All of the following have contributed to retirement trends in the u.s. except

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    What factors may influence one to take an early retirement quizlet?

    What factors may influence one to take an early retirement? Being older, along with other factors including being a racial / ethnic minority, impoverished and medically underserved can increase your risk of major chronic conditions.

    Which of the following is the best first step to prepare for retirement quizlet?

    The first step in retirement planning is to analyze your current assets and liabilities. You can depend on Social Security and your company pension to pay for your basic living expenses.

    Which of the following is a major source of income for most older adults?

    Social Security is the major source of income for most of the elderly. Social Security provides more than just retirement benefits.

    Which statement is correct regarding older Americans in the 1900s quizlet?

    Which statement is correct regarding older Americans in the 1900s? They were poor or near poor. Which of the following categories of elderly are LEAST likely to be in poverty?