Why did Massachusetts have its charter revoked by Charles the Second quizlet?

"The country of New York is very pleasant in summer, but in the winter very cold, as all the Northern Plantations are. Their chief commodities are provisions, bread, lumber, and fish in abundance; all which are very good, and some skins and furs are exported. The city is governed by a mayor (as in England), is seated on an island, and lies very convenient for trade and defense, having a regular fort."
—John Lawson, 1709

According to the passage, how did geography influence economic trade in New York?

Soon after arriving at Jamestown, the colonists were attacked by the Algonquian natives. Within a month, the colonists built a triangular-shaped, wooden wall to defend their small settlement, which consisted of a storehouse, church, and several houses. Disease, famine, and the on-going attacks from local tribes strained the new colony. Its only hope came from the colony's trade with the Powhatan natives. The Powhatans gave the colonists food in exchange for iron and copper tools. In time, the colonists abandoned their fort and moved the settlement further inland.

Other than attacks by the Algonquian, what contributed most to the high mortality rates among Jamestown colonists?

In colonial North America, slavery practices often varied due to an area's climate and geography. Because the South had a long growing season, farmers could make large profits by harvesting multiple times a year. By the mid-1700s, the Southern colonies had become very dependent on slavery. Southern landowners purchased more and more slaves to increase production in their tobacco, rice, cotton, sugar, and indigo fields. In the Northern colonies, there was a lower need for slaves; however, Northern businessmen still made large profits by investing in slave trade. Slaves that lived in the North often worked as household servants, skilled laborers, or as field hands on small farms.

How were geography and slavery related?

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Why did Massachusetts have its charter revoked by Charles the Second quizlet?

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Why did Massachusetts have its charter revoked by Charles the Second quizlet?

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Why did Massachusetts have its charter revoked by Charles the Second quizlet?

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Why did Massachusetts have its charter revoked by Charles the Second quizlet?

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Why did Massachusetts have its charter revoked by Charles the Second quizlet?

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Why did Massachusetts have its charter revoked by Charles the Second quizlet?

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Why did Massachusetts have its charter revoked by Charles the Second quizlet?

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Why did Massachusetts have its charter revoked by Charles the Second quizlet?

Western Heritage Since 1300, AP Edition

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Recommended textbook solutions

Why did Massachusetts have its charter revoked by Charles the Second quizlet?

U.S. History

1st EditionJohn Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen

567 solutions

Why did Massachusetts have its charter revoked by Charles the Second quizlet?

America's History for the AP Course

9th EditionEric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self

961 solutions

Why did Massachusetts have its charter revoked by Charles the Second quizlet?

America's History for the AP Course

8th EditionEric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self

470 solutions

Why did Massachusetts have its charter revoked by Charles the Second quizlet?

America's History for the AP Course

8th EditionEric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self

470 solutions

Why did Massachusetts have its charter revoked?

Dispute over the rights and privileges granted under the Charter of 1630 led to its revocation in 1684, leaving Massachusetts without any of its former land rights or the right to govern independently.

What was unusual about the charter of the Massachusetts Bay Company?

What was unusual about the charter granted by Massachusetts Bay Company? What did this mean to Puritans? It was unusual that the charter failed to mention that the headquarters had to be in England, so that gave the Puritans an opportunity to have religious freedom, and establish a virtually self-governing colony.

Why did England take action against Massachusetts quizlet?

Why did England take action against Massachusetts? The Parliament passed the Navigation Act and the colonist of Massachusetts did not like it. They continued to smuggle and the King thought they were resisting authority.

How was the charter granted to the Massachusetts Bay Company different from most charters granted to joint stock companies?

How was the charter granted to the Massachusetts Bay Company different from most charters granted to joint-stock companies? The charter allowed the Company's government to be located in the colony.