so it probably used what was available at the time until it was decided to build an "Ark" type ship.

However, being an alien civilization, their technologic development is not quite the same as ours, ... yes, they have communication towers and radio astronomy, and their vehicles are very similar to ours (Humvees and Leopard Tanks), ... but there are subtle differences too, for instance, the style used for residential homes and industrial buildings, ... and their "atomic" or nuclear science was not as developed as ours.

So, maybe it should have looked more like the military base underneath The Fort? or the abandoned military site in Central Tavar? (I wouldn't count the Alb or Cleric tech as that was developed after the comet impact.)

As far as I cand understand, most of these homes are "isberg tips" -- they submereged into the ground. So, basicaly, we see top floors.

My point was, that those brick walls just looked like industrial design from early 80-s. Plus there was no life-support equipment or any equipment at all (two or three analogue terminals), just some storage units. I thought it was some aditional storage floor to the factory.

Anyways. I think this is due to budget limitations and not intentional. As many assets are re-used in places you wouldn't think to find them.

I was a bit dissapointed by Calaan itself (in terms of realisation) -- the rocket was almost the same in size, even smaller than Appolo missions. It couldn't carry more that a dozen passangers. I was hoping to see something like in Destiny 1 - those enormous spaceships.

Today I find difficult to express myself.

Elex wer ist calaan

Attention! This achievement also connected with “Question of Faith” quest which will be given you by Eva in the Hort.


  • First Photo
  • Second Photo
  • Third Photo
  • Fourth Photo
  • Fifth Photo
  • Sixth Photo
  • Seventh Photo
  • Eight Photo
  • Ninth Photo
  • End
  • Caalan Achievement (Quick Version)

First Photo

Elex wer ist calaan

Elex wer ist calaan

Elex wer ist calaan

Second Photo

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Elex wer ist calaan

Elex wer ist calaan

Third Photo

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Elex wer ist calaan

Elex wer ist calaan

Fourth Photo

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Elex wer ist calaan

Elex wer ist calaan

Fifth Photo

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Elex wer ist calaan

Elex wer ist calaan

Sixth Photo

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Seventh Photo

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Eight Photo

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Ninth Photo

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Elex wer ist calaan

Elex wer ist calaan


At the moment when you collect all nine notes – go to Eva in the Hort. She will help you with this puzzle and will make mark point on your map.

Elex wer ist calaan

Then you must travel to this point and find a elevator.

Elex wer ist calaan

Elex wer ist calaan

Then you just need come to the code panel. Password to this panel you can find from puzzle with notes.

Password: 7817

Now prepare to know all truth about Calaan.

Elex wer ist calaan

And also you will get a cool photo 🙂

Elex wer ist calaan

You will get achievement when you unlock all two code panels and walk around in this place.

Caalan Achievement (Quick Version)

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