Ant-man wer ist luis

Film 01.08.21 at 2:41 pm

Lead Photo: Photo courtesy of Walt Disney Studios.

Photo courtesy of Walt Disney Studios.

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Marvel continues to add to its growing list of cameos for its upcoming animated series What If…? The show, which is expected to hit Disney+ sometime in mid-2021, will explore different “what if” scenarios within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For example, what if the worlds of Black Panther and Guardians of the Galaxy somehow collided?

So far, some of the confirmed actors who will lend their voices to the series include Josh Brolin as Thanos, Natalie Portman as Jane Foster, Jeff Goldblum as Grandmaster, Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner and The Hulk, and the late Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther, among many others.

While the roster is filling up, there is one Marvel character that has been overlooked: Luis (Michael Peña) from the 2015 superhero movie Ant-Man and the 2018 sequel, Ant-Man and the Wasp. If anyone is deserving of a cameo in What If…? it’s Luis, and we’re hoping he’s added to the series before its premiere.

For those who aren’t familiar with Peña’s fan-favorite character, he’s the best friend and former cellmate of Scott Lang (Paul Rudd). Scott takes on the role of the superhero Ant-Man when he puts on the Ant-Man suit that gives him the ability to shrink to the size of an insect.

Luis is a former criminal (he was sent to San Quentin for stealing a pair of Smoothie machines), but he is also a businessman and entrepreneur. He started the company X-Con Security Consultants with Scott and their ex-con friends Kurt (David Dastmalchian) and Dave (T.I.) because no one would hire them with their criminal records.

In the original movie, it’s Luis who tells Scott about a plan he’s devised that could land them millions of dollars. He hears from his cousin Ernesto about a CEO who has a “big ass safe just sittin’ in the basement just chillin’.” Apparently, Ernesto tells Luis this information because he knows Luis has “mad thieving skills.”

Unfortunately, the heist doesn’t go as planned. Instead of money, Scott finds the Ant-Man suit while breaking into the safe. Since the series What If…? puts Marvel characters into scenes they’ve never experienced before, Luis should get the opportunity to be Ant-Man for an episode.

Besides, why is Scott the only one that gets to play superhero? When Scott finds the suit in the first movie, he doesn’t tell his best friend Luis what he found. He tells the entire team that the mission was “a bust.” What if Scott told Luis about the suit and Luis was the first one to try it on? It was a cool-looking motorcycle jacket, after all. Luis would’ve had to take off his baseball cap to put the helmet on, but he could’ve pulled the look off easily.

In the sequel, Luis even tells Hope van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly), a.k.a. the Wasp, that he wished he had a suit like hers – even with “minimal powers.”

“Or maybe just a suit with no powers,” Luis says.

Instead, all Luis gets to do is dress up like a fake security guard for another heist later in the movie. During the series, he does get to coldcock a couple of guys and even gets to shrink for a few seconds during a car chase, but imagine the possibilities if he had a chance to get inside the Ant-Man suit and test his full superhero powers. Let’s be honest. El Homiguero would lead the Avengers into the new phase of the Marvel franchise like a boss.

michael peña



  • Luis : So anyway, this guy gets out of jail and starts working for Hank. And that's when he met Hope. And Hope's all like, "I want nothing to do with you. Look at my hairdo. I'm all business." And then Scotty's like, "You know what, girl? My heart's all broken, and I'll probably never find love again. But damn, if I want to kiss you!" But then you fast-forward and they're all like into each other, right? And then Scotty's like, "You know what, I can't tell you this, but I'm gonna go trashing the airport with Captain America!" Then she said, "I can't believe you split like that! Smell you later, dummy!" So Scotty goes on house arrest, and he won't admit it, but his heart's all like, "Damn! I thought Hope could've been my new true partner. But I blew it!" But fate brought them back together, and then Hope's heart is all, "I'm worried that I can't trust him. And he's gonna screw up again and ruin everything." And in my heart, it's all like, "That fancy raspberry filling represents the company's rent. And we're days away from going out of business! Oooh!"

    Kurt : Out of business?

    Dave : Days away?

    Luis : Damn truth serum!

  • Sonny Burch : Okay, hold on, hold on. I like a good story as much as the next person, but what in the hell does this have to do with where Scott Lang is?

    Luis : I'm getting there. I'm getting there.

    Dave : You put a dime in him, and you gotta let the whole song play out.

    Kurt : He like human jukebox.

    Luis : Oh, my abuelita had a jukebox in the restaurant! Yeah, only played Morrissey. And if anybody ever complained, she'd be like "Oh, ¿no te gusta Moz". You know, Chicanos we call him "Moz". "Then, ¡adiós!". What can I say? You know, we relate to this melancholy ballads. You know?

  • Luis : Wazzuuuuup?

  • Luis : Tell me you got the van washed for tomorrow morning.

    Dave : Down to the undercarriage, baby.

    Luis : You sprung for the undercarriage wash?

    Dave : Well, you said get the works.

    Luis : That's a scam, Bro. We live in California, not Minnesota!

    Sonny Burch : He's right. The undercarriage wash. That's for cleaning off road salt. Laid out in all those snow-laden sister states.

    Luis : Who are you and why do you know so much about car wash protocol?

  • Luis : You know what? You're right. This isn't truth serum. 'Cause I don't feel anything. That was a lie. I did feel something. This is truth serum!

  • Sonny Burch : Where... is Scott Lang?

    Luis : Well, see, that's complicated. 'Cause when I first met Scotty, he was in a bad place. And I'm not talking about cell block D. His wife had just filed for divorce. And I was like, "Damn, homie, she dumped you while you were in lock-up?" And he's like, "Yeah, I know. I thought I was gonna be with her forever, but now, I'm all alone!" And I was like, "Damn, homie, you gotta chin up. 'Cause you'll find a new partner. But you know what? I'm Luis." And he says, "You know what? I'm Scotty. And we're gonna be best friends."

  • Luis : I mean, we gotta land this bird.

    Scott Lang : He ain't goin' anywhere. And the expression is "land this fish."

    Luis : No, it's "land the bird." Just like you land the plane. You gotta land the plane to be in business.

    Scott Lang : I know it's silly to get hung up on these kinds of things, but I do.

    Luis : How am I gonna land a fish? It can't walk. And if it swam up on shore, and it battled a hawk, who's gonna win?

    Scott Lang : You've really turned me around on this thing.

  • Luis : By the way, I love that suit!

    Hope van Dyne : Thanks, man.

    Luis : I wish I had a suit. I would even like a suit with like minimal powers, you know? Or maybe, even just a suit. With no powers.

  • Sonny Burch : I'm gonna ask you one more time. Where is Scott Lang?

    Luis : I've been trying to tell you, he's in a tricky spot, emotionally speaking.

    Sonny Burch : Emotionally speaking. Well, where is Scott Lang *LITERALLY SPEAKING*!

    Luis : Oh! The woods.

    Ava : [phasing in, startling everybody]  The woods?

    Kurt : Baba Yaga!

  • Scott Lang : You have to take me home. They could show up any second!

    Hope van Dyne : Relax. As far as your nanny cops know, you're still at home.

    [he sees he's free of his ankle monitor] 

    Luis : [at Scott's house, he startled to see a giant ant on the couch]  Whoa! Scotty?

    Hope van Dyne : He's programmed to replicate your daily routine. Nine hours in bed. Five hours in front of the TV. Two hours in the bathroom, whatever that's about.

    Scott Lang : That's totally inaccurate. And how do you know about my daily routine? Are you spying on me?

    Hope van Dyne : We keep tabs on all security threats, all right? And so far, the biggest one we've had is you.

  • Luis : Wow, Dr. Pym. Like, who would've thought that, once again, in your hour of need, that you would turn to us? You know?

    Dr. Hank Pym : Not me.

  • Luis : Whassup? You don't remember, uh that beloved commercial? Whassup?

  • Luis : The undercarriage is filthy!

  • Luis : Oh, you got Pezed!

  • Luis : Oh, you know what? I heard stories, like what happened to you. Like this crazy, creepy cat who like, walks through walls and stuff. Like a... Like a Ghost!

    Kurt : Like Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga. The witch. They tell stories to children to frighten them. You know Baba Yaga?

Wie heißt die Tochter von Ant

Cassandra "Cassie" Lang ist die Tocher von Scott und Maggie Lang. Aufgrund einer Scheidung ihrer Eltern und der Inhaftierung ihres Vaters Scott, wohnt Cassie bei ihrer Mutter und deren Freund Jim Paxton.

Wer ist die Frau von Ant

Ant-Man. Janet van Dyne war gemeinsam mit ihrem Ehemann Dr. Hank Pym ein Superhelden-Duo. Sie war Wasp, während er die Rolle des Ant-Man innehatte.

Warum hat Ant

Ant-Man steht unter Hausarrest, nachdem er sich in "Captain America: Civil War" auf die Seite von Captain America geschlagen hatte. Seine Kollegen Hank Pym und Hope van Dyne sind auf der Flucht und würde er versuchen, sie zu kontaktieren, würde seine Bewährung widerrufen und er müsste ins Gefängnis.

Wird es einen 3 Teil von Ant

"Ant-Man 3" wird MCU "nachhaltig verändern" In einem Interview mit "Access" verriet "Ant-Man 3"-Regisseur Peyton Reed, was uns bei dem Superhelden-Film erwarten wird.


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