Write a method named square that accepts an integer argument and returns the square of that argument

Assume that x is a variable that has been declared as a double and been given a value .

Write an expression to compute the quartic root of x. The quartic root of a number is the square root of its square root.

EXAMPLES: For example, the quartic root of 16.0 is 2.0 because: the square root of 16.0 is 4.0 and the square root of 4.0 is 2.0. Another example: the quartic root of 81.0 is 3.0 because the square root of 81.0 is 9.0 and the square root of 9.0 is 3.0. Thus, to find the quartic root of a number you take the square root of the number and then take the square root of that.

In this exercise you must find the quartic root of x in a single expression -- you must not write any statements . Also, you may only use the sqrt() static method defined in the Math class -- no other methods .

(HINT: you will need to call the Math.sqrt() method twice-- and you will need to pass the return value of one of those calls as argument to the other call. AND REMEMBER: write an expression , not a statement .)

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Terms in this set (14)

Find the error in the following method definition:

// This method has an error!
public static void sayHello();

The header should NOT be terminated with a semicolon.

Look at the following method header:

public static void showValue(int x)

The following code has a call to the showValue method. Find the error.

int x = 8; showValue(int x); // Error!

The int data type should not be listed in the method call.

The statement should read: showValue(x);

Find the error in the following method definition:

// This method has an error!
public static double timesTwo(double num)
double result = num * 2;

The method should have a return statement that returns a double value.

Find the error in the following method definition:

// This method has an error!
public static int half(double num)
double result = num / 2.0; return result;

The method's return type should be double instead of int.

Examine the following method header, and then write an example call to the method:

public static void doSomething(int x)


Here is the code for the displayValue method, shown earlier in this chapter:

For each of the following code segments, indicate whether it will successfully compile or cause an error:

a.) displayValue(100);
b. ) displayValue(6.0);
c.) short s = 5;
d.) displayValue(s);
e.) long num = 1;
f. ) displayValue(num);
h.) displayValue(6.2f);
i.) displayValue((int) 7.5);

a.) This statement will compile successfully.
b.) This statement will cause an error because 6.5 cannot be automatically converted to an int.
c.) This statement will compile successfully.
d.) This statement will cause an error because a long cannot be automatically converted to an int.
e.) This statement will cause an error because the float value 6.2 cannot be automatically converted to an int.
f.) This statement will compile successfully.

Look at the following method header:

public static void myMethod(int a, int b, int c)

Now look at the following call to myMethod:

myMethod(3, 2, 1);

When this call executes, what value will be stored in a? What value will be stored in b? What value will be stored in c?

The value 3 will be stored in a, 2 will be stored in b, and 1 will be stored in c.

What will the following program display?

public class ChangeParam
public static void main(String[] args)
int x = 1; double y = 3.4;
System.out.println(x + " " + y); changeUs(x, y);
System.out.println(x + " " + y);
public static void changeUs(int a, double b)
a = 0;
b = 0.0;
System.out.println(a + " " + b);

1 3.4
0 0.0
1 3.4

A program contains the following method definition:

public static int cube(int num)
return num num num;

Write a statement that passes the value 4 to this method and assigns its return value to a variable named result.

result = cube(4);

A program contains the following method:

public static void display(int arg1, double arg2, char arg3)
System.out.println("The values are " + arg1 + ", " + arg2 + ", and " + arg3); }

Write a statement that calls this method and passes the following variables as arguments:

char initial = 'T';
int age = 25;
double income = 50000.00;

display(age, income, initial);

Write a method named timesTen. The method should accept a double argument, and return a double value that is ten times the value of the argument.

public static double timesTen(double num)
return num * 10.0;

Write a method named square that accepts an integer argument and returns the square of that argument.

public static int square(int num)
return num * num;

Write a method named getName that prompts the user to enter his or her first name, and then returns the user's input.

// Assume java,util.Scanner has been imported.
public static String getName()
String name; Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter your first name: ");
name = keyboard.nextLine();
return name;

Write a method named quartersToDollars. The method should accept an int argument that is a number of quarters, and return the equivalent number of dollars as a double. For example, if you pass 4 as an argument, the method should return 1.0; and if you pass 7 as an argument, the method should return 1.75.

public static double quartersToDollars(int quarters)
double dollars = quarters * 0.25; return dollars;

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Suppose, n is a number that we want to check..
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